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TOPIC: Time to start the 2021 Token dev process

Time to start the 2021 Token dev process 5 years 6 months ago #1

  • Xavon
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Okay, maybe a little early, but I had this idea today, and didn't want to let it get away:

Circlet of Redirection
After all sliding is done, add +1 to you slide result (one puck only), treating your attack as if that was the value you slid (1/room)
Usable by: All

So if you slide a 19, you can bump it to Nat 20. Or on an 'odds miss monster', change that 17 to an 18.

Compare to Crown of Might, which is melee only, but is +1 to hit and damage on all attacks, and part of the Might set.
Applications programming is a race between software engineers, who strive to produce idiot-proof programs, and the Universe, which strives to produce bigger idiots.  <br /><br />So far, the Universe is winning.

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Time to start the 2021 Token dev process 5 years 6 months ago #2

The Holy Hand-Grendade from the movie we aren’t allowed to mention due to copyright issues

UR (or relic) one use item
If the user properly recites the correct verse of the book of armaments and countest to 3, 3 the number of thine counting. 5 is right out. Then hits a natural 10 or more, the target (and all enemies with it) take 250 damage. A miss, counting to 4, or only 2 (unless proceeding then to 3) results in the party taking the damage.

Yes, it is silly. Silly can be fun too.
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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Time to start the 2021 Token dev process 5 years 6 months ago #3

Xavon wrote: Okay, maybe a little early, but I had this idea today, and didn't want to let it get away:

Circlet of Redirection
After all sliding is done, add +1 to you slide result (one puck only), treating your attack as if that was the value you slid (1/room)
Usable by: All

So if you slide a 19, you can bump it to Nat 20. Or on an 'odds miss monster', change that 17 to an 18.

Compare to Crown of Might, which is melee only, but is +1 to hit and damage on all attacks, and part of the Might set.

Yours is good but I wouldn’t let it include creating crits - with x3 damage items out there, it probably becomes too powerful.
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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Time to start the 2021 Token dev process 5 years 6 months ago #5

Do we know, are the fighters getting a joint legendary, or is fighter and dwarf fighter getting split?
~Meta: Don't worry, it is perfectly "safe" to follow the drunken dwarf into the dungeon!

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Time to start the 2021 Token dev process 5 years 6 months ago #6

  • Xavon
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Fred K wrote:

Xavon wrote: Okay, maybe a little early, but I had this idea today, and didn't want to let it get away:

Circlet of Redirection
After all sliding is done, add +1 to you slide result (one puck only), treating your attack as if that was the value you slid (1/room)
Usable by: All

So if you slide a 19, you can bump it to Nat 20. Or on an 'odds miss monster', change that 17 to an 18.

Compare to Crown of Might, which is melee only, but is +1 to hit and damage on all attacks, and part of the Might set.

Yours is good but I wouldn’t let it include creating crits - with x3 damage items out there, it probably becomes too powerful.

If you don't allow criticals, there's no real point in using this over Crown of Might. I wanted it to be a tactical choice, A constant but slight boost to hit and damage, versus the ability to upgrade to a 20 if you hit 19. Well, I suppose if you had other 'trigger on 20' items. Or again, had the 'miss on odd' monster.
Applications programming is a race between software engineers, who strive to produce idiot-proof programs, and the Universe, which strives to produce bigger idiots.  <br /><br />So far, the Universe is winning.

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Time to start the 2021 Token dev process 5 years 6 months ago #7

  • Xavon
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MetaphoricDragon wrote: Do we know, are the fighters getting a joint legendary, or is fighter and dwarf fighter getting split?

Are there any split fighter items now? (TokenDB is down right now)

It could be interesting either way. And if the Legendaries were split, would that apply to the UR or Relic, too? OR just split at the top level.
Applications programming is a race between software engineers, who strive to produce idiot-proof programs, and the Universe, which strives to produce bigger idiots.  <br /><br />So far, the Universe is winning.

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Time to start the 2021 Token dev process 5 years 6 months ago #8

All of the Dwarf Fighter taunt-boosting items.

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Time to start the 2021 Token dev process 5 years 6 months ago #9

Discussing 2021 Tokens now feels like walking into a store and seeing Christmas decorations already. No harm though, carry on...
"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view" - Obi Wan Kenobi

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Time to start the 2021 Token dev process 5 years 6 months ago #10

  • Xavon
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Rob F wrote: Discussing 2021 Tokens now feels like walking into a store and seeing Christmas decorations already. No harm though, carry on...

Yeah, it does feel like we are getting a late start. But I don't want to talk about 2022 yet.
Applications programming is a race between software engineers, who strive to produce idiot-proof programs, and the Universe, which strives to produce bigger idiots.  <br /><br />So far, the Universe is winning.

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Last edit: by Xavon.

Time to start the 2021 Token dev process 5 years 6 months ago #11

Fred K wrote: The Holy Hand-Grendade from the movie we aren’t allowed to mention due to copyright issues

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Time to start the 2021 Token dev process 5 years 6 months ago #12

Rob F wrote: Discussing 2021 Tokens now feels like walking into a store and seeing Christmas decorations already. No harm though, carry on...

If we don't do this now, how are we going to get to the 2022's after Gen Con?

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