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TOPIC: Transmute Token Ideas

Transmute Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #205

Arcanist Kolixela wrote:

Ian Lee wrote:

Dougout wrote: A Legendary Transmute Chain of Dex Belts to compete with the Strength Belts.

I'd much rather:
UR = +2/+2 to hit/dmg with missile attacks (or ranged)
Relic = +3/+3
Legendary = +4/+4

Assuming I wanted anything that made builds more powerful. It's not the same and it addresses the combined problem that leads to non-melee trailing melee in numerical puissance.

I would support this chain if it's +2/+2 to Ranged damage so it's usable by spellcasters and Ranged classes.

Better to print a +2/+2 than a +Dex that's boosting hit, damage, AC and Reflex at the same time.

I agree I like the +2/+2 to +4/+4 better. If compared to Bracers Of Supreme Archery though (as an example of similar strength and ability UR), the damage bonus might only be relevant to physical ranged attacks.

If current transmute chains are any example to follow, we could go from Bracers UR to Belt Relic to Belt Legendary. This gives us another reason to keep printing BOSA at least once more. Perhaps 2 damage bonus could be added for Spells at Relic and 4 Damage for spells at Legendary to give them perks.

UR (Reprint): Bracers of Supreme Archery: +2 to Hit Ranged (incl. Spells), +2 dmg Physical Missiles only
Relic Belt: Obi of Arcane Archery: +3 to Hit Ranged (incl. Spells), +3 dmg Physical Missiles, +2 Heal/dmg Spells
Legendary Belt: Dougout's Obi of Arcane Archery: +4 to Hit/dmg Ranged (incl. Spells), +4 heal Spells

I think the Relic/Legendary should also have + AC Bonus, but I don't know if that would be OP...Maybe +1 and +2 AC respectively. Healing was a last minute add in because I like to simplify my builds... perhaps there should be a physical only "Supreme Archery" chain (that could have my name on it, or not... lol) in a few years once it makes sense to reprint BoSA again, and in the mean time... There could be made a similar chain to above that focuses on spells only called "Arcane Prowess". I admit, I was mainly trying to focus on physical ranged at the onset of this idea, but the addition of Spells was a bonus because of simplifying builds quicker, but may not make sense with the relatively recent reprint of BoSA. and also trying to avoid making a god token by mistake.

Note to Jeff: If we ever get to the point of making Epic Tokens above Legendary... omg we will need some form of alternate recipes for old Legendary and maybe even other avenues of obtaining old Legendary/Relics/UR/R Ingredients if they all will be subject to the possibility of becoming Transmute Fodder. (keep 'em coming in the Treasure Packs/Boxes, but maybe some mini-games, random distributions in standard packs, or surprise completion tokens in the future.)
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Last edit: by Dougout.

Transmute Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #206

Matthew Hayward wrote: I'm curious if you are thinking Rangers would slide 2 shurikens in ranged combat, or if they would slide 1?

I hadn’t thought on it, two would mean their sharpshooter ability would double up right? Raslan’s would double up also which would make shuriken the best answer for rangers. I think one ranged weapon is the answer though I don’t have the spreadsheets to say if it would put ranged ranger above melee ranger or not (likely) or if ranged ranger would become the most powerful hitter or not. Considering monks got +7 from their legendary and just melee weapon the world I’m sure it would be fine and just move ranged rangers above ranged monks for dps, and likely below melee still. So long as wielding two doesn’t count as two handed weapon for archers buckler it is probably fine though if it would require weakening the shuriken I’d prefer rangers only using one.
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Transmute Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #207

macxdmg wrote: So long as wielding two doesn’t count as two handed weapon for archers buckler it is probably fine though if it would require weakening the shuriken I’d prefer rangers only using one.

It would count as wielding two One-Handed Ranged Weapons as a Ranger which is not currently possible in TD as dual-wielding is a melee only ability. I had a similar question once about dual-wielding Hand Crossbows. Only Monks can throw two shuriken at a time with Flurry of Blows as far as I understand the rules.

Also Archer's Bucklers can be equipped in the Offhand Ranged slot only if a Two-Handed Ranged Weapon is equipped.
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Last edit: by Dougout.

Transmute Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #208

macxdmg wrote:

Arcanist Kolixela wrote: Rangers have never had access to shuriken in lore or in TD. I'd be hardpressed to accept adding them to a transmuted Shuriken. Some other ranged weapon sure, but Shuriken are not Ranger weapons.

As I said, I think of rangers as The ranged class, at least in the form of martial ranged. If you’d like to suggest upgrades I’d appreciate such contributions. If you’d be hard pressed about my ideas because you ignore the part where I said I think they should be different than they have been in the past then make a case, change my mind that Rangers are THE ranged class and then I might agree that they shouldn’t be on shuriken, including this one.

Otherwise, Jeff is who I wrote that for, and maybe Fiddy and those like him. Good luck in your token development and ideas.

Shuriken are not a weapon Rangers traditionally use.

There are multiple rules related to Shuriken that currently exist in game and are balanced around the fact that only Monks currently throw two shuriken.

Rangers have access to many Bow and Crossbow type ranged weapons, shuriken weapons have never traditionally been allowed to Rangers.

Creating a Shuriken that is strong for Rangers as a Ranged weapon may create something too strong for Monks to be able to use via flurry of blows.

There's no good reason to create an exception to allow Rangers access to shuriken at this point in the game.

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Transmute Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #209

Ring of Healing (UR)
+3 to Healing

Greater Ring of Healing (Relic)
+5 to Healing

Healer's Ring of Supreme Healing (Legendary)
+7 to Healing

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Transmute Token Ideas 3 years 9 months ago #210

Gloves of Peace (UR)
+3 Healing -1 Melee/Range Damage

Gloves of Mercy (Relic)
+6 Healing -2 Melee/Range Damage

Loving Glove of the Pacifist's Fist (Legendary)
+9 Healing -3 Melee/Range Damage

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Last edit: by Caleb M Davis.

Transmute Token Ideas 3 years 9 months ago #211

I already know that Nightshade has declined accepting Legendary item naming in the past, but I want to suggest something I think will be great sometime in the future if they accept this idea.

UR: +2 Assassin's Kunai: 1H Melee/Missile (3-4-5-5-6-6) Rogue Deals x3 Damage on Crit, No Returning if Thrown. All Except Cleric.

Relic: +3 Assassin's Tethered Kunai: 2H Melee/Missile (4-5-6-6-7-7/10) Rogue Deals x3 Damage on Crit, All Except Cleric, +3 Unmodifiable Tearing Damage (from pulling it out by the rope) and When Dagger on wheel: Rogue gets +3 Base Damage on SA, Returning if Thrown.
Can use either +2A'sK or N's+2TD in Recipe(s)

Legendary: Nightshade's +5 Assassin's Kunai: 2H Melee/Missile (6-6-8-8-9/15-9/15) Rogue Deals x3 Damage on Crit, All Except Cleric, +6 Unmodifiable Tearing Damage (from pulling it out by the barbed chain) and When Daggers on wheel: Rogue gets +6 Base Damage on SA, Returning if Thrown, Ranged SA Allowed

Tearing would be functionally the same as Piercing. That effect could be reduced or removed entirely for simplicity, and because there will be plenty of damage modifiers to go around soon. Also, don't want it too OP. Thematically, I just thought it'd be cool to include... for ideas.
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Last edit: by Dougout.

Transmute Token Ideas 3 years 9 months ago #212

Caleb M Davis wrote: Gloves of Peace (UR)
+3 Healing -1 Melee/Range Damage

Gloves of Mercy (Relic)
+6 Healing -2 Melee/Range Damage

Loving Glove of the Pacifist's Fist (Legendary)
+9 Healing -3 Melee/Range Damage

I can't see Relics or Legendaries with Negative attributes being received well no matter what. Maybe if it were Melee / Missile and didn't affect spell damage at all. Either way... nope. Bards, Clerics, and Druids at those levels should still be able to contribute to combat even if all spells are exhausted, and this prohibits that greatly.
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Picks up Cog: "I'm Immune to Cow Attacks??!" Jeff: "Trust me, You'll want to hold on to that"
Dougout's Trade Thread
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