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TOPIC: LFO - TDA19159545 E2 - Path of Death 08/02/2019 (Fri) 09:01 AM

LFO - TDA19159545 E2 - Path of Death 08/02/2019 (Fri) 09:01 AM 5 years 2 months ago #13

Hey Brad,
IF your friend doesn't land the Ranger, what Alt should I put him down for?
Victory Loves Preparation

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LFO - TDA19159545 E2 - Path of Death 08/02/2019 (Fri) 09:01 AM 5 years 2 months ago #14

IDK. Honestly I'd just wait until we get there. We had a really bad experience at Origins this weekend. My buddy picked the ranger, and like 10 min before training some Ahole comes in and says "I'll be playing the ranger" and proceeds to throw down his phone with his ranger build on TD character creator in front of my buddy (who's stats the trainer had already documented) and expected my buddy to roll over. Needless to say, my buddy says nope and the other guy (who is a GM for goodness sakes) goes on to whine and cry about it for another 10 min saying "well I don't have any other tokens available". Mind you, he throws Thor's hammer and kills 3 monsters in our Normal difficulty dungeon nearly single handedly. So lets just wait until we get there to determine roles, if you don't mind? I think its OK to have builds ready, but have backups. My buddy does not currently have one, but we both pledged to build them after our Origins experience.
Avatar Artwork courtesy of Mauve Shirt

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LFO - TDA19159545 E2 - Path of Death 08/02/2019 (Fri) 09:01 AM 5 years 2 months ago #15

Good morning all, the "Ranger" here! Sorry I'm late to the discussion.
My primary build is for the Ranger (all Dex/Ranged build) and I've been working on a Cleric and Rogue as secondary builds, but they aren't nearly as good.

I *think* what Brad is trying to say, and I agree with, is that there is a system in place for resolving any disputes; and not that there is any intent to be unfriendly.
I think the idea that anyone comes in and "demands" a character is not within the spirit of the game and cooperation. I don't want this to have to come down to a flip, it'd be easier for everyone to work it out ahead of time and not trying to change builds at the last minute. I'm just here to have a good time.

I would definitely vote for Hardcore, I just think it's more exciting the closer we are to death!! It's no fun if you just walk through everything, but have no problem with Normal either.

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LFO - TDA19159545 E2 - Path of Death 08/02/2019 (Fri) 09:01 AM 5 years 2 months ago #16

Welcome to TD Joe! The Monk is a great class to start with, it's one of the least token dependent classes.

There is a lot of information available online and a lot of people in the forum that would be willing to help you get started, let us know if you have any questions!

If you are interested in tokens you can check out the following:

It isn't a terrible idea to spend a couple bucks ahead of time if you are willing. I recommend at least a basic set of armor and weapon or some HP bonus. You could easily spend $15 and feel a little more confident going in. (There is also a basic build available every year that Kirk sells every year $30 for the entire set
www.tdtavern.com/char-monk.html )
No obligation and if we have any spare items at the time, we'd be happy to share with you!

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LFO - TDA19159545 E2 - Path of Death 08/02/2019 (Fri) 09:01 AM 5 years 2 months ago #17

Ok, I just did a quick scan of the un-claimed classes and I don't see an obvious use for my Dex build. I can start looking at a fighter class build but it will limit what tokens I have left for the guys coming with us. I've got almost nothing for any spell casters. I'll have a side chat with Brad and see how many fighters we could come up with for our group.

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LFO - TDA19159545 E2 - Path of Death 08/02/2019 (Fri) 09:01 AM 5 years 2 months ago #18

PS- I might try and get one of our guys to play the Bard if they will sing! I'm always happy to have the +1/+1 Bonus for the entire group.

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LFO - TDA19159545 E2 - Path of Death 08/02/2019 (Fri) 09:01 AM 5 years 2 months ago #19

Thanks for the info Mike! I’ll check out the token sites.

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LFO - TDA19159545 E2 - Path of Death 08/02/2019 (Fri) 09:01 AM 5 years 2 months ago #20

Joe, I should have also mentioned the Token Database tokendb.com I sometimes find this easier to explore with.
Here are a few recommendations for a couple items that can be used my multiple classes that give you AC or HP which are useful for any class.

Tyr's Bracers
Necklace of Natural Armor
Ring of Protection
Ring of Health
Shirt of Vitality
Belt of Vitality


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LFO - TDA19159545 E2 - Path of Death 08/02/2019 (Fri) 09:01 AM 5 years 2 months ago #21

I am so sorry about the bad experience at Origins, that guys sounds like a total Jerk. Yeah, I think both Rangers are coming at this not from "demand" but from "this is what I rock at," hence the dice roll system could be the quickest way to settle this.

I hope besides the "class clash" the rest of the run(s) went well. Which ones did you do (or all of them)?

And there will be no whining on our end if our Ranger doesn't land the spot, he is ready to play the Dwarf Fighter as his Alt without an issue.

But, perhaps the best strategy is to lay down our cards and tactically agree to the better build and go from there. Thor's hammer is not a token to lightly scoff at, but I would like to know the final numbers before making a choice.

Knowing the curve of Regular to Hardcore is a steep one. (Typically +4AC and +100 to +200 HP for the monster) I am thinking Damage outweighs accuracy. Our Ranger goes from +15 to Hit with Avg Dmg 23 to +12 to hit and Avg Dmg 14 if he lands dwarf (still not bad).

I use Amorgens Party Builder Spreadsheet, though I am sure the App works just as well.
So here is our Ranger's load out.

Class Ranger
Level: 5
Health: 43
+ To Hit: 6
+ Damage: 11 +Darkrift +Eldritch
AC: 27
+ To Hit: 15
+ Damage: 17 +Darkrift +Eldritch (add in the Charm of Shadow Shot +6Dmg)
AC: 28
AC Bonus vs Ranged: +0
Fortitude: 8
Reflex: 15
Will: 8
Retribution Damage: 0
Surprise: Immune
Free Movement:
Spell Damage: 0
Healing Bonus: 0
Treasure: 19

Set Bonuses: Mithral 3-Piece, Elemental Eldritch 2-Piece

Melee Mainhand: +2 Hammer of Smiting
Melee Offhand: +1 Mithral Long Sword
Ranged Mainhand: +1 Mighty Longbow
Ranged Offhand: Archer's Buckler
Head: Mithral Cap
Eyes: Sniper Spectacles
Ear 1: Earcuff of the Wind
Ear 2: Earcuff of Retort
Bead: Bead Firehold
Neck: Amulet of the Champion
Back 1: Shade Cloak
Shirt: Sacred Shirt
Torso: Mithral Chainmail
Wrists: Bracers of Supreme Archery
Hands: Gloves of the Cutpurse
Finger 1: Ring of Iron Will
Finger 2: Ring of Fire Resistance
Waist: Girdle of Stone Giant Strength
Legs: Kilt of Dungeonbane (Dexterity)
Shins: Darkguard Greaves
Feet: Boots of the Four Winds
Ioun Stone 1: Ioun Stone Iridescent Spindle
Ioun Stone 2: Ioun Stone Faceted Amber
Ioun Stone 3: Ioun Stone Beryl Prism
Ioun Stone 4: Ioun Stone Silver Nugget
Ioun Stone 5: Ioun Stone Gold Nugget
Charm 1: Charm of Shadow Shot
Charm 2: Charm of Avarice
Charm 3: Draco-Lich Claw Charm
Figurine 1: Figurine of Power: Dog

If I transition him to Dwarf Fighter he looses a bit in both the to-hit and to-damage, as his plan is to still stick with his Bow (there is not much gain if we put him as human fighter- a +1 to damage) - we have found too many rooms where the bow is a tactical advantage to begin, with even for regular folks, so not much gear change needed here (I will give him a real shield if he finds himself in melee).
Level: 5
Health: 50
+ To Hit: 9
+ Damage: 12 +Darkrift +Eldritch
AC: 29
+ To Hit: 12
+ Damage: 14 +Darkrift +Eldritch
AC: 25
AC Bonus vs Ranged: +0
Fortitude: 10
Reflex: 9
Will: 7
Victory Loves Preparation

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Last edit: by greyseer.

LFO - TDA19159545 E2 - Path of Death 08/02/2019 (Fri) 09:01 AM 5 years 2 months ago #22

Indeed, Bards rock, especially if they can tell us the monster's weaknesses or immunities by passing the lore check at the beginning.
Victory Loves Preparation

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LFO - TDA19159545 E2 - Path of Death 08/02/2019 (Fri) 09:01 AM 5 years 2 months ago #23

Just chiming in here, and I may regret this, but a ranged bard makes an awesome backup to a ranged ranger type build.

Also, there area LOT of great pre made characters out there if one is so inclined.
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

My Current Paladin Build 

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LFO - TDA19159545 E2 - Path of Death 08/02/2019 (Fri) 09:01 AM 5 years 2 months ago #24

We only made that one run at Origins (our first time there and in-out in one day). The run went well besides that situation and it didn't ruin a thing, the group was fun.

Wade, thanks for your input, I'll check it out. I have no interest (or ability) at singing which I think is the best part of the class for the RP aspect of the game.

Greyseer, I bow to your supremacy! Your backup characters are better than my primary by a long shot. Quickly I'm a 4th level and ranged about +9 Hit +8 Damage for about 15 typical damage, I should be a little better than that this year but not by much. I've been fortunate to borrow a ring to use the 5th level stats this year and last which is always a fun bonus.
Again, I'm looking at options and happy to "step aside". Our problem is that we just aren't as well stacked as you guys and are also covering a couple friends.

However, for fun, I'll continue this discussion because I always enjoy a philosophical exchange.
I find this to be an interesting debate on how the game "should" be run. I'm not a first timer but not that far from it. I find it very frustrating when the experienced guys and especially those that have had the time and funds to build up these amazing characters and tend to push around the new kids, it doesn't always create a welcoming environment (most of it very mild, nothing like Origins) but this game is a little intimidating when you start and for the $$$ I hope everyone has a good time.
In this particular case, based on the rules, the fact that you've posted in the forum doesn't have any real bearing on which class you should get. It is stated that it is first come first serve (then player level, then roll off). And, in this case, since you've posted for half the block you've now taken my first, second, and third off the table before I was able to have any input. It doesn't seem fair.

Again, there won't be any hard feels, just trying to lay this all out. I've got the tokens spread around now since my wife is out of town! ;)
I haven't had a chance to lay this out with Brad either, but I might also suggest we give up a few of our tickets for this run and move the guys to our E3 run, it would take the stress off of my 5th string lineup. (And I bet Brad will loan me his +2 Holy Great Sword, that would work for a Barbarian)

My real goal this year is to run as the Rogue once, which I'm shooting for on E3 Sat. :) So far I've always run the Ranger, and twice as the Cleric when someone got there first! I've avoided the Rogue because it seems to be the most contested class (having something to do with the treasure???) At least twice I've seen someone get irritated/disapointed over it....

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