Thanks, Ramsildor. That's a
ridiculous boost lol. Thinking that it's probably best if I save my polymorph potions for other runs, just equip that Shirt of Focus instead of my Shirt of the Fae, and just be ready to heal when I'm not sliding my new +3 Baton of Focus (or spellcasting). Considering this is my first year trying Druid (only have ever ran Elf Wizard), would be nice to try non-polymorph at least once.
Below is what I don't already have that I'd need to loan:
Melee Offhand: Shield of the Scholar
Head: Crown of Might
Ear: Icecrag Hero’s Earcuff
Neck: Medallion of Valhalla
Torso: Troll Hide Armor
Shirt: Shirt of Focus
Back: Dougal’s Cloak of the Stars
Wrist: Bracelets of the Zephyr
Hands: Gloves of Weapon Finesse
Finger: Ring of Greater Focus
Waist: Celestial Girdle
Legs: Pants of the Lynx
Feet: Boots of the Marauder
Charm: Charm of Avarice (Laz)
Charm: Charm of Awakened Synergy (Laz)
Charm: Draco-Lich Charm
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Iridescent Spindle
Slotless: Bowl of Spirit Sight
Link to TDCharacterCreator for the buffed Druid:
so many fancy tokens