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TOPIC: Ultra Rare Token Ideas

Ultra Rare Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #13

SnakeEyes (Eric) wrote:

smakdown wrote:

Arnold wrote: A Spellbook.
A +2 Ring of Focus
An Elven weapon to match last year's Axe of the Dwarvish King.
There were 0 URs in the Waist, Wrist, Figurine, and Ear slot in 2021. 2022 might want to have those slots covered.

A tribute token for Harlax.

Harlax Charm - auto-pass 1 saving throw a game.

I third an UR tribute to Harlax. But he was a Two-handed Fighter and struggled with the fact that the new Fighter Legendary token would work better for him if he gave-up his two handed weapon in favor of a shield.

It would be fitting if his tribute token was somehow related to that fact. Perhaps, an item that would compensate for the missing reflex bonus he would have gotten if he switched to a one-handed weapon and shield.

Harlax's Charm of Noble Sacrifice: +5 Reflex Saves (Barbarian, Cleric, Fighters & Paladin)

Perhaps a 2H weapon that also counts as a shield?

Harlax’s +2 defender great sword
D10+2 damage
+3 AC
In hands of a fighter counts as a +3 AC shield in the melee off hand

Is that good enough that fighters would want it?

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Ultra Rare Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #14

Robes - slid spells get the bonus of the weapon in the puck.

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Ultra Rare Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #15

smakdown wrote:

Arnold wrote: A Spellbook.
A +2 Ring of Focus
An Elven weapon to match last year's Axe of the Dwarvish King.
There were 0 URs in the Waist, Wrist, Figurine, and Ear slot in 2021. 2022 might want to have those slots covered.

A tribute token for Harlax.

Harlax Charm - auto-pass 1 saving throw a game.

I think most veteran players agree a honorary token for John is in order. I'm not sure the saving throw fits, though.

He was always lending a helping hand and helping new players learn about the game. Maybe a handed item or something that grants 5th level?
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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Ultra Rare Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #16

dave romanin wrote: to commemorate 2020.

Figurine of Power: Golem

Golem absorbs damage from interacting with object. 1 / game

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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Ultra Rare Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #17

Scepter of Domination - 1h Melee
Damage: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Usable by: All

As an instant action, make a will test vs. 10+monster Save Bonus: If you pass add your psychic tier to melee and spell damage for rest of room, if you fail you are stunned for one round. (1/combat)

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Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.

Ultra Rare Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #18

Ian Lee wrote:
Ring of Guided Strike

Same text as Bracers of Guided Strike. This effect is too slot restricted.

+1 to this, I was going to suggest something very similar. At the moment Rogues basically don't have a wrist slot due to the overwhelming need to equip this, so it'd be nice to have a choice of which slot to give up for it. It will also help newer players who only need to find either one of the two URs with this effect instead of having to find the the increasingly rare bracers.

Also, hear me out on this one...

It might be worth considering a slot expander for the Feet slot. I know that adding new slot expanders isn't necessarily something which should happen often, but currently Boots of the Four Winds is one of the best tokens in existence, meaning that any new tokens for the Feet slot are generally overlooked by those who own the Boots. If another singular slot such as head, eyes or back were used for a token which grants an additional Feet slot it may provide a bit more build diversity and spark more interest in new tokens for the Feet slot.

Also, are there any plans for Greaves to be available outside Treasure pulls? If so, a set of greaves which provides -2 to Melee damage may be interesting.

I'd also like to see some kind of offhand item equippable by all classes. If you are playing a class which cannot equip a shield (in my case a Rogue) there aren't many tokens for the offhand slot, and none of them are widely available so it'd be good to have another option in a new token set.
I play Rogue. Occasionally I even play Rogue well.

Current Rogue Build

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Ultra Rare Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #19

Iross wrote:

Ian Lee wrote:
Ring of Guided Strike

Same text as Bracers of Guided Strike. This effect is too slot restricted.

+1 to this, I was going to suggest something very similar. At the moment Rogues basically don't have a wrist slot due to the overwhelming need to equip this, so it'd be nice to have a choice of which slot to give up for it. It will also help newer players who only need to find either one of the two URs with this effect instead of having to find the the increasingly rare bracers.

Also, hear me out on this one...

It might be worth considering a slot expander for the Feet slot. I know that adding new slot expanders isn't necessarily something which should happen often, but currently Boots of the Four Winds is one of the best tokens in existence, meaning that any new tokens for the Feet slot are generally overlooked by those who own the Boots. If another singular slot such as head, eyes or back were used for a token which grants an additional Feet slot it may provide a bit more build diversity and spark more interest in new tokens for the Feet slot.

Also, are there any plans for Greaves to be available outside Treasure pulls? If so, a set of greaves which provides -2 to Melee damage may be interesting.

I'd also like to see some kind of offhand item equippable by all classes. If you are playing a class which cannot equip a shield (in my case a Rogue) there aren't many tokens for the offhand slot, and none of them are widely available so it'd be good to have another option in a new token set.

Moving guided strike will invariably lead to less build diversity. Basically everyone that wants to guarantee a crit will use the ring and then drop the bracers in exchange for a slot expander.

A ring that grants no sneak attack delay and / or can always sneak attack would be better. It leaves the choice in place for crits but moves the rest to ring. Perhaps:

Sneaky ring:
+2 melee hit. Rogues may always sneak attack, regardless of monster ability.

For the offhand, I suggested a rare parrying blade - that seems in theme with Rogue too.

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Ultra Rare Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #20

Iross wrote: Also, hear me out on this one...


Iross wrote: It might be worth considering a slot expander for the Feet slot. I know that adding new slot expanders isn't necessarily something which should happen often, but currently Boots of the Four Winds is one of the best tokens in existence, meaning that any new tokens for the Feet slot are generally overlooked by those who own the Boots. If another singular slot such as head, eyes or back were used for a token which grants an additional Feet slot it may provide a bit more build diversity and spark more interest in new tokens for the Feet slot.

Alternatively, maybe some Relic non-Eldritch Boots should be made? Or maybe some UR Boots that are interesting in a different way? Boots of Expertise for example (as Crown of Expertise effect). Maybe a spellcaster would care more about getting an extra spell off instead of the damage boost? Or Barbarians an extra Rage?

If your goal is build diversity, slot expanders seem to be almost the anti-answer.

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Ultra Rare Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #21

Endgame wrote:
Sneaky ring:
+2 melee hit. Rogues may always sneak attack, regardless of monster ability.

For the offhand, I suggested a rare parrying blade - that seems in theme with Rogue too.

I think that either of these is a good idea, since any Rogue player without a fairly invested build is going to struggle a lot to hit with melee Sneak Attacks due to the low base STR for Rogues.

Fiddy wrote:
Alternatively, maybe some Relic non-Eldritch Boots should be made? Or maybe some UR Boots that are interesting in a different way? Boots of Expertise for example (as Crown of Expertise effect). Maybe a spellcaster would care more about getting an extra spell off instead of the damage boost? Or Barbarians an extra Rage?

If your goal is build diversity, slot expanders seem to be almost the anti-answer.

You do have a good point, although my post was prompted by last year when (IIRC) Lucky Boots and Boots of the Sweetwood were both proposed and heavily objected to since they used the Feet slot so wouldn't get played due to Boots of the Four Winds existing...
I play Rogue. Occasionally I even play Rogue well.

Current Rogue Build

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Ultra Rare Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #22

of the ghosts, I tend to keep feet for the Bo4W concern above. I also think a fun UR would be the ability to use two ghosts...some kind of focus item that allows for two ghosts to be used.

I also like the ghostbusters "trap box"...to keep the ghost (not consumed).

Ranger for Epic

Updated 5/22/2023

Am on Discord as AureliusBP if you want realtime chat.
ebay seller ID jcampbell04

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Ultra Rare Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #23

Gloves of the Improved Cabal: 1 extra target with all scrolls and wands. Bonus to wand/scroll damage based on number of Gloves of the Improved Cabal in the party:
1-2: +2
3-4: +4
5+: +6

Usable by all who can use wands or scrolls

Charm of the Improved Cabal: Target DR against Spells/Scrolls/Wands is reduced based on number of Charm of the Improved Cabal in the party:
1-2: -5
3-4: -10
5+: -15

Usable by all who can use wands or scrolls or cast spells

Bracelets of the Improved Cabal: Bonus to spell healing/damage based on number of Bracelets of the Improved Cabal in the party:
1-2: +2
3-4: +4
5+: +6

Usable by all casters of spells

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Last edit: by Fiddy.

Ultra Rare Token Ideas 3 years 10 months ago #24

Lucky Pirate Coin

Better to be lucky than good.

Instead of rolling for initiative, flip this token. If it comes up heads you win initiative. If it comes up tails, you lose initiative.

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Last edit: by Leitz.
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