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TOPIC: ISO Help from you brilliant minds....

ISO Help from you brilliant minds.... 1 year 10 months ago #1

Hey all! I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'd like to come up with a way to store items from previous events in a organized and useful manner. We have a 3D printer, so I could print something to hold tokens and then use labeled bins for things like survivor pins, etc.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, let me know! I've found a few things on thingiverse that look like they might work, but not sure if our tokens fit without doing a test print. Anyway, if anyone has any great ideas, let me know! You know I'm not great at checking the forums, so if you have a super brilliant idea, email me directly. You probably know my email!

Lori :-)

Lori Martin
True Dungeon Exec. Director

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ISO Help from you brilliant minds.... 1 year 10 months ago #2

at my old job we had plastic pallets/containers with collapsible walls and removeable lids.
Founder of Tokenholics Anonymous.
TD Patron since 2005.
Completed 24 runs at GC 2017 and 21 at GC 2022.
Proud Member of Team Legacy.

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ISO Help from you brilliant minds.... 1 year 10 months ago #3

Lori, I know it doesn't fit your 3D Printer question, but here is a storage box that holds 1000 chips on 10 100 chip trays, that is only $79.


I think it's wonderful that you're archiving stuff like this. In the future, you could use them for special prizes, auctions, displays, etc. The sky is the limit. :)

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ISO Help from you brilliant minds.... 1 year 10 months ago #4

maybe a large roll around tool box, like a mechanic uses. the shallow drawers are ideal for tokens. they are built for tools, so you know they will support the weight of tokens. most come with locks.
Founder of Tokenholics Anonymous.
TD Patron since 2005.
Completed 24 runs at GC 2017 and 21 at GC 2022.
Proud Member of Team Legacy.

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ISO Help from you brilliant minds.... 1 year 10 months ago #5

What are rough numbers of tokens and pins per event you want to store?

I have some different ideas for up to 100, 500, and more.

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ISO Help from you brilliant minds.... 1 year 10 months ago #6

Lori Martin wrote: Hey all! I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'd like to come up with a way to store items from previous events in a organized and useful manner. We have a 3D printer, so I could print something to hold tokens and then use labeled bins for things like survivor pins, etc.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, let me know! I've found a few things on thingiverse that look like they might work, but not sure if our tokens fit without doing a test print. Anyway, if anyone has any great ideas, let me know! You know I'm not great at checking the forums, so if you have a super brilliant idea, email me directly. You probably know my email!


Hey Lori! Can we get some rough mass for the storage solutions? Are you just holding tokens or also things like XP Cards, promo materials etc? If just tokens do you have a rough count?

Preminant Resident of the State of Confusion
Part-Time Cat Herder

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ISO Help from you brilliant minds.... 1 year 10 months ago #7

Here are some ideas for what I do:

I use stackable Sterilite or ArtBin brand containers:

Sterlite: www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DYZHXDQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Pros: Cheap
Cons: Lids are not attached so you have to keep track of them

Shallow 3.5 inch tall ArtBin: www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004102J8Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Pros: Hinged lid stays attached, sturdy
Cons: Handle placement may encourage someone to hold it like a briefcase spilling tokens everywhere

Deep 6 inch tall ArtBin with inset shelf and interior dividers: www.amazon.com/gp/product/B086Z5MWBY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Pros: Can deal with many different shapes/sizes
Cons: The interior dividers aren't very flexible and if you don't use them the inside has molded ridges where they connect that keep things from laying flat.

Then, within each of these, I would use poker chip trays or coin counters to hold tokens:


Note: Buy some test chip trays before getting a large number, different manufacturers have slightly different depths and TD tokens are slightly larger than typical poker chip size of 39mm in diameter. Some trays won't work well because of this.

One of the Sterilite Bins above holds 4 poker trays for 400 chips per bin, with a little space left over on top, and a channel down the side where you could cram some more stuff in.

For long term storage at the warehouse only, another option would be a cabinet designed for maps, blueprints, etc - although I'm not sure if these would stand up well to the weight of tokens:


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ISO Help from you brilliant minds.... 1 year 10 months ago #8

Hey, 3d modeler here. How many token, what orientation do you want them in etc?

example thing I made to hold tokens.

(please ignore the insulation on my shirt, just got done running wires for cameras.)

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