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TOPIC: How many runs did you do at GENCON?

How many runs did you do at GENCON? 2 years 5 months ago #25

One run of Ebony, but I was a DM in Feast each day, kind of limited my time to play. Still had a ton of fun :)

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How many runs did you do at GENCON? 2 years 5 months ago #26

5 this year. 2 Felurian's, 1 Weird Magic, and 2 Ebony Bay all with Team Synergy (Thanks again Brian!). More than normal, but I felt like I needed to make up for lost time.

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How many runs did you do at GENCON? 2 years 5 months ago #27

balthasar wrote: One run of Ebony, but I was a DM in Feast each day, kind of limited my time to play. Still had a ton of fun :)

Ditto to all of this. Were you on my EB run? :D

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How many runs did you do at GENCON? 2 years 5 months ago #28

Reap wrote: Also played several board games, 2 escape rooms (Dark Wyvern @ Escape Room Indy was my favorite one I've ever done), 2 Starship Horizons. Gen Con was great!

My group also played Dark Wyvern. It was really awesome! We escaped with 3 minutes to go.

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How many runs did you do at GENCON? 2 years 5 months ago #29

My group of 8 played each adventure once. We never run the same dungeon twice. I'm 150xp away from level 8.

We also played a bunch of board games, escape room, had a Magic draft at our con house and drank a lot of beer.

It was my 10th Gen Con and it was great, can't wait for next year.

Special thanks to Schwade, jedibcg, Lynthia and star1star2!

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Last edit: by Kresimir.

How many runs did you do at GENCON? 2 years 5 months ago #30

smakdown wrote: 21. :woohoo: :pinch:

Wow. That's a crap ton of runs. Your in the dungeon so much you could easily volunteer ;)
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How many runs did you do at GENCON? 2 years 5 months ago #31

BasicBraining wrote:

balthasar wrote: One run of Ebony, but I was a DM in Feast each day, kind of limited my time to play. Still had a ton of fun :)

Ditto to all of this. Were you on my EB run? :D

I went on a DDA run at 726, I believe?

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How many runs did you do at GENCON? 2 years 5 months ago #32

This was my wife and I's first year doing TD, so we only did 1 run together. I think next year, my goal will be to do 2 or 3 runs since I probably won't be working anything next year like I did this year.

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How many runs did you do at GENCON? 2 years 5 months ago #33

Kresimir Sicel wrote:

Reap wrote: Also played several board games, 2 escape rooms (Dark Wyvern @ Escape Room Indy was my favorite one I've ever done), 2 Starship Horizons. Gen Con was great!

My group also played Dark Wyvern. It was really awesome! We escaped with 3 minutes to go.

Nice! I think we finished with 15 minutes left... we did use up our 3 hints though. I had not done a 90 minute escape room before -- that was a great length.
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How many runs did you do at GENCON? 2 years 5 months ago #34


Except that's not true.

I volunteer at a booth, and usually they try to snag a whole run for members to participate in, but due to the rather daunting cost that would be this year (rather than the 'sealed' runs of previous years at a lower cost), it was passed upon.

Then, while demo'ing games, a friend walked up and asked if I wanted to be in a run.

I made sure that disappearing from dinner plans wouldn't throw anything askew, and said yes.

Oh and also it was my first Nightmare run ever.

And first time not playing as a Wizard.

Did I mention that I left my tokens at home, because I didn't expect to be playing?

So, my updated/corrected answer is 1, Ebony Bay, and it was an absolute blast. The crew I joined with was top notch, geared out heavily, I was quickly set up with a kit I didn't remotely deserve access to, and made it my mission to puzzle and combat my heart out, and ideally make some members of the party and coaches/monsters laugh. Also, being tall proved useful for 2 of the 3 puzzles, but the last one was in the hands of our wizard, who had it sorted out in (to me) record time.

It was an awesome adventure, I survived with 6 hp remaining, and I hope to sneak another round in next year, in whatever form that might take.

Lesson learned: if attending Gencon, always bring your tokens. Even if you don't expect to use them. Yes, Customs agents will have questions. Do it anyways.

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Last edit: by Forar.

How many runs did you do at GENCON? 2 years 5 months ago #35

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How many runs did you do at GENCON? 2 years 5 months ago #36

First time doing a True Dungeon.

I did one run with some friends and we completed Weird Magic on Normal. It was a blast! The final boss/actor continued to try electrocuting our Bard, but he resisted all but one. I thought everyone loved bards? lol

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