I step away for a little bit and bam, thread blows up.
Handsome Husband Hawk? Can't compete with that. He wins.
Biz Markie and guesses wrong on the Lore check? Yeesh.

I'm thinking I might be able to bring a bit more Bardic bang for your buck. So I'm going to call Bard. Sorry Bob. I'll be running 5th level Bard, with Bardsong bonus of +2/+4 with the utility of Lore check, sliding, casting, or scroll slinging. I usually start with the Lore check (I'm pretty damn good at it, too, thanks to being an actor IRL), and Bardsong an improvised song that includes the Lore check info in some way. Next round is normally a switch over to Widseth's for sliding, but could go to Briano's for casting or the new Amorgen's for scrolls. Depends on what the situation seems like.
I may be an experienced TD player, but honestly have no trouble running at normal difficulty. No worries over missing out on anything at Hardcore/Nightmare since I have four other runs scheduled. You honestly aren't putting me out at all.

If anything I'm happy to Bard for groups that have concerns over surviving. I see my role as Bard as complementary party support. I help y'all out, y'all keep me alive.
"Charming Drow warriors? You should hear about the time I managed to seduce a medusa in her own lair. Resulted in my being detained from my travels just a bit longer than anticipated. Wasn't turned to stone but she definitely made me feel a bit stiff at times..."
I'm reading Name of the Wind currently. Considering how much iron is in the token set this year, what little I've read so far has given me some cause for concern as to what we'll be facing in the dungeons. It's been hinted at that the dungeons will have a bit more of the world than what has been revealed in the novels, and at least one monster that is brand new to both TD and the Kingkiller Chronicles canon, approved by Rothfuss himself.
Considering this will be the last run for me after a long Gen Con combo of TD volunteering and runs, low sleep and caffeine will be the fumes I'll be running on by then.
Avatar Image by Graven, 2015. Thanks, Graven!