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TOPIC: Personal Top 3 Tokens?

Personal Top 3 Tokens? 1 year 4 months ago #25

I think my favorites are all for non-combat reasons.

#1: Ektdar's Tinkering Tool, and Libram of Looting
OK, I know, this is two tokens and not one. But with both of these, I can enter a room, work on the Rogue box immediately without waiting to see whether we'll need the clue or not, and only take half the time doing it. Putting these together means I get the full experience of both doing the Rogue puzzle and participating in the room puzzle with the other players as well, rather than having to either use an ability to force open the Rogue box or having to divide a lot of my time between the two.

#2: 50GP Traveler's Cup. I've used this to interact with various NPCs with mixed success. Always a fun token to have when we clear a room quickly and have spare time to use up though.

#3: Blighted Pants
What can I say? I just like the name, it sounds like it was honorarily named after an adventurer who soiled themselves when faced with a particularly terrifying monster....
I play Rogue. Occasionally I even play Rogue well.

Current Rogue Build

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Personal Top 3 Tokens? 1 year 4 months ago #26

David Zych wrote: Favorites I don't think I've seen mentioned yet:

#1 Charm of Spell Swapping. I love versatility; this one token gets a Cleric more healing, a Wiz/Elf more damage spells in place of un-needed utility spells (or swap slide spells for auto-hit depending on preference), and a Druid more of whichever thing the party needs in the moment. Or play against type and use it to cast Spiritual Hammer 6 more times!

#2 Ring of the Savant. Skill checks have always been one of my favorite parts of TD thematically, so I love that my UR+ builds now get a meaningful boost for doing them right.

#3 all the hedgehog tokens! I can't pick just one because what I love is stacking them all together, but the combination of things that add retribution damage and things that explicitly lower AC (especially Berserker Gloves and IS/Charm Sea Snake).

#4 Scepter of the Dead, +3 Rod of Niltongue, and Shade Cloak. If anyone dies, they can still help solve puzzles! Because puzzles.

Great call on those speak with dead tokens - I’ve thought about combining those with Spiritward Amulet or Spiritward Shirt for a ghost run.

Occasionally dms will improv (or maybe it’s part of the module?) dialogue for dead NPCs

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Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.

Personal Top 3 Tokens? 1 year 4 months ago #27

1) Future Mythic Transmute based on Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn.
2) Future Legendary Transmute based on Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn.
3) Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn

Honorable Mentions: Future Relic Transmute based on Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn, Grunnel’s Funnel, Future UR based on Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn, Grunnel’s +2 Pointy Stick, Future Exalted Transmute based on Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn.

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Last edit: by AAckeret.

Personal Top 3 Tokens? 1 year 4 months ago #28

Someone smells the sumptuous scent of dreams...

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Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
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If I write something in teal, it should not be taken seriously

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Personal Top 3 Tokens? 1 year 4 months ago #29

Druegar wrote: Someone smells the sumptuous scent of dreams...

I hear you’re good at detecting dreams, because you are so good at crushing granting them!

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Last edit: by AAckeret.

Personal Top 3 Tokens? 1 year 4 months ago #30

AAckeret wrote: 1) Future Mythic Transmute based on Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn.
2) Future Legendary Transmute based on Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn.
3) Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn

Honorable Mentions: Future Relic Transmute based on Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn, Grunnel’s Funnel, Future UR based on Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn, Grunnel’s +2 Pointy Stick, Future Exalted Transmute based on Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn.

Solid picks all!

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Personal Top 3 Tokens? 1 year 4 months ago #31

Definitely a read down memory lane. My personal top 3 tokens:

1, Stu's +3 Handy Stein. I've long been a budget player and adore the folks i play with more than any class. It's major appeal to me then and now is it's a +3 UR melee weapon that every class can use. Just made builds simpler for me in pugs knowing what weapon i was near always going to be using. This token didn't get a lot of love and at the time i snagged it about 6ish years ago it was far below pyp price.

2. Glove's of Flying Fist. My 1st UR i ever pulled out of boosters. I split an 250 pyp with a friend and in my half of the boosters was a Gloves of Flying Fist. Served me long and well as a fun UR. It's an UR that does something besides stat increase

3. Cloak of Shadowskin, the 1st UR I bought that wasn't a URTE. I was loaned one in Grind and after seeing how it worked went Damn i need one of these. Many a debilitating hit i've avoided because 'no i have shadowskin'

Belt of Ogre Power and Ogre Gauntlets. Not a set but should feel like it, those were my long goto for any melee build and only as of this last VTD did i replace Ogre Gauntlets in my main melee builds. Traded some monster bits or something of the like to Bill Krenson years ago my 1st or 2nd year playing and easily the single most enduring token in my builds far as years of use (10 years).
We're all the kind of people who enjoy the game on a "meta" level. We like talking about the game year-round. We buy tokens. We enjoy crafting. We get together during the off-season if we can. We are a very skewed demographic that way. -Raven

My trade thread:
truedungeon.com/forum?view=topic&catid=61&id=248097#315668 Matt's Humble Trade

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Personal Top 3 Tokens? 1 year 4 months ago #32

I gave this a fair bit of consideration

1. +2 Holy Greatsword: I used to play Paladin exclusively, and traded for this long before I ever got deep into tokens by swapping out my excess from years of 10 packs and treasure draws. I used it exclusively until about 2017

2. Figurine of Power: Phoenix. Same reasons, this was the 2nd token I traded my excess for. Very thematic. Loved the recent reprint.

3. Pouch of Tulz: I love the flexibility of being able to react to a room with a potion as a free action.

All the retribution stuff holds a special place in my heart as well. Honorable mentiion to AoTF, the first UR I PYP'd, before I knew what that really meant.
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

My Current Paladin Build 

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Personal Top 3 Tokens? 1 year 4 months ago #33

Endgame wrote: #2 Brawler's horn. Here is a rare offhand weapon available to everyone that is basically better than any other melee offhand option if you're going to make melee attacks - this even includes legendaries. In VTD, the offhand hit penalty means even an unlimited budget Monk or Ranger might use a Brawler's horn instead of 2x Asher's just to bring up the +hit some to land that offhand attack. For heavy armor classes, it's basically not a question - outside of a Dwarf Fighter, you're unlikely to be attacked often enough for AC to matter, so bringing a shield (even Giln's legendary) generally doesn't do much for you. +2 melee hit, however, makes a difference every round of combat. As a double bonus it's even a rare weapon, so you can still use it with Enchanter's whetstone. Basically, Brawler's horn is so good, if you're going to make a melee attack, use it.

If I hadn't moved to a Ranged build, I would still be using a Brawler's Horn with my +5 Viper Strike.

Jeff Martin wrote: All damage is Sacred.

Acherin wrote: I also added VTD support for the most annoying token of 2024 the +2 Sun Scimitar.

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Personal Top 3 Tokens? 1 year 4 months ago #34

Matt wrote: Definitely a read down memory lane. My personal top 3 tokens:

1, Stu's +3 Handy Stein. I've long been a budget player and adore the folks i play with more than any class. It's major appeal to me then and now is it's a +3 UR melee weapon that every class can use. Just made builds simpler for me in pugs knowing what weapon i was near always going to be using. This token didn't get a lot of love and at the time i snagged it about 6ish years ago it was far below pyp price.

2. Glove's of Flying Fist. My 1st UR i ever pulled out of boosters. I split an 250 pyp with a friend and in my half of the boosters was a Gloves of Flying Fist. Served me long and well as a fun UR. It's an UR that does something besides stat increase

3. Cloak of Shadowskin, the 1st UR I bought that wasn't a URTE. I was loaned one in Grind and after seeing how it worked went Damn i need one of these. Many a debilitating hit i've avoided because 'no i have shadowskin'

Belt of Ogre Power and Ogre Gauntlets. Not a set but should feel like it, those were my long goto for any melee build and only as of this last VTD did i replace Ogre Gauntlets in my main melee builds. Traded some monster bits or something of the like to Bill Krenson years ago my 1st or 2nd year playing and easily the single most enduring token in my builds far as years of use (10 years).

Stu’s is so great - I keep one around just for its ability.

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Personal Top 3 Tokens? 1 year 4 months ago #35

Wade Schwendemann (Dr. Uid) wrote: I gave this a fair bit of consideration

1. +2 Holy Greatsword: I used to play Paladin exclusively, and traded for this long before I ever got deep into tokens by swapping out my excess from years of 10 packs and treasure draws. I used it exclusively until about 2017

2. Figurine of Power: Phoenix. Same reasons, this was the 2nd token I traded my excess for. Very thematic. Loved the recent reprint.

3. Pouch of Tulz: I love the flexibility of being able to react to a room with a potion as a free action.

All the retribution stuff holds a special place in my heart as well. Honorable mentiion to AoTF, the first UR I PYP'd, before I knew what that really meant.

I forgot all about +2 Holy Great Sword - back in the day with Ring of Briliance and Ring of Enervation - d10 plus 10 damage vs evil creatures from just those tokens was such a beating,

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Personal Top 3 Tokens? 1 year 4 months ago #36

Druegar wrote: Someone smells the sumptuous scent of dreams...

AAckeret wrote: I hear you’re good at detecting dreams, because you are so good at crushing granting them!

I will not stand for such slander, sir! You'll be hearing from my lawyers.

Soon TM

Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
Please post TDb corrections in this thread .
If I write something in teal, it should not be taken seriously

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