Hi, my name is Boilerplate, and I’m an HP hoarder. I blame Harlax for this terrible affliction since he gave me my first HP “hit” at TDC Horde (my first time playing TD) when he loaned me his 74 HP MEC wizard build. It blew my mind. So. Much. Fun. (And yes, I did manage to die, get rezzed, and immediately MEC myself to death with a glorious lightning storm. Loved it.)
How much HP is too much HP? I posed a similar question last year in the Wizard’s Tower. Link here:
. Not sure we ever reached a consensus on the “hp sweet spot for MEC wizards.”
For me, I start getting the shakes when my build has less than 65. Why? I dunno. Kind of an arbitrary feeling. But if I were to try to articulate a few reasons, they would go something like this:
First, when running at HC or above, I use MEC on all spells except zero level. I never slide - always spell swap for more damage spells.
Second, high HP is my answer to miserable AC. I expect to take a licking, and high HP helps me keep on ticking.
Third, I take personal pride in allowing the Paladin to defend someone else - especially when running with newer players. High HP makes this possible.
Fourth, I am super risk averse. Death sucks (except in a blaze of glory at True Horde). And more HP is like a nice cozy blanket that makes me feel like death is standing a little farther away.
Fifth, while I know that there are lots of con and HP boosters available, I think I am equipping all the ones that make sense for high end builds (I.e., don’t compete with critical class tokens or TEs). I equip icecrag, belt of baneful mettle, Tavernbane, synergy, IS charming cabachon, IS garnet cube, and RoSP segment 7. If anyone else sees intelligent ways to pick up extra HP, I’m all ears! (I do have Wil’s, but I think my other charms are too important.) Here is my typical build, if you are curious - not sure whether the TDCC link will work:
Finally - and this is a doozy this year, I am even more nervous about HP with the major nerfing of healing going on for next year (LoDS and removal of 10 pt healing bonus from 2 piece eldritch set). Wizards are going to need the extra 5 HP now more than ever.
And yes, I also carry 6 charms of synergy to share, Tulz, distilled healing, lotus blossom bowls, and shrooms. Overkill? Maybe. But see points 1-6 above. Oh, and see my opening sentence. I have a problem.
So that brings me to the Great Eldritch Kilt Debate. Tavernbane was the first ever UR token I purchased, in large part because of the fun I had with Harlax’s high HP build. And also because I was excited about the prospect of it getting even fancier if I managed to collect all three kilts and turn them into the eldritch kilt. That’s been my top collecting goal since I started playing. Right or wrong, naive or otherwise, I never imagined that “upgrading” to the cool green kilt would end up causing me to “downgrade” the stat I cared most about when I bought that first UR kilt. Best I can tell (in my admittedly limited experience), that has never been the case with any other transmuted token in TD history, be it relic, eldritch, or legendary. Of course there is a first time for everything, and maybe the original kilt design went too far and a correction is necessary. But for this confessed HP addict, taking any HP hit to make the eldritch kilt just won’t feel good. Certainly takes some of the excitement out of actually transmuting my first eldritch item. Shouldn’t building eldritch items be unequivocally positive? For the good of the game to promote maximum collecting and transmuting?
(Now as I said elsewhere, if folks are worried about +6 str or dex on the green kilt, go with something like +4 to one stat and +5 hp. That would be fine with me. Just keep your hands off my HP! Gotta have my fix!