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TOPIC: Positive & Negative feedback for GenCon runs

Re: Positive & Negative feedback for GenCon runs 9 years 5 months ago #13

Oooooi forgot the speakers.

I could only make out 3/4 thr mushrooms (had a tough time With the pink one not sounding fuzzy), and couldn't understand what was stated on speakers in either final room combats.

I just saw mind flayer and demon-like, skeletal thing and thought 'if it bleeds we can kill it... And if it doesn't bleed we will try to kill it anyways!'
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Re: Positive & Negative feedback for GenCon runs 9 years 5 months ago #14

Darkhilt wrote: We use our bards treasure finding on any puzzle room that has a treasure we come to, but we still like to give the puzzles a shot.

Treasure Finding? Did someone in your group have a Rod of Seven Parts? If so, that puts you in the upper tier of token owners.

(Of course there were a few situations where Prestige classes were handed out due to running out of the normal player cards).

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Re: Positive & Negative feedback for GenCon runs 9 years 5 months ago #15

I had an awesome time with TD this year! I loved the walkway to the training rooms, especially how there was a small blast of warm air at the corner before the lava. The knowledge and skill of the coaches and DMs this year I thought was the best I've seen so far. Since everyone was so great, I'll just mention a couple of shout outs that were above and beyond for me:

Incognito, as always Grind was a blast! We ran it three times (the final time immediately after a Grind run) and had fun every time. My husband enjoyed attempting to play elf wizard (though he now knows that if he has to grab one on the fly, to grab wizard) and enjoyed attacking people after he died. Or would have enjoyed it more if he could have made a few of the to hit rolls. It doesn't help if he keeps rolling 5's.

My other two shout outs were for our Underdark Puzzle Saturday 5:13 run. The drow in the elevator was fantastic! His role play way spot on! Dry, sarcastic, and deigning to speak with a lower species; just like a drow.

The DM in the final room was also fantastic. He was extremely clear and concise, explaining exactly how to interact with the puzzle and what would happen with failed attempts. And when we got the puzzle in like 2 minutes (our cleric had us keeping track of the houses and colors just in case) he was very excited. That was our final run of the Con, and it was a great send off.

The eyeroll I have, is the incredulous "a ranged Paladin?" that I got a lot. I know, I know, Paladins are supposed to charge into battle fearlessly. But you try to charge into melee dragging a whining wizard (who you are supposed to protect!)

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Re: Positive & Negative feedback for GenCon runs 9 years 5 months ago #16

Hey there DerbyChick,
I was also on that run (Adeya's friend, the barbarian), and I'll echo the positive feedback for all of the DMs and actors that we saw. All of the combat DMs were good at doing quick math (helpful when Adeya is doing twice as much damage as I could do on a crit :) ), and the puzzle DMs were fairly clear in explaining the scenarios.

Ranged paladins for the win!

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Re: Positive & Negative feedback for GenCon runs 9 years 5 months ago #17

I have a lot of positives, I enjoyed each room, I felt like the puzzles (both my runs were combat) were just right, not too hard, but not too easy. Most of the DMs I recall were pleasant, though I think one or two may have been tired.

My one personal gripe also had to do with the Mushroom shrinking room. We ran on hardcore which I found out later we were allowed one mistake to still get the treasure stamp. We missed it, but did get it correctly on the second try. The DM insisted that we were not allowed to get that stamp. If I had recalled better, I would have taken this up with a coordinator. I'm still sort of new to the Dungeon and every treasure pull is precious to me.

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Re: Positive & Negative feedback for GenCon runs 9 years 5 months ago #18

The actors playing the Drow did a great job in the few rooms that they were in. The lady in the spider egg sack room in particular was great. Loved the mushroom guy fight too, even though he didn't speak he still played well.

Our group did have trouble with the mushroom forest room - several of the clues were nearly impossible to make out with the ambient noise level. I did also feel that the overall level of special effects and set design was a bit less impressive than in the last few years, and there wasn't anything that came close to being as amazing as the sand puzzle from last year.

My biggest complaint isn't with anything TD did, but with one member of our party from my second run who really made me wish that True Dungeon allowed PVP.

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Re: Positive & Negative feedback for GenCon runs 9 years 5 months ago #19

I did one puzzle run and while most of it was fun, I have my first complaints with the dungeon.

I had the same problem with the mushroom forest. I couldn't understand anything the masks were saying. We still worked it out, but it was very frustrating to try to figure it out.

The final puzzle with the color eggs was also frustrating. We had no idea there were two different shades among the colors. Orange and Amber? Green and teal? They were so close we couldn't tell there were two colors.

Also, were the lights with the names in each room supposed to be correct? We memorized the combos, used them in the last room and it didn't work.

I don't mind failing the puzzle, but not being able to get it because or prop quality or the room DM not revealing everything is another matter.

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Re: Positive & Negative feedback for GenCon runs 9 years 5 months ago #20

Incognito wrote: Treasure Finding? Did someone in your group have a Rod of Seven Parts? If so, that puts you in the upper tier of token owners.

(Of course there were a few situations where Prestige classes were handed out due to running out of the normal player cards).

Yes, we do have the Rod of Seven Parts. Like I said, we were well geared.

But having the gear does not equal having the skills (or in my case, brains). Me barbarian is happiest when smashing things! Hence all combat runs for the past several years.

I figure we might try Hardcore again and just bring a bucket of healing with us in the dungeon. Those darn puzzles! *shakes fist angrily in the air*

And I forgot, big props to many of the DMs. They were great. One particular one was in the Sable Gauntlet (combat) in the spider combat room. I forget his name, but he said if we didn't like it to complain about Pablo. ;)

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Last edit: by Darkhilt. Reason: Shout out for DMs

Re: Positive & Negative feedback for GenCon runs 9 years 5 months ago #21

Je Walrus wrote: Because the recordings were on auto-cycle, we wasted a lot of time waiting to hear them (and some were garbled).

My group ended up taking the clue and then using trial-and-error to arrive at the correct solution. I'd be interested to hear if any groups solved the puzzle simply by using logic.

My group was lost until we heard the rouge clue, which narrowed down our choices to 3 potential colors for the truth teller. One of them said something unintelligible about their "amber brother", yet the amber mushroom had a clearly feminine voice so that one was deemed to be a liar. Another one of our three potentials said something like "eating the white one will cause you to shrink", but the white one was not one of our three potentials for being the truth-telling/true-shrinking one, so we then knew that mushroom was lying too. This left only one potential, who said something non-committal and neutral I don't recall.

Without the rogue box clue, I think the puzzle would be simply impossible. There are far too many facets to consider, far too much random chance in regards to catching a mushroom speaking at the right time, and far too low of sound quality. This is one of those times when the game suffers for Jeff not actually trying out his dungeons in person.

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Last edit: by Garrison.

Re: Positive & Negative feedback for GenCon runs 9 years 5 months ago #22

My group was lost until we heard the rouge clue, which narrowed down our choices to 3 potential colors for the truth teller.

I was the rogue in my run, and that was the one puzzle box I miffed. Reading about this experience with the mushrooms makes me regret failing that puzzle box even more. We didn't pick up on the mushroom voices having genders or moods; we were just trying to understand what they said. Maybe we would have with the clue.

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Re: Positive & Negative feedback for GenCon runs 9 years 5 months ago #23

Other then some stat card issues, which my party will take part of the blame, since we should know what are stats are beforehand, so if they come up funky we can fix it.
My group really was kinda pissed at the Underdark combat final room. The Attack that reduced us all to half HP was fine. We have a super cleric and such. But what really bothered us was, the fact that we failed not because we did not slide well or have enough tokens or move fast enough. We failed because the slides that should have hit, never hit the Mind flayer. And it was once again due to the fact that TD keeps using that damn countdown dice instead of getting a regular massive D20. Our DM kept picking it up and spin rolling it, so it kept landing over and over on the lower side and we were unable to hit.
I hate the fact that we lost because of someone else rolling, not due to our lack of sliding or time management or our own mistakes.
Paladin of the one true God.

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Re: Positive & Negative feedback for GenCon runs 9 years 5 months ago #24

We had some frustrating Sound issues this year, both with Sounds not being heard well, and in the Room 6 Sable (the Drow /spider nest room) with the NPC's microphone.

We'll make it a point to do what we can to address these next year (or at WYC).
-Master Li Lou Bahn, Terror of the East, Master of Shadows, Pillager of the province of Ch'in, Mandarin of the Emporer Shou Wei, Ambassador to the foreign devils of the West, and the most dangerous ninja in all of Greyhawk."cause I'm the only ninja in all of Gwehawk!!!"

2015 Adventure Coordinator for Sable Gauntlet

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