Ugh. Thanks for pointing this out, stoner. I had totally missed it. (Odd that the rule edit would be buried in an edit to the first post of an old thread that is now 12 pages long.)
Let’s look at three different scenarios.
1. The MoMM user who will only use a single unique wand type per room and will never use that single unique wand type more than once per round. (So always as a standard action or free action (with MoMM), but never both.)
2. The MoMM user who will use a single unique wand type twice in the same round (with a standard action and free action/MoMM).
3. The MoMM user who will use more than one unique wand type in the room with standard actions and free actions.
For scenario 1, my interpretation is that the new rule edit doesn’t really change our prior understanding. Only a single wand token will be burned at the end of the room. In round one, you cast magic missile with your standard action and use Wand of Thor’s Fury with your free action/MoMM by placing the wand on the table - understanding that you will lose this token at the end of the room. In each subsequent round, you can re-use that same Wand of Thor’s Fury with either a standard action or free action (with MoMM), but not both. Correct?
For scenario 2, my interpretation is that the rule edit means that you will have to burn two copies of the same wand instead of just one. In round one, you use a Wand of Thor’s Fury with your standard action by placing the token on the table - understanding that you will lose it at the end of the room. If you want to blast Thor’s Fury again in that same round using your free action/MoMM, you must place a second Wand of Thor’s Fury token on the table - understanding that you will lose it too at the end of the room. Then in each subsequent round, you can re-use the two wands on the table with your standard and free actions without ever needing to produce another copy. Correct? If so, it is a bummer that the room will cost the MoMM user two identical wands instead of one, which is roughly $2 per combat room instead of $1 (assuming a $1 cost for current year rare wands, which is roughly Kirk’s current list price for Thor’s Fury and may end up being on the low side) and $8 per run instead of $4 (assuming four combat rooms). As has been discussed at length elsewhere, adding any cost to wand use still feels awful since the chargeless wands rule of 2018 induced a lot of players to buy expensive UR tokens (MoMM and IS Fluorite Cube and maybe Charm Bracelets to replace the dropped Charm Necklace) and now players will have to spend additional money every run just to keep using those expensive tokens going forward. On top of ticket price increases, it is particularly upsetting. While I still hated the outcome, I appreciated Jeff’s compromise in his FINAL Notes (pre-edit) that seemed to cap the number of unique wand copies a MoMM user would have to burn at one per room. This latest rule edit completely undoes the compromise, though, and doubles the cost to MoMM users in scenario 2. It is a very bad result that exacerbates the wand/MoMM/ISFC bait and switch feeling.
In scenario 3, in round one you cast magic missile with your standard action and use Wand of Thor’s Fury with your free action/MoMM by placing the token on the table - understanding that you will lose it at the end of the room. In round 2, you re-use the Wand of Thor’s Fury with your standard action (no additional token required) and use a Wand of Lava Blasts with your free action/MoMM by placing the Lava Blast token on the table - understanding that you will lose it at the end of the room. In subsequent rounds, you can re-use the Thor’s Fury and Lava Blast tokens on the table with your standard and free actions without having to produce additional copies - as long as you don’t use the same token twice in the same round. But if you want to double up the Thor’s Fury, for example, in the same round with both your standard action and free action/MoMM, you would have to place a second Thor’s Fury token on the table. Correct?
So if I understand this correctly, the rule is that if you use any unique wand type once in a round (with either a standard action or free action), one copy of that unique wand must be on the table and will be burned at the end of the room. If you ever use the same unique wand type twice in a round (with both a standard action and free action/MoMM), two copies of that unique wand token must be on the table and both will be burned at the end of the room.
For me, it would be far simpler and more fair to simply require a single copy of each unique wand used in a room to be placed on the table (and burned at room end). That single copy of each unique wand can be used for any combination of standard and free actions (with MoMM) for the duration of the room without getting into any further complexity. The job of the DM is super simple, then. Caster wants to use a wand? Don’t worry about how many times it is being used in a round or a room. Just make sure a single copy of the wand is on the table and bucket it at the end of the room. This solves the inequity of scenario 2 above. And it also solves the UC/R wand sleaze concern raised in this thread.
(By the way, I am sure we all are still painfully aware of the fact that the 2019 rule change is still particularly unfair to owners of charged wands. Consider the 2017 three charge Wand of Hornets. If combat lasts fewer than three rounds or if you don’t use the wand three times in that combat, you forfeit remaining charges at the end of combat. And you can no longer conserve the last charge to mulch a partially used wand into a Philosophers Stone. That really, really stinks, but I fear the ship has long sailed on this point.)
In any event, if the edited wand rule sticks, I agree with the suggestion that Jeff should allow players to trade in their MoMMs and Fluorite Cubes for UR replacements.