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FINAL NOTES & IMAGES 2020 5 years 1 month ago #13

  • Raven
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Quick note about Colour:

I'm assuming you did some colour adjustments on this last round of tokens, because some images are clearer/brighter, and other are... well... they seem off.

For example, UR Cook's hat looked purple in previous iterations. now it looks pink? Is that intentional? Or is it just me who sees it in a strikingly different colour?
Same with UR Ring of Wonder - in a previous (solo) image, it was clearly a deep - almost mystic - purple ring. Now it looks garishly pink.
Cloak of the Elm has weird pink stripes on it.
Rare Kilt of Recovery used to look Tartan red. Now it looks Candy Apple red.
The Rare Assassin's Blade used to be blood-red. Now it looks washed out and almost transparent, like it's made out of glass.

Some of the changes are an improvement, I think - Arcane Earcuff looks brighter and I can see a lot more detail on it than I could before... and Ring of the Drake looks a lot better with the Purple flare than the Orange flare which it had. But for the most part, I think the changes don't look as good as the original colourings.

(Also note: The Assassin's blade power has changed. It no longer allows Sneak Attack on first round, it gives a flat +3 to Sneak. I kinda preferred the original, but if these tokens powers are locked in, I won't complain - it's still a cool power boost... jut not the one I expected.)

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.
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FINAL NOTES & IMAGES 2020 5 years 1 month ago #14

The UR Bracer damage set at +5 doesn't make sense to me.

+2 damage for 2 hander exclusivity seems to be somewhat enshrined: the Boots of the X wind offered +5 for 2 handers and +3 for one handed weapons. Ring of Brilliance offers 2 damage more than Ring of Dark Health. Ring of Enervation offers 2 damage more than the non-existent uncommon ring damage booster for one handed melee.

It's long been the case that there is a usable by all +2 damage melee bracer.

Limiting the bracers to 2 handers would seem to add +2.

Upgrading it to UR can't help but add at least +1.

That would give a flat +5 damage, with no -2 AC drawback, for a bracer item.

In addition, the rare bracers deal typed damage, which is better.

I would consider: when we get around to making a UR melee damage boosting bracer that is usable by one handed weapons - what will it be?

There is very little room between:
- UR +5 damage, -2 AC, limited to 2-handers
- And Rare +2 typed damage usable by all melee bracer
To squeeze in a UR usable by all melee bracer in the future. What damage would such a hypothetical UR have? +3?
Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.
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FINAL NOTES & IMAGES 2020 5 years 1 month ago #15

Matthew Hayward wrote: The UR Bracer damage set at +5 doesn't make sense to me.

+2 damage for 2 hander exclusivity seems to be somewhat enshrined: the Boots of the X wind offered +5 for 2 handers and +3 for one handed weapons. Ring of Brilliance offers 2 damage more than Ring of Dark Health. Ring of Enervation offers 2 damage more than the non-existent uncommon ring damage booster for one handed melee.

It's long been the case that there is a usable by all +2 damage melee bracer.

Limiting the bracers to 2 handers would seem to add +2.

Upgrading it to UR can't help but add at least +1.

That would give a flat +5 damage, with no -2 AC drawback, for a bracer item.

In addition, the rare bracers deal typed damage, which is better.

I would consider: when we get around to making a UR melee damage boosting bracer that is usable by one handed weapons - what will it be?

There is very little room between:
- UR +5 damage, -2 AC, limited to 2-handers
- And Rare +2 typed damage usable by all melee bracer
To squeeze in a UR usable by all melee bracer in the future. What damage would such a hypothetical UR have? +3?

Could just remove the -2AC from the belt.

I know the token would no longer reference Barbarian anymore, but the Monk reference was removed from the ring also.
Forum Name: Milambus
Real Name: Jake Fitch
Main Class: Monk
Last edit: by Milambus (Jake).
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FINAL NOTES & IMAGES 2020 5 years 1 month ago #16

Ring of Fervor
+1 damage w/ Melee or damage Spell

Should this read "+1 damage w/ Melee and damage Spell"? Or is the intention that you must chose "+1 damage w/ Melee" OR "+1 damage w/ Spell damage"?
Forum Name: Milambus
Real Name: Jake Fitch
Main Class: Monk
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FINAL NOTES & IMAGES 2020 5 years 1 month ago #17

The Key just dropped off my list. (I think I’m required to take a drink now) That’s Ok, it makes planning my order easier. At least until recipes come out. That may add some URs to my wish list.

The arrow bag as back item idea is ok. Should it apply to quivers as well?
D&D teaches all the important lessons in life - the low blow, the cheap shot, the back stab, the double cross. - Jerry Marsischky

Let them trap us. We have our swords. - Elric of Melnibone.

You try to get them to play the game, but all they want to do is play the rules. - Ardak Kumerian

I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend - Faramir
Last edit: by Harlax.
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FINAL NOTES & IMAGES 2020 5 years 1 month ago #18

Jeff Martin wrote: UR Taborlin's Key - This has been moved from "slotless" to the "Charm" slot -- much like Wil's Dragonheart

Super happy to see this!

(FWIW, as a charm slot item I think the original +3 would have been okay, but +2 works also.)
dmrzzz's trade thread

Yes, my AC is lower than the Wizard's. No regrets!
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FINAL NOTES & IMAGES 2020 5 years 1 month ago #19

I am confused by the following “Remove the +1 Short Sword (since we have the +1 Assassin's Blade already at Rare) and I replaced it with a +2 Shuriken. Yes, I know that in the past it was only a +1 Shurilken, but that was probably a mistake since it is only usable once a combat and it does less damage than the +2 Arrow. I upgraded the Uncommon Masterwork Shuriken to +1 status, too -- for the same reason.”
How is a +1 shuriken doing less than a +2 arrow? A +2 arrow is a consumable so I don’t know how they are comparable. It also only does 2 additional damage. A +1 Shuriken does 3.5 damage on average. I am NOT saying that they should or shouldn’t get a bump, just that I don’t understand this logic.

I am also disappointed in vets waiting to the final version to make comments (or make comments not in a public way) so their comments cannot be commented on like everyone else’s have been for the past 2 weeks. Not saying I disagree with their comments, just saying, that it feels dirty to me.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.
Last edit: by jedibcg.
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FINAL NOTES & IMAGES 2020 5 years 1 month ago #20

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the update. It's probably worth commenting on all the changes, even if most are locked down at this point.
Did final image adjustments to make sure the token images would print well and not be too dark when printed small. I like the lighter color on the Ring of Wonder.

Remove the +1 Short Sword (since we have the +1 Assassin's Blade already at Rare) and I replaced it with a +2 Shuriken. Yes, I know that in the past it was only a +1 Shurilken, but that was probably a mistake since it is only usable once a combat and it does less damage than the +2 Arrow. I upgraded the Uncommon Masterwork Shuriken to +1 status, too -- for the same reason. Is the +2 Shuriken still balanced since the UR Ring gives it Returning for all players? I think it probably is, but just asking. It does have an advantage over a +2 Arrow in that it isn't consumable. Someone can have a handful of these and reuse them every adventure.

Reduced the "20" damage on Undead from +20 to +10. I think this was a very good change.

Changed the Rare Quiver to an "Arrow Bag" so we could make it a Back slotted item (and make the power better). I like making it a back slot and bonus damage, but quiver sounds a lot better than arrow bag. Maybe call it a quiver, and make all future quivers back slot tokens, and make the one existing UR quiver (per tokendb.com) an exception as slotless?

UR Bracelets of Reckless Fury - Dropped from +6 to +5 for damage I like the change, I thought +6 was too high.

UR Ioun Stone - Made it so it only adds damage to Missile and "to hit" Spells...as we have the Arcane Belt already giving +2 damage to all Spells I'm OK with the change if you thought bonus spell damage was getting too high this set. I won't be getting it for any of our spellcasters though, since it affects far fewer spells and isn't captured on the party card.

UR Lenses of Agility - dropped it from +4 to +3 I think this was a good change, it is still awesome token, I'll likely be getting one for our Rogue.

UR Lucky Shield - dropped it from +4 to +3 This was badly needed, as it was competing against Relic shield. I still wish the two armors had also been dropped a point as well, as I think +saves is more valuable than +AC.

UR Ring of the Drake - I talked to Drake and he was cool with me dropping the +2 to "all" Spells bonus. It still gives +2 to Melee, Missiel and "to hit" Spells. So...for "to hit:" Spells, the max bonus for damage is still +6 this year with the URs available, but +2 for non-sliding damage Spells. As with my comment regarding the Ioun Stone, I won't be getting this for our spellcasters now, but I'm fine with the change if spell damage was getting too high. In general I really wish we weren't adding to "to hit" spells instead of "all damage spells" since "to hit" spell damage only isn't captured on the party card.

UR Taborlin's Key - This has been moved from "slotless" to the "Charm" slot -- much like Wil's Dragonheart I'm fine with the change if it was too powerful at slotless, although I won't be buying any of these.

Trans Charm of Timely Aid - re-worded it so it states it only works once per room (so Init re-rolls can't trigger it twice) Good change.

Trans Monk's Relic & Legendary - We took out the Gloves of Glory power (many thought it was not good enough to include as is) and we added some new abilities that should work better...and the Legendary should be fun for fans of 70's Chinese martial art films. We took out the granting of PT-5 Psychic Power since most Legendary Monks will have a higher level anyway in a few short years. VERY good change, thanks! I'm not sure if the new ability is still overpowered from a damage perspective, but at least Monks will have to make a ranged roll to hit instead of melee. I'd really like to see the GoFF reprinted with a similar revision (adds melee damage but requires ranged roll to hit). Maybe you could add GoFF as the Monk UR with that revision, and remove something else so Drake's Ring could remain as is.
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FINAL NOTES & IMAGES 2020 5 years 1 month ago #21

Super disappointed with these major changes to the spell damage URs - especially at this late stage.

Why do you feel the need to reduce spell damage boosters in the set from +6 in the aggregate to +2 damage for non-sliding casters but have no problem with leaving them at +6 damage for range (without even considering the extra damage from the mighty bow)? And it looks like every melee class could get at least +5 melee damage or +6 if strength is currently odd (without even considering the extra damage from barb bracers and flaming blade).

If you were trying to achieve parity among damage types, you just did the opposite. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.

And will you now be tracking separate damage bonuses for sliding and non-sliding spells on the party card? I predict mass confusion.

With these changes, I am no longer interested in getting the IS, Ring, or Charm of Glory (which I needed to equip the ring). Major bummer.
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FINAL NOTES & IMAGES 2020 5 years 1 month ago #22

No longer interested in getting the key. Not good enough at +2 for a charm slot. Maybe it would be PYP-able at +3.
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FINAL NOTES & IMAGES 2020 5 years 1 month ago #23

Will there now be a swap or upgrade offered for Lenses of Vital Insight? The new lenses obsolete LoVI for the vast majority of rogues - all but the relative few hammer and sling rogues. At +4 dex, the improvement over LoVI was big enough to justify a PYP. At +3 dex, it’s not IMHO. Very annoying.

(Standing offer to hammer/sling rogues: PM me if you want to work out a trade for LoVI.)
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FINAL NOTES & IMAGES 2020 5 years 1 month ago #24

Mike Steele wrote: In general I really wish we weren't adding to "to hit" spells instead of "all damage spells" since "to hit" spell damage only isn't captured on the party card.

Alternatively, let's start capturing to-hit and dmg modifiers for slide spells on the party card! In addition to improving usability for the new tokens, this will reduce existing confusion about applying the Dex bonus.
dmrzzz's trade thread

Yes, my AC is lower than the Wizard's. No regrets!
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