Partial* Auction Listings:
*I'll be adding items up to auction start and some extras as we progress!
Item name/Current Winning Bidder/High Bid
New Items added after auction start
1/22 added:
2nd Greater Bead of Whispers (+3 saves and part of legendary transmute!) - Vanilla Ice ("Ice Ice Baby") $145
Auction winners are eligible to be entered into a drawing to get 2 GHC True Grind tickets!
1/20 added:
Second Set of Rings added!
1 of each - Ring of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th circle -catch up on your ticket to Ring Con! All the rings (to date) needed for the transmute in 2026 - it's your ticket to entry at Ring Con and will have powers of its own! - Men Without Hats ("Safety Dance") $275
2003 Woodie Tokens (lot): Scroll: Detect Secret Doors, Scroll: Magic Missile, Gold 2 gp, Gold 4 gp, Gem 5 gp (crystal), Gem 5 GP (Geo), Gem 10 GP (Citrine), Gear: Bone Map Case, Gear: 50' Rope, Gear: Waterskin, Gear: Sm Metal Mirror, Gear: Flint & Steel, Gear: Steel Flask, Uncommon item: Masterwork Thieves Tools - Bobby Picket ("Monster Mash") $41
(Lot) AD&D/2nd Edition D&D Books and Modules: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook (2nd Edition, 2nd Printing), AD&D Character Sheets (2nd Edition), Module B2 "The Keep on the Borderlands" (1980 printing - purple cover), Module D1-2 "Descent into the depths of the earth" (1981 Blue Cover), Module D3 Vault of the Drow (1980 Blue Cover), Module Q1 Queen of the Demonweb Pits (1980 Purple Cover - still has the original maps). Baha Men ("Who Let the Dogs Out?") $85
1/17 added:
50K in Gold! (Two 25K gold reserve bars auctioned as a set) (market value: $550+) - Baha Men ("Who Let the Dogs Out?") $450
2nd Complete set of all 2024 VTD completion tokens (there are two sets available in this auction)(Bead of the Third Eye, Bracelets of Psychic Power, Charm of Psychic Power, Crown of Psychic Power, Ioun Stone Scapolite Prism, Pendant of Psychic Power, Ring of Psychic Power) The Outfield ("Your Love") $50
2024 UR Charm of Shared Recovery - regeneration that gets better the more of these charms the party has! Vanilla Ice ("Ice Ice Baby") $60
1/13 added:
UR Shaed (great Rothfuss themed DR item!) Stacy Q ("Two of Hearts") $66
UR +2 Chaos Cannon - great 2 handed ranged weapon (meaning the gladiator gloves work with it) usable by all classes Divinyls ("I Touch Myself") $29
UR Butterfly Cloak +2 to saves and brings you back to life 1/game in the next room (rooms 1-6) Vanilla Ice (Ice Ice Baby) $72
Volunteer token! UR Ioun Stone Champions Choice (+2 to Str or dex) Vanilla Ice ("Ice Ice Baby") $125
Mark of the 3rd Tenet - Part of the upcoming marks set, +3 wisdom Men Without Hats ("Safety Dance") $100
Big token lot:
(all one lot) (appreciation tokens) Complete set of all Hitchhiking Ghosts (bog, flog, gog, mog, shog) (once use allows extra rare slot item for eye, foot, leg, shirt, waist for a full run) and Complete set of Folios (treasure draw only) (brawn, deftness, fitness, focus, fortitude, might (+1 level!), reflexes, vitality, and wisdom.) The Outfield ("Your Love") $70
Original auction items
Spotlight items:
Surtr's Girdle of Giant Strength (+7 to Str) - Tag Team ("Whoop There It Is!") $595
True Grind "This shirt cost my party their lives..." shirt - 1 more shirt was allowed to be made just for this auction - courtesy of Picc! (this will be produced at whatever size the winner indicates.) Devo ("Whip it") $300
Hard to Find or Unusual Items:
Ring of Heroism +1 level - A-Ha! ("Take on Me") $130
Rare Hard to Find Tokens:
Charm of Enlightenment (+8 wis) -Vanilla Ice ("Ice Ice Baby") $51
Arcanum items:
Arcanum Shirt (+2 to str, dex, con, and focus) - part of the upcoming Arcanum set - Bobby McFerrin ("Don't Worry, Be Happy") $250
+3 Savage Sword Very high dmg wheel - crits on 19-20 - part of the legendary Kilgore Sword Transmute - Vanilla Ice ("Ice Ice Baby") $165
Greater Gloves of the Gladiator +6 to all dmg w/ any two handed weapon (even ranged!) - part of the legendary A-Ha! ("Take on me") $110
Greater Bead of Whispers +3 to saves - part of the legendary Boaz transmute Men Without Hats ("Safety Dance")$140
Ioun Stone Elfstone Shard +10 to max hp - Bobby McFerrin ("Don't Worry, Be Happy") $105
Bead of Bounty +2 treasure draws -Lipps, Inc ("Funkytown") $63
Bead of Greed +2 treasure draws - The Outfield ("Your Love") $70
Other URs
Boots of Brawling +2 to hit w/ melee +1 to saves Twisted Sister ("We're not gonna take it!") $ 75
Grunnel's Funnel - Free action use healing potion on self or others Lipps, Inc ("Funkytown") $30
Ioun Stone Kyanite Cube +2 cold dmg with ranged attacks -2 dmg from cold Vanilla Ice ("Ice Ice Baby") $37
Ioun Stone Mystic Orb +2 to saves (+3 with skull of cavadar) Vanilla Ice ("Ice Ice Baby") $43
Ioun Stone Flourite Sphere +2 to healing spells and healing received gets +2 hp Vanilla Ice ("Ice Ice Baby") $30
Safehold 5 with 8 hireling stewarts Divinyls ("I Touch Myself") $155
1 of each - Ring of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th circle -catch up on your ticket to Ring Con! All the rings (to date) needed for the transmute in 2026 - it's your ticket to entry at Ring Con and will have powers of its own! - Vanilla Ice ("Ice Ice Baby") $280
Complete set of all 2023 and 2024 monster bits (excluding skull of batterak) - needed for 2026 Greater Glory transmute! 14 tokens - worth 1.4 GF even if just transmuted to GF- Twisted Sister ("We're Not Gonna Take It") $61
Complete set of all 2024 VTD completion tokens (Bead of the Third Eye, Bracelets of Psychic Power, Charm of Psychic Power, Crown of Psychic Power, Ioun Stone Scapolite Prism, Pendant of Psychic Power, Ring of Psychic Power) - good tokens but, importantly, all the completion tokens needed for the ring of psychic mastery Twisted Sister ("We're Not Gonna Take It") $40
Ancients Set - Charm, Armor, and Staff - great items and +1 level for the set Right Said Fred ("I'm Too Sexy") $125
Greaves of Absorption, Deflection, and Stalwart - great items and part of the 2026 Greaves transmute -Men without hats ("Safety Dance") $160
Stretch goals 3K and 4K were unlocked - check the top of this post for the new items! At 5K more items will be added!