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TOPIC: Friday DAS 11:51 am Puzzle TDA17118445 Nightmare

Friday DAS 11:51 am Puzzle TDA17118445 Nightmare 7 years 8 months ago #1

The Blue Brotherhood is complete! This is sure to be a run loaded with dramatic last-minute saves and car chases through shopping malls. Check the roster below. If you acquire an CoGF or CoA before Gen Con, let me know.


Smackdown! has the "Charm of Camaraderie" which grants all party members 5th level without using the RoH or CoH so be sure to utilize that extra slot, people!

Kevin has graciously offered the use of the Gloves of the Flying Fist to Andrew's friend!

Finally, if you have NOT sent me your mobile number, please PM me with it as soon as possible.

DAS 11:51 am TDA17118445 Puzzle - Nightmare

1. Eric - Fighter - CoA
2. Mike - Rogue - CoA
3. Edwin - Cleric - CoA
4. Gerald - Ranger - CoA
5. Angela - Druid
6. Andrew - TBD (Dwarf Fighter)
7. Andrew friend - Monk
8. Luigi - Paladin - CoA
9. Smackdown! - Barbarian - CoA - (+CoA to share if needed)
10. Kevin - Wizard - CoA
Get your Character Class T-Shirts HERE! https://www.redbubble.com/people/snakeeyes0217/collections/723278-dungeon-adventure-wear

Get $10 off your first order from Trent Tokens with this code! http://i.refs.cc/RsPEAVgF

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Last edit: by SnakeEyes (Eric).

OPEN SLOTS Friday DAS Puzzle 11:51 & Combat 3:02 7 years 8 months ago #2

I'm interested in 5 slots for the puzzle but most of us are beginners.

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OPEN SLOTS Friday DAS Puzzle 11:51 & Combat 3:02 7 years 8 months ago #3

Industrial Language wrote: I'm interested in 5 slots for the puzzle but most of us are beginners.

Beginners are fine as long as you have the gear to survive. The lowest we'll run is Hardcore so your gear should be appropriate or you will most certainly die. If you think you have what it takes, PM me.

"Hardcore: If all players in the group agree, the players can tell their Coach they want to play their adventure on the "Hardore" challenge rating. This is for people who have some TD experience and at least 3 bags of tokens. Awarded XP for this challenge level is 1650 + 50/room reached. They get only the Hardcore/Nightmare Completion token for attempting this level."

You can learn more about the other levels here...

Get your Character Class T-Shirts HERE! https://www.redbubble.com/people/snakeeyes0217/collections/723278-dungeon-adventure-wear

Get $10 off your first order from Trent Tokens with this code! http://i.refs.cc/RsPEAVgF

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OPEN SLOTS Friday DAS Puzzle 11:51 & Combat 3:02 7 years 8 months ago #4

This appears to be a duplicate of this thread in the Adventuring Group subforum. Can you tell me which is the "official" thread so I can index properly?

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Last edit: by Andrew Knoll.

OPEN SLOTS Friday DAS Puzzle 11:51 & Combat 3:02 7 years 8 months ago #5

I've created two separate threads in "adventuring groups form here 217," one for each run. I am updating all 3 until they fill up. The two in the other area will be used for strategy discussion whereas this one is for finding members.
Get your Character Class T-Shirts HERE! https://www.redbubble.com/people/snakeeyes0217/collections/723278-dungeon-adventure-wear

Get $10 off your first order from Trent Tokens with this code! http://i.refs.cc/RsPEAVgF

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Last edit: by SnakeEyes (Eric).

OPEN SLOTS Friday DAS Puzzle 11:51 & Combat 3:02 7 years 8 months ago #6

Thank you very much for your reply. I only will have 2 bags and my friends will only have one, so I guess we'll have to skip it this year. :(

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OPEN SLOTS Friday DAS Puzzle 11:51 & Combat 3:02 7 years 8 months ago #7

Industrial Language wrote: Thank you very much for your reply. I only will have 2 bags and my friends will only have one, so I guess we'll have to skip it this year. :(

Don't despair. Our 3:02 pm run will most likely be HARDCORE so if you can pick-up a few crucial items, you're ready to go. I recommend checking out TD Tavern, Discount Dungeon, or Trent Tokens. For a couple bucks, you can pick-up the things you NEED for your class to run at that level without having to deal with the luck of the draw aspect of random token bags.
Get your Character Class T-Shirts HERE! https://www.redbubble.com/people/snakeeyes0217/collections/723278-dungeon-adventure-wear

Get $10 off your first order from Trent Tokens with this code! http://i.refs.cc/RsPEAVgF

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OPEN SLOTS Friday DAS Puzzle 11:51 & Combat 3:02 7 years 8 months ago #8

PM sent, 2 for 11:51 DAS if still open

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OPEN SLOTS Friday DAS Puzzle 11:51 & Combat 3:02 7 years 8 months ago #9

Not sure if you received my PM. Thx.

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OPEN SLOTS Friday DAS Puzzle 11:51 & Combat 3:02 7 years 8 months ago #10

Bumping! We have two slots left......
"The Dreams of Youth are the Regrets of Maturity."

Boom goes the Devil Drake when this Rogue slides a 20 with a Holy Hand Grenade.

My Rogue Build: truedungeon.com/forum?view=topic&catid=569&id=244107&limitstart=0

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2 LFM Friday DAS Puzzle 11:51 am TDA17118445 NM 7 years 7 months ago #11

The Blue Brotherhood swag lives! Three designs are available NOW as T-shirts, stickers, and more at my RedBubble store. See links below...

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Get your Character Class T-Shirts HERE! https://www.redbubble.com/people/snakeeyes0217/collections/723278-dungeon-adventure-wear

Get $10 off your first order from Trent Tokens with this code! http://i.refs.cc/RsPEAVgF

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Last edit: by SnakeEyes (Eric).

1 LFM Friday DAS Puzzle 11:51 am TDA17118445 NM 7 years 7 months ago #12


Thanks to the graciousness of Andrew and his friend for switching classes, Smackdown has joined the party! We now have only one spot left in what is sure to be an epic run that will go down in infamy in the hallowed halls of True Dungeondom! That said, a few things to note...

1) Andrew's friend switched to Monk. Does anyone have the Gloves of the Flying fist to loan them for the run?

2) Smack brings with him "Smackdown's Charm of Camaraderie" which grants us all +1 level without equipping the RoH or the CoH. So use that extra slot to equip something useful! Here's more info on SCoC.


"It's 183 miles to Indianapolis. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses."

"Hit it!"
Get your Character Class T-Shirts HERE! https://www.redbubble.com/people/snakeeyes0217/collections/723278-dungeon-adventure-wear

Get $10 off your first order from Trent Tokens with this code! http://i.refs.cc/RsPEAVgF

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