REMINDER: True Grind is in a new location this year in Lucas Oil Stadium. It is not in the normal True Dungeon area. Instead you need to go up the escalators and then follow the signs.
This year's True Grind is a celebration of my 10th year DM'ing Grind (and Grind's 11th year in existence). I've gathered together about a dozen of your favorite (or most hated) boss monsters from past Grinds and your mission, should you choose to accept it or not, is to try to defeat as many as possible. I honestly don't expect any groups to get through ALL of the boss monsters, but you are welcome to try! You'll also have the privilege of selecting which boss monster you fight in what order.
Here are the variable token effects:
Amulet of Wonder: Red Shirt. You have a red shirt henchman who can once per game absorb all the effects of an attack (melee, ranged, magic) that would affect you (before he/she dies horribly). If the attack affects multiple players, then using your red shirt henchman only negates the effect on you - the other players are affected normally. Save the owls and let the red shirts take one for the team!
Eldritch Runestone: Spontaneous Regeneration. Once per game, as your standard action, you may restore your HP to maximum and fully restore your body parts (with one tiny exception for Luke....). Since it requires a standard action, you can only use this ability if you are alive, so plan carefully.
UR Special: Save Scumming. The UR Special needs to be turned in at the beginning of the adventure since it requires some special attention by both the DM and the players. Your Grind progress is "saved" in between each boss fight. Once per game, you may Load the Saved Game. This restores the party's status (HP, spells, abilities) to what they were before the current boss fight began. If possible, we will try to return any consumables used in the current boss fight. You may then select a different boss to fight instead or you may try again with the previously chosen one. This ability can be used if you (or the whole party) is dead. One thing it does NOT restore is any time that has already spent. Your Grind adventure still ends at the originally scheduled time.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you in battle!