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TOPIC: FINAL 2021 Ultra Rare Token Images!

FINAL 2021 Ultra Rare Token Images! 4 years 5 months ago #13

Fiddy wrote: I'm sad that I can no longer use Psyferre's Spectacles to thwart Dave's attempts at dying no matter what class I happen to play. :(

And the reduced MEC damage is done. Guess we're back to where we started, except I'll be starting with lower hp due to slots lost from the legendary. :)
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FINAL 2021 Ultra Rare Token Images! 4 years 5 months ago #14

Endgame wrote: Can cleric get some love this year?

Please don't say that; we are totally getting a lot of love this year!

Ring of quick blessing
Please change to non damage spells, add bard

Ring of expertise
Please add druid and cleric and change to non healing spells.

I'm happy with the current draft, but I also really like Endgame's proposal.

Theme: "Quick Blessing" = beneficial effects only. Only loss for Cleric is we can't FA Spiritual Hammer anymore, and with only 1 checkbox anyway I don't think that will cramp anybody's style. The Doctor (and Bard) can use it within theme, and it resolves a good point made by Arcanist above (if it's okay for Quick Blessing to speed up damage spells, then why not Wizards too).

Meanwhile limiting Ring of Expertise to non-healing spells is no loss for Wizards or Bard, and makes it possible to add Cleric and The Doctor without a game-breaking influx of healing.

Would I use Expertise as a Cleric? Sure, to get more Bless and help the whole party. Or maybe if I really did want to try building a strategy around Spiritual Hammer. Or maybe not because I need that Ring slot for a different token -- good tradeoffs IMO.

Would I use Expertise as The Doctor? Same way a Wizard would, for damage spells. Or maybe if I wanted to Detect Poison more than once, which seems like kind of a neat choice that doesn't harm anything.
dmrzzz's trade thread

Yes, my AC is lower than the Wizard's. No regrets!
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FINAL 2021 Ultra Rare Token Images! 4 years 5 months ago #15

Arcanist Kolixela wrote: I'll just mention again that the Ring of Quick Blessing in the hands of a Druid is a MASSIVE boost of damage. That's adding a potential of +46 spell damage PER ROUND for 5 rounds in the hands of the Druid. That's adding 200+ damage to Druid over the course of a single Nightmare run.

I'll ask that Wizards be added to that token if you are intent on letting Druids keep it but I personally feel it is WAY WAY WAY too much added damage for a single UR token.

+46 spell damage per round for 5 rounds is WAY too good for a UR Token. Too big a jump imo. Maybe remove damage spells or remove the drud all together.

Edit: And if the powers/classes of the ring stay as is I'd change the name of the Token as it no longer seems what it was set out to be.
"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view" - Obi Wan Kenobi
Last edit: by Rob F.
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FINAL 2021 Ultra Rare Token Images! 4 years 5 months ago #16

I like the hat as is. It provides for a token usage decision versus crown of expertise.

Same question as others on spectacles in that does it allow an additional FOP over the 1 or 2 (if you have high enough Charisma)? I like the idea of a possible 3rd FOP since for a given class the third FOP would not be overpowering. If not, I prefer +5 Charisma boost instead in case Charisma becomes linked to limiting a number of certain slotted or non-slotted items.
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FINAL 2021 Ultra Rare Token Images! 4 years 5 months ago #17

Matthew Hayward wrote: Let me take one more stab at getting Cranston’s Helpful Hat toned down:

1. Using the extra eyes for Snipers Spectacles has this token give +3/+3 to ranged in the head slot.

Compare with UR Crown of Might at +1/+1 to melee.

+3/+3 to ranged feels like a relic belt, or a relic wrist upgrade to UR Bracers of Supreme Archery.

2. As Ranged now includes all spells, it’s +3 to spell damage at UR - something we’ve never seen - with the extra lenses you can equip Lenses of Focus for +3 to physical ranged, +4 to spell, +1 to healing.

Head slot feels very weak in general - this feels like a big jump up to me.

"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view" - Obi Wan Kenobi
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FINAL 2021 Ultra Rare Token Images! 4 years 5 months ago #18

I agree that Cranston's is very good. Would +2 Ranged Damage be too weak? Probably not. Would +1 be too weak? Probably.

If Psyferre's allows a third figurine for Bard and Paladin I'm all in! Do we need a damage type?

Ring of quick blessing doesn't change the per game amount anyone can do, but boy oh boy does it change the per round! It is likely far too good for the Druid. (That's right, I said it). Can we just move them to ring of Expertise if we dont want quick blessing to be "non-damage"?

Overall these look great!

Edit: hopefully the rules of the transmute thread dont spply here..
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

My Current Paladin Build 
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FINAL 2021 Ultra Rare Token Images! 4 years 5 months ago #19

Simon wrote: The way Psyferre's Spectacles are worded, "May equip +1 Figurine of Power" Does that mean if I can already equip two figurines, the spectacles allow me to equip +1 more figurine? Thus equipping 3 figurines?

If not, Bard and Paladin don't benefit from it's figurine bonus.

I'm also curious about this. I liked the scroll access better, but the eye laser does capture the flavor of the ring of sacrifice.
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FINAL 2021 Ultra Rare Token Images! 4 years 5 months ago #20

Arcanist Kolixela wrote:

Mike Steele wrote: OK, I guess I'll mention again that the Dr. Uid and Cleric should be on the Ring of Expertise, as they are on the Crown of Expertise.

And, that the analysis by Matthew showed that the Dr. Uid was doing 903 damage over 10 turns with unlimited uses of the Ring of Quick Blessing, which I think drops to 763 with the five use limit on the Ring. Matthew also calculated the Wizard at 973 spell damage after 10 turns, which likely increases after the Wizard Legendary power boost.

Being over 200 spell damage points behind the Wizard supports the Dr. Uid not only staying on the Ring of Quick Blessing, but also being added to the Ring of Expertise.

Your numbers relate to a token that no longer exists.

Are you seriously calling for a weakening of the Wizard legendary AND calling for a boost of Druid spell damage of 230 damage over 5 turns at the same time? And using the strength of the previous version of the Legendary token that will not get printed to validate your asks?

Are you SERIOUSLY claiming that without the Ring of Quick Blessing your max spell damage over 10 rounds of combat is 533?

I have no words for that kind of smoke and mirrors action.

We obviously can't make a comparison without using something for the Wizard Legendary, as it is clearly going to significantly add to the Wizard's Spell Damage whichever form it finally takes.

You keep making these posts far more incendiary than they need to be. When did I call for the Druid to be increased by 230 points, or to be made equal or greater than the Wizard? All I asked for in my post was to stay on the Ring of Quick Blessing and be added to the Ring of Expertise (which makes sense since Cleric and Druid are both on the Crown of Expertise). I actually said in an earlier response to one of your posts that I thought the Wizard should do the most spell damage. I just think if the Druid is built for maximum possible spell damage (including spell swapping healing spells for damage spells) it should be within sight of Wizard damage.

Regarding Druid Spell Damage, I've never worked out a BIS build, but looking at the Druid 5th level card and maximizing Charm of Spell Swapping and using Crown of Expertise to get an extra spell surge and assuming all skill tests are passed, I come out with 177 base damage for 10 turns (which seems to be the baseline calculations are using on this thread):
2x Lightning Storm Spell Surged 40 points each
3x Firebolt (one from CoSS) 14 points each
5x Freezing Orb (two from CoSS) 11 points each

Someone mentioned earlier using 35 as a bonus damage per turn for damage spells. If I apply that over all 10 turns, it adds another 350.

That gets the Druid to a total of 527 damage over 10 turns, which is very close to the number Matthew came up with. I'm trying no "smoke and mirrors" as you say. I don't think Carter's Tome of Insight helps because even if it casts Lightning Storm it does so as a Scroll. And keep in mind, none of these are area affect damage spells like the Wizard has.

If anyone has any tips on how to get that number higher, let me know. If those numbers are accurate, it actually supports the Druid being on the Ring of Quick Blessing without any restrictions just to get Druid Spell Damage in the same general ballpark of the Wizard if the Druid focuses entirely on damage spells.
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FINAL 2021 Ultra Rare Token Images! 4 years 5 months ago #21

Wade Schwendemann wrote: I agree that Cranston's is very good. Would +2 Ranged Damage be too weak? Probably not. Would +1 be too weak? Probably.

If Psyferre's allows a third figurine for Bard and Paladin I'm all in! Do we need a damage type?

Ring of quick blessing doesn't change the per game amount anyone can do, but boy oh boy does it change the per round! It is likely far too good for the Druid. (That's right, I said it). Can we just move them to ring of Expertise if we dont want quick blessing to be "non-damage"?

Overall these look great!

Edit: hopefully the rules of the transmute thread dont spply here..

My preference for hat is +2 to hit. But if damage insteadd then +3 is ok with me.
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FINAL 2021 Ultra Rare Token Images! 4 years 5 months ago #22

Endgame wrote: Can cleric get some love this year?

Ring of quick blessing
Please change to non damage spells, add bard

Ring of expertise
Please add druid and cleric and change to non healing spells.

If we went this route, would it make sense to also go ahead and add Wizard to Quick Blessing? There may not be a use currently, but could be useful when cards get redone (or with spellbook)?

While we're at it, maybe shift Quick Blessing to 0th and 1st level non-damage spells?
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FINAL 2021 Ultra Rare Token Images! 4 years 5 months ago #23

Fiddy wrote:

Endgame wrote: Can cleric get some love this year?

Ring of quick blessing
Please change to non damage spells, add bard

Ring of expertise
Please add druid and cleric and change to non healing spells.

If we went this route, would it make sense to also go ahead and add Wizard to Quick Blessing? There may not be a use currently, but could be useful when cards get redone (or with spellbook)?

While we're at it, maybe shift Quick Blessing to 0th and 1st level non-damage spells?

Yes, I think this would be fine, as long as Quick Blessing went to non damage spells - Wizard doesn't currently have any use, but, like you said, the future spellbook could have some cool, low powered options with it.
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FINAL 2021 Ultra Rare Token Images! 4 years 5 months ago #24

Endgame wrote:

Fiddy wrote:

Endgame wrote: Can cleric get some love this year?

Ring of quick blessing
Please change to non damage spells, add bard

Ring of expertise
Please add druid and cleric and change to non healing spells.

If we went this route, would it make sense to also go ahead and add Wizard to Quick Blessing? There may not be a use currently, but could be useful when cards get redone (or with spellbook)?

While we're at it, maybe shift Quick Blessing to 0th and 1st level non-damage spells?

Yes, I think this would be fine, as long as Quick Blessing went to non damage spells - Wizard doesn't currently have any use, but, like you said, the future spellbook could have some cool, low powered options with it.


I always like ideas that add versatility and let people try new approaches.
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