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TOPIC: The 2012 Tokens << Why the Big Increase in Sales?

Re: The 2012 Tokens << Why the Big Increase in Sales? 12 years 6 months ago #49

  • Xavon
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quip wrote:

Xavon wrote:

quip wrote: hhmmm, all this talk made me think of something else.

For next year, I would foresee more 8k orders if the bonus was a PY legendary (giving up the wish ring, since that goes towards a legendary anyway). There would have to be other things given up...maybe 4k of the order except PYPs and random purps? That might also make gathering groups for 8k orders easier as well, since the person getting the legendary would be the one willing to give up a lot of tokens.

Perhaps there could be a lower PY Relic token pack as well?

Less tokens to go back and forth as well...

Just an initial thought.

I don't think it would work as a 'bonus'.

But would anyone be willing to pay 8K for a Legendary, a full Onyx set, and the Staff parts, Modules, and Adventure's club buttons? Because by my rough estimate, the rest of the 8K pack should be enough to get you a Legendary (using the extra 11 PYPs and the 9 random Purps to trade of a Golden Fleece and anything you wind up short on).

Blech...I would hope the Legendaries aren't really that expensive...I can't see anyone willing to do that, given the lack of power of the current ones.

Pretty close. Between the Wish Ring, 27K to 30K, and all the trade tokens to make both the Relic and the Legendary, it adds up fast. Over the last three years I've bought just over $9K in tokens and was barely able to make one Legendary and the other two Relics. I have less than 500 GP (and that's after trading some URs for GP) and am very short on Planks and Oil (though I have an abundance of Silk and Stones). Part of the reason I picked up a Ro¥ this year is so I (hopefully) won't have to trade for monster bits next time I save up enough for a Legendary...
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Re: The 2012 Tokens << Why the Big Increase in Sales? 12 years 6 months ago #50

  • quip
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Raywind wrote:

quip wrote:
That sounds like quite a deal, since you need 250gp Eldritch dust to make one, plus another good Rare and uncommons.

What I meant was 500gp out of pocket, (250gp Dust + 250gp lack of monster bits) plus the other tokens I had in abundance. Gold is suddenly my limiting factor, due to the 40k madness of a Legendary.

Ah, yes, I wholeheartedly agree. :)
Winner of a Ring of Focus (that is now a Relsa's Ring of Focus) at Raven's awesome pickpocketing event at TD Tavern in 2008.

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Re: The 2012 Tokens << Why the Big Increase in Sales? 12 years 6 months ago #51

I would tend to agree with the assessment offered below by "The Broasted".

For myself: My wife is a bigger TD fan than I am and is always up for having more TD tokens to choose from when building characters out. Given the previous expense and lack of utility for a mass majority of tokens that you don't end up using.... Well, I wasn't willing to spend a lot on TD tokens - we had enough to play and have fun, but weren't hardcore players with UR tokens floating about.

However.... Now we have the trade-in and transmutation programs. Now that all the previously "useless" tokens now have value as part of those programs. Neato. That appeals to me. I like the idea of hunting down all the bits and pieces I need for "that new toy". For the first time this year, we have been willing to spend A LOT more $$$$ on tokens than we EVER have in all previous years combined.

I also like the expansion into the new space. But rather than things like "true grind" and "truecraft", I have to wonder why we only have two story "modules" to play through.... Rather than side events, I'd rather have another module to play through. I have to wonder why we have only one campaign plot line to play in, instead of two....

All the changes this year, including all the online programs on the TD website, have expanded the offerings and tools and availability of TD to a wider audience in the geek/nerd community. All positive changes that have drawn more people in.

That said, there is always room for improvement. For example: Using just a few basic tokens of the Common and Uncommon variety I can make a decent character for most of the character classes. It is still nearly impossible to make a decent Monk, Druid, Wizard or Rogue without a boatload of UR tokens... unless of course you enjoy dying a lot as cannon fodder. Which means the whole scope of the game is less open to beginners than it otherwise could be. So yeah, lots of improvement over the past year, but still plenty more room for improvement.

And all those things combined, will draw in more and more people over the years to come.

The Broasted wrote: I'm sure there are a large number of factors at work, but I'd say the top three are:

1. The Transmuted Token program
2. The expansion into the new space
3. The signing of the partnership agreement with Gen Con

The transmuted token program gives all levels of collectors reason to buy more tokens. Now that there is a tangible use for almost every token, either in its natural form or as a part of a trade token, there are no "wasted" token packs.

The new space offers a lot to get excited about, both from the regular dungeons and from the storyscape. It also lends air of "legitimacy" to True Dungeon, in that the event can be seen as growing and expanding. This encourages players to buy more tokens to enhance their experience in a known and growing entity.

The signing of the agreement shows that TD isn't going anywhere. So, folks can feel safer making an investment in tokens. This also goes back to the "legitimacy" idea, in that players can feel vested in the event since they know that it will be around for at least as long as the terms of the agreement.

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Re: The 2012 Tokens << Why the Big Increase in Sales? 12 years 6 months ago #52

CrowOfPyke wrote: I also like the expansion into the new space. But rather than things like "true grind" and "truecraft", I have to wonder why we only have two story "modules" to play through.... Rather than side events, I'd rather have another module to play through. I have to wonder why we have only one campaign plot line to play in, instead of two....

Crow I like your thinking it would be great to have 3 different modules to run next year (if space can be found)!

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Re: The 2012 Tokens << Why the Big Increase in Sales? 12 years 6 months ago #53

David Harris wrote:

CrowOfPyke wrote: I also like the expansion into the new space. But rather than things like "true grind" and "truecraft", I have to wonder why we only have two story "modules" to play through.... Rather than side events, I'd rather have another module to play through. I have to wonder why we have only one campaign plot line to play in, instead of two....

Crow I like your thinking it would be great to have 3 different modules to run next year (if space can be found)!

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Re: The 2012 Tokens << Why the Big Increase in Sales? 12 years 6 months ago #54

I think one of the major problems with doing 3 different modules is the amount of planning and preparation and training that goes into each module.

That said, maybe next year Jeff can add an additional "Retro" Dungeon like he did a few years ago, when he did a modified version of the 2003 Dungeon. If he did a retro version of the 2004 Dungeon, it would be a brand-new Dungeon to nearly everyone, and he could throw in a few twists to make it fresh for those of us that did it originally. If there is space for it, that could be a nice source of additional revenue for a minimal investment.

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Re: The 2012 Tokens << Why the Big Increase in Sales? 12 years 6 months ago #55

Mike Steele wrote: I think one of the major problems with doing 3 different modules is the amount of planning and preparation and training that goes into each module.

That said, maybe next year Jeff can add an additional "Retro" Dungeon like he did a few years ago, when he did a modified version of the 2003 Dungeon. If he did a retro version of the 2004 Dungeon, it would be a brand-new Dungeon to nearly everyone, and he could throw in a few twists to make it fresh for those of us that did it originally. If there is space for it, that could be a nice source of additional revenue for a minimal investment.

That would be the best summer rerun ever!

"Ceci n'est pas une pipe" - Magritte

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Re: The 2012 Tokens << Why the Big Increase in Sales? 12 years 5 months ago #56

Mike Steele wrote: I think one of the major problems with doing 3 different modules is the amount of planning and preparation and training that goes into each module.

That said, maybe next year Jeff can add an additional "Retro" Dungeon like he did a few years ago, when he did a modified version of the 2003 Dungeon. If he did a retro version of the 2004 Dungeon, it would be a brand-new Dungeon to nearly everyone, and he could throw in a few twists to make it fresh for those of us that did it originally. If there is space for it, that could be a nice source of additional revenue for a minimal investment.

I mentioned the possibility of retro runs to several people who have Jeff's ear, and was told that when Jeff saw that Hall D had a separator his eyes lit up so no guarantees but we may see additional 'old' or new dungeons in the future.

Also I might have mentioned to a few people who get things done, Crow's "fighter character packs" idea -- basically a bunch of commons, uncommons and some rares that fill a majority of the slots that these characters can wear -- for the fighter classes; barbarian, ranger, fighter, dwarf fighter, paladin -- available for beginners possibly at the True Dungeon store, so we'll see if anything comes from that.

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Re: The 2012 Tokens << Why the Big Increase in Sales? 12 years 5 months ago #57

I really like the idea of a retro run...maybe True Dungeon Classic!

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Re: The 2012 Tokens << Why the Big Increase in Sales? 12 years 5 months ago #58

Brad Mortensen wrote:

Mike Steele wrote: I think one of the major problems with doing 3 different modules is the amount of planning and preparation and training that goes into each module.

That said, maybe next year Jeff can add an additional "Retro" Dungeon like he did a few years ago, when he did a modified version of the 2003 Dungeon. If he did a retro version of the 2004 Dungeon, it would be a brand-new Dungeon to nearly everyone, and he could throw in a few twists to make it fresh for those of us that did it originally. If there is space for it, that could be a nice source of additional revenue for a minimal investment.

That would be the best summer rerun ever!

As a relative newcomer, I'd jump at a chance to visit runs I missed... Not to mention folks who now have dragon stuff who'd love a payback run at smoak for that TPK...
Wednesday night ? Another time/ place? Still interested....

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