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TOPIC: Graphical Token Character Generator?

Graphical Token Character Generator? 14 years 2 months ago #1

I am writing to get your feedback on a cool project we are starting on very soon.

I really like the superlative character token generator program that David Krause has expertly crafted for us. He has given us permission to adapt it with a graphical interface that also has ability to display a link to your character(s) underneath your avatar. Also, it will allow you to form, invite and join adventuring groups. All this cool stuff will not only allow you the fun of seeing your character(s) all decked out with your finest tokens, you can also leave them on display for other to see. In addition, the program will allow you to print out a Party Card (with whomever is in your group) as well as a listing of tokens each character must show the Coach in order to qualify for the stats on the printed out Party Card.

It is hoped that this new program will give us many of the above benefits, but the devil is in the details. Luckily, David has done most hard work with piecing together a very detailed database. Thanks, David!

Here is our idea for how the interface screen will work. On the top will be all the stats (both base and real-time), on the right will be an outline of the character body with 35 or so "slot markers", and on the left will be a grid of token images which are available for the currently selected slot on the right. Each image in the token grid will be somewhat small so that we can display a lot of images in one page. If a particular slot has lots of options, then a scroll bar will be present to allow additional images off-screen bottom.

The plan calls for a "roll over" effect which means any time the mouse pointer is placed over the smaller image that means a larger, more readable version will automatically pop over the grid. Also, once a slot has been assigned, you can roll over the radio button to see a pop-up of the equipped token.

Token selection example: David wants to equip his Fighter he wants to take into a TD adventure, so he decides to start at the top of the character and work downward. He hovers his mouse over a slot marker (radio button) which is located the middle of the figure's head. Once it stops there a small text box lights up at the pointer that reads "Head", so David knows he has the correct spot. So he clicks on that button and the blank token graphic grid on the left of the screen now fills up with smallish images of all the tokens that can be placed in a Head slot. It should also be noted at this time that all the other slot markers have gone gray and "dead" so that it is obvious that only the head slot is in play now.

It may take some time to load, but soon on the left side David sees a nice selection of helms, helmets and hats to select. Since he is a token collector he can tell which token is which by the general look of the graphics, but he is not able to see the fine details and small text on the token image. He thinks he sees the "Triton Helm", but just to make sure he hovers his mouse for a second over the likely image. A few seconds later a nice big image of a "Triton Helm" does appear over the token display grid, so he knows now he has the right token.

At this time he can either simply click the image or he can drag-and-drop image into the head slot marker. Again, all the other slot markers have gone gray, and the only the Head slot will accept a dragged image.

Once the token has been properly assigned, the radio button's color will go from a blank color to another color that matches the rarity of the token placed. So in this case, the Head slot button would now be green since the equipped token is an Uncommon.

Note that also at this time any appropriate stats listed at the top will change instantly as tokens are updated.

Please let me know your thoughts. This could be really cool, and cooler still if the interface is done well.

Thanks for the feedback, and thanks again to David Krause for making such a wonderful tool.
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"

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Re: Graphical Token Character Generator? 14 years 2 months ago #2

BTW, this screenshot is just a rough mock-up. The tricky part is displaying all the special slots.

Oh, and we won't be able to do the "1 room" stats like David's program does.
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"

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Re: Graphical Token Character Generator? 14 years 2 months ago #3


It sounds great! My main question is, I'm the only person from my group on the forums and I outfit all of my party - will I be able to outfit and display all 8-10 character classes, and print a party card out from them? If I could somehow do that it would be great. That functionality might be nice for single players also that are outfitted to play multiple classes. That way, when people are assembling groups for an adventuring party, if someone has multiple character classes filled out, that gives a lot more flexibility so that you don't have multiple people with the same class.


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Re: Graphical Token Character Generator? 14 years 1 month ago #4

I was going to suggest the same thing, that people be able to equip for multiple classes. I know I haven't even decided yet what class(es) I want to play all the time... or even if I want to lock myself into 1 class.

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Re: Graphical Token Character Generator? 14 years 1 month ago #5

This may not make much of a difference to some of you, but will you be able to pick your own name, sex, and such. That would be really cool so that you are not just generic ranger, but you can be Suv Playfaro the Ranger. I agree on letting us outfit several options. I am set for Ranger but if there is a ranger already in a group I can easily switch to Bard. Other classes have the same synergy, Cleric/ Paladin, Fighter/Barbarian. It would be nice to be able to take in back up options.

Awesome work guys, this is a great great great toy... mean tool for us to play... I mean use.

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Re: Graphical Token Character Generator? 14 years 1 month ago #6

this sounds awesome!

also makes me wonder about the token collection utility, and if that could ever make a comeback. if so, what about connecting the two in a way that you could select to only display the tokens you own for equipping. just a simple check-box/toggle-button to switch from 'display all tokens' to 'display tokens i own'. not something to worry about until after this is up and going, but it could be nice in upcoming years so players arent sifting through a bunch of old tokens theyve never even seen to find the ones they are equipping.
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Re: Graphical Token Character Generator? 14 years 1 month ago #7

Looks great! Love the concept. I totally agree with the additional comments made. Since depending on who I'm running with I can be either Ranger or Bard, it would be nice to be able to have one of each type saved under your profile. Then, a team can be created by associating the appropriate player/class combo (Amorgen as bard, Tobin as paladin) to the party card.

Pitfalls to be aware of:

Without 1-room ability, you will have to be careful how you implement the strength restriction of the Maul of Titans (since at least some of the classes have to use consumables to reach the strength requirement).

Also, will you be supporting artifacts? So that for instance when Smak is in the team and has the appropriate charm equipped that all party members have the level raise.

I love the idea of tying in what each person has marked as owned to affect the list, but you'll need to implement a toggle for turning that off when people are doing token purchase planning.

Would love to help any way I can.

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Re: Graphical Token Character Generator? 14 years 1 month ago #8

MSteele wrote: Jeff,

My main question is, I'm the only person from my group on the forums and I outfit all of my party - will I be able to outfit and display all 8-10 character classes, and print a party card out from them?


Sorry...yes...the plan is to allow each Forum account to add up to 20 different characters to their account, so that person can equipment a whole group if they wish.

You could have your own group -- if you want -- with each class filled out with what tokens they would have. This would give you great flexibility when the adventure starts in picking characters. In this case the Coach would be looking at multiple Party cards from different players.

I think it is a good idea to allow players to name and sex of their characters. It won't have any in-game function, but it will be much cooler outside the game.
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"

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Re: Graphical Token Character Generator? 14 years 1 month ago #9

Pitfalls to be aware of:

Without 1-room ability, you will have to be careful how you implement the strength restriction of the Maul of Titans (since at least some of the classes have to use consumables to reach the strength requirement).

Hmm...I think we will just have to go with the rule that stats must be "at start" to qualify for weapons. If you don't have permanent magic to get you to a needed Stat, then you can't have that weapon on the Party Card. I don't see any other way to do it.

Also, will you be supporting artifacts? So that for instance when Smak is in the team and has the appropriate charm equipped that all party members have the level raise.

We will try out best to do Artifacts, but no promises.

I love the idea of tying in what each person has marked as owned to affect the list, but you'll need to implement a toggle for turning that off when people are doing token purchase planning.

I am sorry...I don't understand.

Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"

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Re: Graphical Token Character Generator? 14 years 1 month ago #10

I love the idea of tying in what each person has marked as owned to affect the list, but you'll need to implement a toggle for turning that off when people are doing token purchase planning.

I am sorry...I don't understand.

Someone had made the suggestion that we filter the list of equipment further by combining an inventory of what tokens they have and only list the ones they have when selecting tokens for each slot. The point I was making is that if we went down that road (which would be cool) we would need to be able to override it when doing token purchase planning (hence the toggle).

Would love being able to name characters too.

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Re: Graphical Token Character Generator? 14 years 1 month ago #11

Pitfalls to be aware of:

Without 1-room ability, you will have to be careful how you implement the strength restriction of the Maul of Titans (since at least some of the classes have to use consumables to reach the strength requirement).

Hmm...I think we will just have to go with the rule that stats must be "at start" to qualify for weapons. If you don't have permanent magic to get you to a needed Stat, then you can't have that weapon on the Party Card. I don't see any other way to do it.

That makes sense, although that will somewhat limit a fighter wanting to wield it to some specific equipment (Girdle of Hill Giant Strength, Mithral Gauntlets and Necklace of the Oak).

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Last edit: by Amorgen Burke.

Re: Graphical Token Character Generator? 14 years 1 month ago #12

We thought about doing another program that would interface with this one that would allow collectors to list ALL the tokens they own. Is that what you are talking about?

We could do that, but does everyone think it will get used all that much? I mean...it would take LOTS of work to enter all your tokens...are you all sure you would want to do all that work before doing the character generator. It would be cool if the program would have two settings:

1) allow any token usable for that slot

2) allow any token usable for that slot that the player lists as owned

What do you guys think? Would you use a token inventory program? I can't see anyway to enter tokens other than having say all the token images of a year and rarity on the screen with a little numerical entry box next to each image. Collectors would enter them in manually like that.

What do you all think about all these ideas?


elemperador wrote: I love the idea of tying in what each person has marked as owned to affect the list, but you'll need to implement a toggle for turning that off when people are doing token purchase planning.

I am sorry...I don't understand.

Someone had made the suggestion that we filter the list of equipment further by combining an inventory of what tokens they have and only list the ones they have when selecting tokens for each slot. The point I was making is that if we went down that road (which would be cool) we would need to be able to override it when doing token purchase planning (hence the toggle).

Would love being able to name characters too.

Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"

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