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TOPIC: GenCon transmute forms

Re: GenCon transmute forms 10 years 6 months ago #13

  • Raven
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ArcherAve wrote: What are the wait times normally like for Thursday morning? If I get there at 9am could I be done in time to get back to the dealer hall before it opens at 10?

The line for transmuting first thing is usually quite long - but it moves very fast. I can't guarantee you that you'd be done in under an hour.... but I plan on being there myself at 9am, and I have a run at 9:47... and I am pretty sure I'll be fine. If it takes too long, I can always come back a a different time, tho.

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Re: GenCon transmute forms 10 years 6 months ago #14

I can't speak for Dave, but I would imagine that he'd be too busy with dungeon prep. But I know a ton of people would be very grateful if they had that opportunity!
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Re: GenCon transmute forms 10 years 6 months ago #15

This had probably already been answered but I dare to ask again...any chance to at least pick up a transmuted GP at the con? I believe it was stated only transmuted items...

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Re: GenCon transmute forms 10 years 6 months ago #16

Falinsh wrote: This had probably already been answered but I dare to ask again...any chance to at least pick up a transmuted GP at the con? I believe it was stated only transmuted items...

Nope. Those are reserve/ trade item tokens. It is for transmuted only at gencon

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Re: GenCon transmute forms 10 years 6 months ago #17

I missed getting everything together earlier. I'll have to send everything in later. My heart is broken lazlo! BROKEN! I have 15K in bloody GP in a giant ziplock that I am so not bringing. Hah

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Re: GenCon transmute forms 10 years 6 months ago #18

15K for what?

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Re: GenCon transmute forms 10 years 6 months ago #19

I think it was to transmute a big bag of loose change for some bills

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Re: GenCon transmute forms 10 years 6 months ago #20

We just need a TokenStar machine (or body) that would take your small denominations and convert them into something bigger at a small gold fee of course.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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Re: GenCon transmute forms 10 years 6 months ago #21

lol, as long as it isn't 7%, which is what I think the Coinstar charges. Maybe 3-5% would be close to reasonable :)

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Re: GenCon transmute forms 10 years 6 months ago #22

I could be talked I to it at 5% charge. I think I will have enough after Wednesday night

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Re: GenCon transmute forms 10 years 6 months ago #23

I would do it for 3% but I am not going to set up shop to do it. You would have to find me and I would have to have the amount you need on hand at the time. So trade with laz instead unless you can find me...lol.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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