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TOPIC: $50 UR (and other tokens) sale for GHC for newer players and volunteers

$50 UR (and other tokens) sale for GHC for newer players and volunteers 2 years 3 months ago #1

I have been fortunate in my draws as well as extras from orders to where I have gathered up quite a few extra URs. I remember when I first started TD, it was hard to afford those first few URs and I had to scour looking for ones for sale that weren't terribly expensive.

I’d like to run a quick sale for GHC aimed at newer players and volunteers to help them with their builds. This is for in-person at GHC. If anything is left over after, I'll likely continue the sale and just add shipping.

What qualifies as a newer player? To steal a line from Ted Lasso, "It's like the offsides rule in soccer - you know it when you see it" :) I'm not holding to any hard and fast rules on this but I really want to prioritize people where this might be in the first 10 URs they get as opposed to resellers or hard-core addicts like myself.
The following tokens are available for $50 each:
+2 Staff of Power (2022)
Amulet of Aiming (x32) (2022)
Charm Bracelets (2022)
Charm of Spell Storing (2022)
Death Knight Armor (2021)
Death Knight Mail (2022)(x21)
Gloves of the Deadshot (x21) (2022)
Lucky Charm (2022) (x2)
Lucky Kilt (2022) (x2)
Pants of the Panther (2020)
Ring of Havoc (2022)
Ring of Quick Blessing (2021)
Ring of the Siren (2021)

5 Star Relic $175
Greater Charm Bracelets $175

Teeth of Cavadar $15 each
6th Tooth of Cavadar (2020) (x12) $15 each

Ring of the 5th Circle (2022) $25

Please PM me if you are interested and we’ll arrange to meet at GHC for the exchanges!

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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Last edit: by Fred K.

$50 UR (and other tokens) sale for GHC for newer players and volunteers 2 years 3 months ago #2

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$50 UR (and other tokens) sale for GHC for newer players and volunteers 2 years 3 months ago #3

Absolute mad man.

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$50 UR (and other tokens) sale for GHC for newer players and volunteers 2 years 3 months ago #4

Mike Steele wrote: Fred, those are great prices, some newer players are going to get some great deals from you!

I was in that boat of just barely scrapping enough cash together to even go to conventions for a long time. It's nice being on the other side of that river now but you don't forget it :)

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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$50 UR (and other tokens) sale for GHC for newer players and volunteers 2 years 3 months ago #5

Definitely awesome of you. Pm sent. I'm both relatively new to collecting and volunteering at GHC as a first time volunteer as a pirate. Arrrg.

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$50 UR (and other tokens) sale for GHC for newer players and volunteers 2 years 3 months ago #6

Cool that you are doing this for the newer players/volunteer's!
"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view" - Obi Wan Kenobi

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$50 UR (and other tokens) sale for GHC for newer players and volunteers 2 years 3 months ago #7

Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Cool! Love it!
- Send me in DM! I'M READY TO ROLL!

Swing by utakustradecaravan.com to buy, trade, or bid on tokens for your True Dungeon characters!
From my humble caravan I offer:
- Trade Goods and Treasurers I've gathered along the way (Completion, Ultra Rare+, etc.)
- My Trading Post with my current needs/wants!
- My Auction House hosting 8K Auctions, charity auctions, and more!

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$50 UR (and other tokens) sale for GHC for newer players and volunteers 2 years 3 months ago #8

Fred K wrote: What qualifies as a newer player?

in the first 10 URs they get

*glances at token collection*

...shoot, if we're measuring "newer player" by the number of UR's they own, I've got about 15 years before I can't consider myself a "newer player" anymore. :cheer:

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Last edit: by Allen John.

$50 UR (and other tokens) sale for GHC for newer players and volunteers 2 years 3 months ago #9

This is incredibly generous Fred! Thank you for supporting the community in this way! B)
Casey's Emporium of Gooey Delights Token Store:


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$50 UR (and other tokens) sale for GHC for newer players and volunteers 2 years 3 months ago #10

Bump - 10 claimed, 11 are left!

To clarify - "newer players" just means people without tons of tokens - rule of thumb - if you have less than 10 URs, that's who I am trying to help on that front.

Also clarifying on volunteer - anyone who volunteers for TD, not just GHC is eligible. VTD volunteers are more than welcome as are GenCon people. Grudingly, even the Pax folks count. Sort of.

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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$50 UR (and other tokens) sale for GHC for newer players and volunteers 2 years 3 months ago #11

Fred, I don't see a price for the Teeth, maybe that is slowing down their sales? FYI for newer players, there are rare tokens you can get to activate the Tooth psychic abilities.

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$50 UR (and other tokens) sale for GHC for newer players and volunteers 2 years 3 months ago #12

Mike Steele wrote: Fred, I don't see a price for the Teeth, maybe that is slowing down their sales? FYI for newer players, there are rare tokens you can get to activate the Tooth psychic abilities.

Great catch - without a price, that would explain the dearth of interest :). I edited to reflect they are $15 each.

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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