I agree with Raven about adding the dungeon title to the cards. I also had an 'uh oh' moment like Brad did with my wife's and my cards...then realized the starting letter on the code may be the differentiator...fortunately I was right.
Like Brad, I enjoyed TrueCraft and the NPCs, though not the long lines to do it. I agree that Hall D was an improvement on the Marriott due to the central location, but A seems less so. I also found that the Marriott had the nicer flooring for walking around, but if I remember correctly, there were 3 runs and a grind room...don't know if grind took up more space or if they were using the space behind those doors for the other 3...If the first, maybe we could gank one of the small rooms nearby in the Marriott for grind and then get 4 runs in there again...if it would work out cheaper overall and help with the constantly increasing ticket prices...$102 for each run the wife and I want to run is getting costly.
My parties had some problems hearing the tinny voices on the mushrooms, and that led to a mistake based on incorrect information on one run...I wasn't sure if the funny voices was intentional though, or bad equipment.
I like the idea of having some basic (read common) armor and weapons on hand for complete newbies, similar to the water breathing tokens that were handed out a few years ago, but would rather not lose each year's token variety over all.
Some other thought's I or friends have had about aspects of TD:
One thing I remember fondly from years ago was the code tokens from 2010 and the different clues/riddles. That was fun to do. Though I imagine a lot of work for Jeff & crew, I'd love to see it come back with one caveat --> Make the tokens useful after the event as transmutes if nothing else, or maybe put the code on a slip of paper with the tokens. (I still have a bag of those things sitting around somewhere and would love to turn them into planks or alchemist parchment. Same for a few leftover TrueCraft tokens)
My wife plays a rogue, and would like to request that the rogue boxes be a little lower down so they are easier to see/do for shorter people (she is only 4' 11"). Better lighting on the boxes would also be appreciated. A couple DMs did offer to lower the box for her this year (onto the token bucket) but not all, and she felt bad about the concept of making work for them, so mostly declined.
I was hobbling around the dungeons this year with a cane due a leg injury last November. I was very grateful to the DM's that let me borrow their chairs for a few minutes to rest. I hope I'll be fully healed by 2016, but perhaps we could add a chair in rooms that have the space to help out those that are less than 100% on their feet in the future?
Finally, regarding volunteering, I, my wife, and a number of our friends have considered volunteering. However, some of us are VIG or VIG companions with GenCon, so get badges far in advance. Some of us also arrive in Indy very early (Sat-Tues before the con). Is there a 'refund option' for badges/rooms (based on standard badge rates and room occupancy)? We also wouldn't mind helping with setup, but that is limited to locals for whatever reason.