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TOPIC: Rothfuss / Fae Themed Tokens

Rothfuss / Fae Themed Tokens 8 years 4 months ago #13

Lacillium - Some sort of anti-toxin / anit-venom consumable

Arcanum Guilder - Neck based arcane spell caster item of some sort. (In universe this is essentially a diploma of the wizarding university)

Illiens Eight String Lute - UR Bard instrument. Illien is a legendary bard and luthier. Could also be a rare level lute made by Illien, as opposed to his personal lute.

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Rothfuss / Fae Themed Tokens 8 years 4 months ago #14

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Picc wrote:

Ro-gan wrote:

Chris Von Wahlde wrote:

Ro-gan wrote:

Chris Von Wahlde wrote: Still think we should have a sword usable by a Wizard.

I miss the days when Gandalf was the only wizard that wielded a sword. And, that was among all the genres out there of sci-fi/fantasy.

Much like Jean Grey and Marvel Boy were the only TKers in comic books that were able to telekinetically lift and fly themselves. Now it seems any newbie with TK powers can overcome that. :blink:

Wow almost 80 years and you don't expect any more wizards with swords. Not sure when the first appeared in a novel, but I know for sure they existed in 2nd Ed. D&D (nearly 30 years ago)... so I would guess before that in writing.

I won't even try with the Comics.

What is this 2nd Edition D&D thing you speak of!?! Is it some imaginary thing based off 1st Edition D&D??

It could be 500 years and I would still expect Gandalf to be the only sword-wielding Wizard. The same for Jean Grey being the only telekinetic to overcome the mental "phobia" of being able to lift herself.

I know they say copying is the best form of flattery, but I disagree. Copying is just a huge lack of imagination and creativity

Not that I disagree but doesn't that also mean each idea can only be used once and never improved upon.

Improving/expanding something is different than "stealing"/copying an idea/concept.
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Rothfuss / Fae Themed Tokens 8 years 4 months ago #15

Ro-gan wrote:

Picc wrote:

Ro-gan wrote:

Chris Von Wahlde wrote:

Ro-gan wrote:

Chris Von Wahlde wrote: Still think we should have a sword usable by a Wizard.

I miss the days when Gandalf was the only wizard that wielded a sword. And, that was among all the genres out there of sci-fi/fantasy.

Much like Jean Grey and Marvel Boy were the only TKers in comic books that were able to telekinetically lift and fly themselves. Now it seems any newbie with TK powers can overcome that. :blink:

Wow almost 80 years and you don't expect any more wizards with swords. Not sure when the first appeared in a novel, but I know for sure they existed in 2nd Ed. D&D (nearly 30 years ago)... so I would guess before that in writing.

I won't even try with the Comics.

What is this 2nd Edition D&D thing you speak of!?! Is it some imaginary thing based off 1st Edition D&D??

It could be 500 years and I would still expect Gandalf to be the only sword-wielding Wizard. The same for Jean Grey being the only telekinetic to overcome the mental "phobia" of being able to lift herself.

I know they say copying is the best form of flattery, but I disagree. Copying is just a huge lack of imagination and creativity

Not that I disagree but doesn't that also mean each idea can only be used once and never improved upon.

Improving/expanding something is different than "stealing"/copying an idea/concept.

How can you ever improve or expand if you only ever have the original?

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Rothfuss / Fae Themed Tokens 8 years 4 months ago #16

Cant wait for next year! Into the Fae

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Last edit: by Havakavula.

Rothfuss / Fae Themed Tokens 8 years 4 months ago #17

Havakavula wrote: Cant wait for next year! Into the Fae

Nice... was this picture taken Friday morning.

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Rothfuss / Fae Themed Tokens 8 years 4 months ago #18

Wednesday night actually. Didn't want to post it earlier and spoil anything

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Rothfuss / Fae Themed Tokens 8 years 4 months ago #19

Havakavula wrote: Wednesday night actually. Didn't want to post it earlier and spoil anything

I love it.

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Rothfuss / Fae Themed Tokens 8 years 4 months ago #20

  • Raven
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Fantastic photo!

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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Rothfuss / Fae Themed Tokens 8 years 4 months ago #21

Eolian Pipes - UR Charm for bards, or rare GP equivalent item. In universe The Eolian is a tavern and music venue, musicians may pay a fee to perform and attempt to win a small set of silver "talent pipes" - which are recognized far and wide as a mark of distinction for performers.

Runestones, various - In universe one a branch of magic is 'sygaldry' which involves runes.

Tarbean Guard's Cudgel - common weapon. In universe tarbean is a large port city.

E'lir / Re'lar / El'the / Arcanist - TD effect??. In universe these are the ascending ranks a student at the university goes to before graduating as an Arcanist. These labels could be applied to various magical items to reflect level of sophistication. E'lir means "see-er" and "Re'lar" means 'speaker' - the entomology and meaning of El'the has not been revealed in the books yet.

Encanis Mask - TD effect??. In universe Encanis is a legendary evil being, eventually killed by Tehlu, who is basically a god. Presently, during Winter Pageant people celebrate by ritually reenacting these events. A citizen is chosen to represent Encanis who they wear a black mask, and command other citizens wearing demon masks, they make mischief for around a week - meanwhile another citizen roams the city as Tehlu catching demons - Encanis is caught on the seventh day of the festival.

Lodenstone - High value GP equivalent. A magnetic stone, possibly of meteor rocks. In universe these oddities are known and prized items (the principles of magnetism are not understood).

Heateater - As a free action resist up to [x] fire damage (arcane classes only). In universe heateaters are large physical reservoirs set up to absorb excess heat in the event of disaster or accident (for example a large pool of water). They work by having a magic user channel heat from the source into the heateater (in universe energy is conserved, so you can move heat about, but not destoy it).

Regim Ignaul Neratum (commonly known as Bone-Tar) grenade - An alchemical thrown weapon. Bone-Tar's in universe properties are: 1. Extremely caustic to exposed flesh. 2. At room temperature boils, forms a fog denser than air, and then burns at high heat.

Twice Tough Glass - In universe basically very tough glass of magical construction. Could be a gear item like Twice Tough Bottle or something.

Draccus Scale Armor - Scale armor with fire resistance. Draccus' are rare, large, herbivorous, fire breathing lizards. Their scales are largely made of iron, the size of a palm or so, and maybe a quarter of an inch thick at the center tapering to the sides. I imagine armor being fashioned from these similar to Dragonscale armor.

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Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.

Rothfuss / Fae Themed Tokens 8 years 4 months ago #22

So with Kvothe being an arcanist and a performer, this year I figure is going to be heavy on bard and caster stuff.

Eolian pipes: UR, charm: +2 to hit, +2 damage additional to bardsong

Kilvin's glass lamp: UC, equipment: provides light in darkened places

Illien's 8-string lute: UR, instrument, variant one: +2, +2 to bardsong and may make any standard action except attack

​Illien's 8-string lute: UR, instrument, variant two: +2, +2 to bardsong and +2 to saves; may drink a potion as a free action

Cthaeh flower: R, consumable: returns dead character to life

Tamborlin's coin: UR, slotless: once per adventure, you may flip this token. Face up allows one re-roll of a failed save with an additional +10 modifier. (arcane only?)

I really don't have any good ideas for the Key or Candle, perhaps someone better than I will come up with something excellent.

Self-Contained Exothermic Accelerator: R, consumable: Double the damage (including bonuses) from any one single target spell. (Arcane only) (three uses?, maximum of one per room?)

Adem Reds: R, Armour: +4 to AC (Monk only)

Arcanum guilder: UR, Neck (or charm?) variant one: +3 to damage spells (arcane only)

Arcanum guilder: UR, Neck (or charm?) variant two: -5 from damage spells targeting player (arcane only)

Chronicler's copper sword: UR: once per adventure, player may "write monsters name" as a free action to make an automatic critical hit on their next slide. (Bard only?)

Also, some sort of Adem sword in the UR category with the "keen" modifier would be neat

Siege stone: UR, slotless (charm?): allows player to use DEX modifier for melee attack rather than STR modifier

Shaed: UR, back: player who is Enshadn cannot be attacked by monster until the player takes an action. +2 to AC +2 to saves

Of course there's lots of possibilities for GP equivalents with all the different currencies and such.

That's all I've got for now, I've got reasoning for most of the stuff, both in game and in universe. So if anyone wants to know, I can explain

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Rothfuss / Fae Themed Tokens 8 years 4 months ago #23

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Rothfuss / Fae Themed Tokens 8 years 4 months ago #24

Antressor Mandolin - Rare bard instrument (Antressor is a reputed luthier).

Iceless - Gear token, medium sized box or trunk whose inside is kept cool by magical runes.

Trefoil Compass - Gear/GP token - a specialized compass which with corresponding map books can very accurately determine location (not just direction)

Plum Bob Arrow/Sling Bullet/etc. - Rare munition, DC-12 reflex save or target is confused (as per status in DMs guide). In universe Plum bob is an alchemical agent that is readily absorbed through the skin and causes a variety of effects, notably an elimination of inhibitions and an inability to consider consequences.

Hevred the Wary's Cape/Cloak/Back slot item - In universe Hevred the Wary is a person of some historical interest - the name suggests a cloak to me in terms of TD effect.

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