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TOPIC: Friday DAS Combat 3:02 pm TDA17118233 FULL

Friday DAS Combat 3:02 pm TDA17118233 FULL 7 years 8 months ago #1

The BLUE BROTHERHOOD returns to Gen Con! "We're on a mission from the gods!" We run HARDCORE+.

Friday 3:02 PM DAS Combat TDA17118233

1. Eric - Fighter - CoA - RoH
2. Mike - Rogue - CoA - RoH
3. Edwin - Cleric - CoA - RoH
4. Big Mike - Dwarf Fighter
5. Justin - Bard
6. Tristan - Ranger
7. Derek - Paladin - RoH
8. Gerald - Monk - CoA - RoH
9. Angela - Druid
10. Jake - Barbarian - CoA - RoH (+Can loan 2 CoGF, 1 Amulet of Treasure Finding, 3 Rings of Heroism)
Get your Character Class T-Shirts HERE! https://www.redbubble.com/people/snakeeyes0217/collections/723278-dungeon-adventure-wear

Get $10 off your first order from Trent Tokens with this code! http://i.refs.cc/RsPEAVgF

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Last edit: by SnakeEyes (Eric).

OPEN SLOTS Friday DAS Combat 3:02 pm TDA17118233 7 years 8 months ago #2

BUMP! Only two spots remaining!
Get your Character Class T-Shirts HERE! https://www.redbubble.com/people/snakeeyes0217/collections/723278-dungeon-adventure-wear

Get $10 off your first order from Trent Tokens with this code! http://i.refs.cc/RsPEAVgF

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OPEN SLOTS Friday DAS Combat 3:02 pm TDA17118233 7 years 8 months ago #3

FYI - To potentially interested players, we will be able to help gear up newer players so if you do not have a lot of tokens don't worry, the group can help you.
"The Dreams of Youth are the Regrets of Maturity."

Boom goes the Devil Drake when this Rogue slides a 20 with a Holy Hand Grenade.

My Rogue Build: truedungeon.com/forum?view=topic&catid=569&id=244107&limitstart=0

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OPEN SLOTS Friday DAS Combat 3:02 pm TDA17118233 7 years 8 months ago #4

PM sent.
Forum Name: Milambus
Real Name: Jake Fitch
Main Class: Monk

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Friday DAS Combat 3:02 pm TDA17118233 - FULL 7 years 8 months ago #5

The circle is complete! Thanks to everyone for joining in. Let's talk some strategy. Mike and I have really beefed-up our Rogue and Fighter builds so we are set and Jake said he has extra CoGF to help us max-out on treasure. (How many extras do you have, Jake?)

Anyone see any tokens that might relate to overcoming obstacles? There is a new Ioun Stone that helps with mazes but I haven't seen anything that might relate to this one. Post your thoughts.
Get your Character Class T-Shirts HERE! https://www.redbubble.com/people/snakeeyes0217/collections/723278-dungeon-adventure-wear

Get $10 off your first order from Trent Tokens with this code! http://i.refs.cc/RsPEAVgF

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Friday DAS Combat 3:02 pm TDA17118233 - FULL 7 years 7 months ago #6

I'm working on filling out Rare gear for my Paladin build (Defender set, Ogre belt/gloves, +1 weapons, etc.) and I will gladly take any recommendations on specific tokens. Is the expectation to be 5th level?

Not going to lie, I'm a little intimidated being in a group of more experienced players. My token collection is decent but not large, and I haven't really traded/transmuted in the past. I don't have a CoA or CoGF. I also don't want to be dead weight or a drain on the team by overly borrowing tokens. So if you have suggestions on how to acquire the "good stuff" without breaking the bank, I'd really appreciate it.

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Friday DAS Combat 3:02 pm TDA17118233 - FULL 7 years 7 months ago #7

Phaelix wrote: I'm working on filling out Rare gear for my Paladin build (Defender set, Ogre belt/gloves, +1 weapons, etc.) and I will gladly take any recommendations on specific tokens. Is the expectation to be 5th level?

Not going to lie, I'm a little intimidated being in a group of more experienced players. My token collection is decent but not large, and I haven't really traded/transmuted in the past. I don't have a CoA or CoGF. I also don't want to be dead weight or a drain on the team by overly borrowing tokens. So if you have suggestions on how to acquire the "good stuff" without breaking the bank, I'd really appreciate it.

No worries, man. We were all there at one point or another. In fact, I played for seven or eight years without paying attention to tokens at all. Post your build and we'll give you some pointers. Mike is particularly good about spotting easy ways to improve your points.
Get your Character Class T-Shirts HERE! https://www.redbubble.com/people/snakeeyes0217/collections/723278-dungeon-adventure-wear

Get $10 off your first order from Trent Tokens with this code! http://i.refs.cc/RsPEAVgF

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Friday DAS Combat 3:02 pm TDA17118233 - FULL 7 years 7 months ago #8

Phaelix wrote: I'm working on filling out Rare gear for my Paladin build (Defender set, Ogre belt/gloves, +1 weapons, etc.) and I will gladly take any recommendations on specific tokens. Is the expectation to be 5th level?

Not going to lie, I'm a little intimidated being in a group of more experienced players. My token collection is decent but not large, and I haven't really traded/transmuted in the past. I don't have a CoA or CoGF. I also don't want to be dead weight or a drain on the team by overly borrowing tokens. So if you have suggestions on how to acquire the "good stuff" without breaking the bank, I'd really appreciate it.

Welcome aboard! Just an FYI - 3 other players in this group will be second time players, they played last year for the first time. Don't feel intimidated at all, I helped "Red" them all out with solid gear.

Besides the Defender Set and Ogre gloves I recommend the following 2017 tokens: Bracers of Lighting, Shirt of Vitality and Beryl Prism Ioun Stone you can find them on the forum from TD tavern really cheap, check out his token store here on the site.

I will be bringing a lot of nice tokens to help the group with, I will also be selling some of that gear for TD gold. If you pull gold for your treasure pulls I would happily trade for some good tokens that will not break your bank at all lol. I have the Boots of the Marauder (+2 Dex and immunity to hold), Exalted Creeper Amulet +4 to Dex ) and the Belt of Blessed Constitution (+2 Con) and other nice gear for mid tier players. Pardon the info commercial, I am saving up 40k in gold to buy my Legendary armor...I am also true to the Rogue hawking stuff and gold greedy......
"The Dreams of Youth are the Regrets of Maturity."

Boom goes the Devil Drake when this Rogue slides a 20 with a Holy Hand Grenade.

My Rogue Build: truedungeon.com/forum?view=topic&catid=569&id=244107&limitstart=0

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Last edit: by JACKOFTRADZE.

Friday DAS Combat 3:02 pm TDA17118233 - FULL 7 years 7 months ago #9

Here's what I'm shooting for so far...

Melee Mainhand: +1 Iron Nettle/+1 Drow Blood Mace
Melee Offhand: Defender Shield
Ranged Mainhand: +1 Long Bow
Ranged Offhand:
Head: Defender Helm
Eyes: Lenses of the Navigator
Ear1: Earcuff of Crenellations
Ear2: Earcuff of Intellect
Neck: Necklace of Natural Armor
Back: +2 Cloak of Resistance/Cloak of Many Pockets
Shirt: Shirt of Vitality
Torso: Defender Platemail
Wrists: Bracers of Frost
Hands: Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Finger1: Ring of Soothing Touch
Finger2: Ring of Improved Evasion (Hoping to work this into a trade for a Ring of Heroism)
Waist: Belt of Ogre Power
Pants: Pants of Blisswalk
Feet: Boots of Agility
IounStone1: Ioun Stone Beryl Prism
IounStone2: Ioun Stone Faceted Amber
IounStone3: Ioun Stone Lodestone Sphere
Charm1: Charm of Health
Charm2: Charm of the Salamander/Charm of Ironsight
Figurine1: Figurine of Power: Salamander

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Friday DAS Combat 3:02 pm TDA17118233 - FULL 7 years 7 months ago #10

Phaelix, not looking too shabby at all!
I highlighted my off the cuff recommendations in Red below. All of them range on average $4-8 each so its not a big investment at all per your request for inexpensive upgrades:

Melee Mainhand: +1 Iron Nettle/+1 Drow Blood Mace
Melee Offhand: Defender Shield
Ranged Mainhand: 2017 Modegan LongBow
Ranged Offhand: 2014 Archers Buckler
Head: Defender Helm
Eyes: 2014 Goggles of Serpant Sight
Ear1: 2016 Darkling Earcuff or 2017 Earcuff of Bliss
Ear2: Earcuff of Intellect
Neck: Necklace of Natural Armor
Back: +2 Cloak of Resistance/Cloak of Many Pockets
Shirt: Shirt of Vitality
Torso: Defender Platemail
Wrists: Bracers of Frost
Hands: Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Finger1: Ring of Soothing Touch or 2016 Ring of Protection +1
Finger2: Ring of Improved Evasion (Hoping to work this into a trade for a Ring of Heroism) Not equal in $ FYI this will be tough so expect to pony up some $
Waist: Belt of Ogre Power
Legs: Pants of Blisswalk
Feet: Boots of Agility
IounStone1: Ioun Stone Beryl Prism
IounStone2: Ioun Stone Faceted Amber
IounStone3: Ioun Stone Lodestone Sphere
IounStone4: 2016 Ioun Stone Iridescent Spindle
IounStone5: 2014 Ioun Stone Ruby Rhombus
Runestone: Decay Runestone
Charm1: Charm of Health
Charm2: Charm of the Salamander
Charm 3: Charm of Ironsight (You can have 3)
Figurine1: Figurine of Power: Salamander

Get the TD character generator app this will give you a bonus +1 to HP. It's only $2.
"The Dreams of Youth are the Regrets of Maturity."

Boom goes the Devil Drake when this Rogue slides a 20 with a Holy Hand Grenade.

My Rogue Build: truedungeon.com/forum?view=topic&catid=569&id=244107&limitstart=0

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Last edit: by JACKOFTRADZE.

Friday DAS Combat 3:02 pm TDA17118233 - FULL 7 years 7 months ago #11

Thanks for the suggestions!

The full Defender set bonus will give me another +1 AC and immunity to hold, slow, etc. (At least according to the token database)

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Friday DAS Combat 3:02 pm TDA17118233 - FULL 7 years 7 months ago #12

Phaelix wrote: Thanks for the suggestions!

The full Defender set bonus will give me another +1 AC and immunity to hold, slow, etc. (At least according to the token database)

LOL I corrected before you posted this, I forgot and yes it does!
I made some other edits too!
"The Dreams of Youth are the Regrets of Maturity."

Boom goes the Devil Drake when this Rogue slides a 20 with a Holy Hand Grenade.

My Rogue Build: truedungeon.com/forum?view=topic&catid=569&id=244107&limitstart=0

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