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TOPIC: GT Run Organization - Odin's Haven #2

GT Run Organization - Odin's Haven #2 6 years 6 months ago #13

That'd be great. I already have an ISSN, but CoA would be great (just looked that token up...holy crap).

In that case, I'm going to create another character on tdcharactercreartor.com for my "Lazlo-buffed Druid". Would it be easier to let me know what you're planning on boosting ahead of time so I can enter it, or just do it on my phone while we're organizing? I'm down for whatever's easiest for you as you fill out the party card.

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GT Run Organization - Odin's Haven #2 6 years 6 months ago #14

OoncleShtove wrote: That'd be great. I already have an ISSN, but CoA would be great (just looked that token up...holy crap).

In that case, I'm going to create another character on tdcharactercreartor.com for my "Lazlo-buffed Druid". Would it be easier to let me know what you're planning on boosting ahead of time so I can enter it, or just do it on my phone while we're organizing? I'm down for whatever's easiest for you as you fill out the party card.

I will probably be running late. I will
Make it on the spreadsheet and show you what I have. I don’t loan weapons ( long story) so tell me what you have I can put them in

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GT Run Organization - Odin's Haven #2 6 years 6 months ago #15

Understandable - I don't think I'd feel comfortable sliding someone else's expensive weapon anyway. Here's a list of what I'm using now:

Items List
Melee Weapon: Baton of Focus
Melee Offhand: Brawler’s Mug (Rare)
Range Weapon: +1 War Sling
Range Offhand: Empty
Head: Crown of Charisma
Bead: Bead Whole Vision
Eyes: Lenses of Focus
Ear: Earcuff of Inspiration
Ear: Earcuff of Understanding
Neck: Enhanced Creeper Amulet
Torso: Bulette Chitin Armor
Shirt: Shirt of the Fae
Back: Steelclad Cloak
Wrist: Bracers of Lightning
Hands: Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Finger: Ring of Heroism
Finger: Ring of the Hallowed
Waist: Belt of Ogre Power
Legs: Pants of Quickness
Shins: Darkguard Greaves
Feet: Boots of Agility
Charm: Charm of Health
Charm: Fiendish Charm
Charm: Charm of Nature
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Silver Nugget
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Faceted Amber
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Norse Opal
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Lodestone Sphere
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Beryl Prism
Figurine: Figurine of Power: Spider
Figurine: Figurine of Power: Seal
Slotless: Greater Alchemist Pouch
Slotless: Arcane Scroll Tube
Slotless: Greater Mistletoe
Runestone: Venom Runestone

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GT Run Organization - Odin's Haven #2 6 years 6 months ago #16

  • Ramsildor
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This group can so hook you up with gear... when I get home I will provide you some choices
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Last edit: by Ramsildor.

GT Run Organization - Odin's Haven #2 6 years 6 months ago #17

Well since I have 0 willpower, I just pulled the trigger on a +3 Baton of Focus, so I think I'm all set in the mainhand department. But yeah otherwise I'm open to the hook up. Thank you :)

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GT Run Organization - Odin's Haven #2 6 years 6 months ago #18

  • Ramsildor
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So OoncleShtove this assumes Laz is going to hook you up with CoA and a CoAS, you might also want to stick with your Shirt of the Fae that's your call

So if you like this build hunt down some scrolls because the Shield of the Scholar lets you cast one as a free action they could add a lot of good buffs to the party for free.

Some others here may be able to offer some additional stuff

STR 24
DEX 22
CON 18
INT 11
WIS 13
CHA 13
HP 47 REGEN +1/rm
Saves: FORT: 17, REF: 11, WILL 12
Melee +10Hit/+9 Dam
Ranged +4 Hit/+2 Dam
Spell: Damage +10, Heal +9
Damage Reduction: Ranged -2, Spell, -2, Cold -5, Darkrift -2
Can’t be surprised
Free Movement
Immune to fear
+1 Initiative bouns

Melee Weapon: +3 Baton of Focus
Melee Offhand: Shield of the Scholar
Range Weapon: +1 War Sling
Range Offhand: Empty
Head: Crown of Might
Bead: Bead Whole Vision
Eyes: Lenses of Focus
Ear: Icecrag Hero’s Earcuff
Ear: Earcuff of Inspiration
Neck: Medallion of Valhalla
Torso: Troll Hide Armor
Shirt: Shirt of Focus
Back: Dougal’s Cloak of the Stars
Wrist: Bracelets of the Zephyr
Hands: Gloves of Weapon Finesse
Finger: Ring of Heroism
Finger: Ring of Greater Focus
Waist: Celestial Girdle
Legs: Pants of the Lynx
Shins: Darkguard Greaves
Feet: Boots of the Marauder
Charm: Charm of Avarice
Charm: Charm of Awakened Synergy
Charm: Draco-Lich Charm
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Silver Nugget
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Faceted Amber
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Norse Opal
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Iridescent Spindle
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Beryl Prism
Figurine: Figurine of Power: Spider
Slotless: Bowl of Spirit Sight
Slotless: Greater Mistletoe
Slotless: Arcane Scroll Tube
Slotless: Greater Alchemist Pouch
Runestone: Venom Runestone

Always In Effect:
Communicate with Animals.
Keen Polymorph - When polymorphed your melee attacks deal +5 damage and can crit on 19-20.
You no longer have a "50% miss chance" when attacking Incorporeal monsters
Your damage spells gain Bardsong bonuses when Bardsong is in effect
You don't need air to survive
You may fall up to 30 ft with no hit point loss
Immunie to Fear
All potions are protected from damage & cure +1 hp when you eat/drink a cure item
All scrolls are protected from harm & boost damage and healing scrolls by +1 pt
Once Per Room:
May use a scroll as free action
You may cast two spells in a single round.
Once Per Game:
Deal 6 Poison damage to any monster that hits you in melee
Learn the Rogue and/or Bard Clue in room
"You don't stop playing because you grow old;
you grow old because you stop playing."
- Benjamin Franklin
Sitar, my Bard tdcharactercreator.com/#/character/edit/6dd0b0e3-1014-4f08-a192-4ffb7abeaa2e

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Last edit: by Ramsildor.

GT Run Organization - Odin's Haven #2 6 years 6 months ago #19

  • Ramsildor
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Greywing - Ranger 5th Level

Health: 61 + 1 /rm
Melee AC: 26
+8 to Hit/+14 to Damage Darkrift+Eldritch
Missile AC: 27
+10 to Hit/+20 to Damage Darkrift+Eldritch+Acid+Sacred
Saves: Fortitude 17, Reflex 20, Will 12
Damage Resistance: -6 Missile or Spell, -12 Darkrift
Surprise: Immune
Free Movement
Psychic: Imbued
Fear: Immune
Treasure: 19
Melee Mainhand: +1 Celestial Keen Long Sword
Melee Offhand: +1 Mithral Long Sword
Ranged Mainhand: +1 Mighty Longbow
Ranged Offhand: Mirrored Archer's Buckler
Head: Twolf's Helm of the Wild
Eyes: Sniper Spectacles
Ear 1: Icecrag Hero's Earcuff
Ear 2: Earcuff of Orbits
Bead: Bead Whole Vision
Neck: Amulet of the Champion
Back 1: Greater Cloak of Destiny
Back 2: Cloak of the Phalanx
Shirt: Shirt of Blessed Strength
Torso: Blessed Redoubt Mail
Wrists: Charm Bracelets
Hands: Mithral Gauntlets
Ring 1: Ring of Improved Evasion
Ring 2: Ring of Heroism
Waist: Girdle of Might
Legs: Pantaloons of the Deeperdark
Shins: Darkguard Greaves
Feet: Boots of the Four Winds
Ioun Stones: Amethyst Ovoid, Beryl Prism, Black Pearl, Faceted Amber
Ioun Stones: Silver Nugget, Topaz Trilliant, Iridescent Spindle
Charm: Brooching, Avarice, Awakened Synergy
Charm: Draco-Lich Claw, Shadow Shot
Figurine 1: Figurine of Power: Spider
Runestone: Chaos Runestone
Runestone Fitting 1: Sacred Runestone
4 Teeth of Cavadar (# equipped)
6th Player Level Bonus
Carter's Tome of Insight
Greater Alchemist Pouch
Pouch of Tulz
Greater Arcane Scroll Tube
Rod of Seven Parts (Segment 7)
Rod of Seven Parts (Segment 6)
Rod of Seven Parts (Segment 5)
Rod of Seven Parts (Segment 4)
Lotus Blossom Bowls
Kvothe's Bloodless
Horn of Blasting
Runestone Fitting Base

Always In Effect:
Favored Enemy - Your attack have +2 damage against undead.
You are immune to fear
You no longer have a "50% miss chance" when attacking Incorporeal monsters
You have the Improved Evasion power
Immune to Psychic Blast
You don't need air to survive
No miss chance vs. undead
All potions are protected from damage & cure +1 hp when you eat/drink a cure item
All scrolls are protected from harm & boost damage and healing scrolls by +1 pt
Once Per Round:
You may deal 2 points of Force damage to all monsters.
Once Per Room:
May use 1 Potion, Oil, or Salve as a free action
Once Per Game:
Absorb one melee or missile hit
May re-cast a 2nd-lvl (or lower) spell as a scroll
Lotus Blossom Bowls - When you ingest a healing item you may choose another character to heal that
many hp as well
Cures 10 points of Fire damage taken in 1 room.
You may cure up to 6 points of Cold damage taken in 1 room
"You don't stop playing because you grow old;
you grow old because you stop playing."
- Benjamin Franklin
Sitar, my Bard tdcharactercreator.com/#/character/edit/6dd0b0e3-1014-4f08-a192-4ffb7abeaa2e

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Last edit: by Ramsildor.

GT Run Organization - Odin's Haven #2 6 years 6 months ago #20

Thanks, Ramsildor. That's a ridiculous boost lol. Thinking that it's probably best if I save my polymorph potions for other runs, just equip that Shirt of Focus instead of my Shirt of the Fae, and just be ready to heal when I'm not sliding my new +3 Baton of Focus (or spellcasting). Considering this is my first year trying Druid (only have ever ran Elf Wizard), would be nice to try non-polymorph at least once.

Below is what I don't already have that I'd need to loan:

Melee Offhand: Shield of the Scholar
Head: Crown of Might
Ear: Icecrag Hero’s Earcuff
Neck: Medallion of Valhalla
Torso: Troll Hide Armor
Shirt: Shirt of Focus
Back: Dougal’s Cloak of the Stars
Wrist: Bracelets of the Zephyr
Hands: Gloves of Weapon Finesse
Finger: Ring of Greater Focus
Waist: Celestial Girdle
Legs: Pants of the Lynx
Feet: Boots of the Marauder
Charm: Charm of Avarice (Laz)
Charm: Charm of Awakened Synergy (Laz)
Charm: Draco-Lich Charm
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Iridescent Spindle
Slotless: Bowl of Spirit Sight

Link to TDCharacterCreator for the buffed Druid: so many fancy tokens

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Last edit: by OoncleShtove.

GT Run Organization - Odin's Haven #2 6 years 6 months ago #21

Everything lines up in my character creator (stat-wise) that you posted sans the ability scores. I'm showing the following:

STR: 13 (16) +3
DEX: 15 (17) +3
CON: 15 (21) +5
INT: 11 (11) +0
WIS: 19 (19) +4
CHA: 15 (15) +2

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GT Run Organization - Odin's Haven #2 6 years 6 months ago #22

  • Ramsildor
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No problem I will have them with me here is the link of my TEST Druid, I think when I wrote the numbers down I was a tad tired...

"You don't stop playing because you grow old;
you grow old because you stop playing."
- Benjamin Franklin
Sitar, my Bard tdcharactercreator.com/#/character/edit/6dd0b0e3-1014-4f08-a192-4ffb7abeaa2e

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Last edit: by Ramsildor.

GT Run Organization - Odin's Haven #2 6 years 6 months ago #23

Yeah looks like our sheets line up, awesome. I'll start looking at scrolls.

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GT Run Organization - Odin's Haven #2 6 years 6 months ago #24

  • Ramsildor
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There were some good group buffs this year that can be used by a Druid. A few of them are commons
"You don't stop playing because you grow old;
you grow old because you stop playing."
- Benjamin Franklin
Sitar, my Bard tdcharactercreator.com/#/character/edit/6dd0b0e3-1014-4f08-a192-4ffb7abeaa2e

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