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TOPIC: Fantasy Football 2021

Fantasy Football 2021 3 years 9 months ago #1

Okay, taking over this year and starting now so we can talk about rule changes. We decided last year to go to yahoo so I will be setting up the league tonight. Last year's players have first dibs but I am looking for alternates.Paypal is tonybmccormick at yahoo.

Next comment is a copy of last year's rules and scoring post.

This is a list from last year, so if you wanted in last season and couldn't get in you'll get a shot this year if a spot is open... here is the list

Mike Coon confirmed PD
Wade Schwendemann confirmed PD
Fred confirmed PD
Endgame confirmed PD
Melissa Lueking confirmed PD
Cary Kelly confirmed PD
Lieth confirmed PD
Jeff confirmed PD
jacob717Dr Stupid v1.0 confirmed PD
Flik Cliff confirmed
Orion W confirmed
Matt confirmed PD

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Fantasy Football 2021 3 years 9 months ago #2

Last years rules post for reference and discussion.

League type PPR Auction
What is PPR? Points per reception
What is an Auction draft? You bid on players with a 200 dollar salary cap against the players in your league. If you bid the highest for a player, you get them. Also you cannot bid more than the money you currently have. So if you only have 5 dollars left and 3 spots on your roster to fill, your highest bid will be 3 dollars because you need to leave at least 1 dollar to bid on your other two spots.
Cost of entry: For a 8 team league it would be 125 per owner. 10 team league 100 per owner. 12 team 85 per team. This will be used to buy a condensed $1000 dollar pack. Payment for the league is due before the draft, preferably one week prior.
The format I am thinking of using is this (assuming 10 teams)

5 teams per division
13 regular season games
top 6 are super bowl playoff teams
bottom 4 are toilet bowl teams

super bowl playoffs 3 weeks with division winners getting a first round bye, single elimination.
toilet bowl is round robin.

Winnings, this is if we go 100 dollars per team and 10 teams in, also assuming no golden ticket and condensed pack.

Tooth of Cavadar=1pt
URs=1pt each
Both Modules combined=1pt

Winnings taken in order...
Super bowl winner gets 2 points to spend as above
Superbowl runner up gets 1 point
Points title (most points scored in regular season) 1 one point
Division winners get 1 point to spend (the number 1 seed picks first, then the number 2 seed)
Toilet Bowl winner 1 point

Then ever week of the regular season, whichever fantasy team scores the most points that week will get a package of tokens from the other tokens we have. I would say a package like this

9 random rares
18 random uncommons
and 3 random draws from the combined healing potions, trade items and Gold Pieces.

IF we happen to pull a golden ticket the super bowl winner gets it, but forgoes all other tokens won. If that is the case the distribution would be

Superbowl Runner up gets 2 pts
Points title gets 2 pts to spend
Division winners 1 pt to spend, again #1 seed gets first choice
Toilet Bowl winner gets 1 point

Under this scenario, if the Super Bowl winner was ALSO a division winner and/or the points title winner we will give bonus points to the winners above. Since we don't know how many points that would end up being I can't be sure how it will be redistributed, but it will happen by league vote and if no consensus can be reached I will break the tie.

Also if we happen to get the extra UR (20% chance) it will go into the pool. We will then add the Toilet Bowl runner up, at which point they are likely to get the Modules instead.

I have updated putting the points leader for the season above the division winners since this was suggested last season.

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Fantasy Football 2021 3 years 9 months ago #3

I’m in.

Also, will we move to being able to make $0 bids? That will help when you have $0 left, all 3 of your TEs are injured and you would like to actually fill all your positions. Ask me how I know :D

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Last edit: by Endgame.

Fantasy Football 2021 3 years 9 months ago #4

I believe that is one of the features of yahoo but I'm not positive.

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Fantasy Football 2021 3 years 9 months ago #5

I’m in for this year again too.

$0 bids?!? Why would you ever need those with all the leftover $ from the draft 😂😎😂?

(Seriously I’m not opposed to $0 bids - we would just need to know before the draft ).

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Fantasy Football 2021 3 years 9 months ago #6

Orion W would like to get in as an alternate.

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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Fantasy Football 2021 3 years 9 months ago #7

I'm in as well. PayPal incoming.
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

My Current Paladin Build 

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Fantasy Football 2021 3 years 9 months ago #8

Most definitely down for FFB this year (if room of course)!
- Send me in DM! I'M READY TO ROLL!

Swing by utakustradecaravan.com to buy, trade, or bid on tokens for your True Dungeon characters!
From my humble caravan I offer:
- Trade Goods and Treasurers I've gathered along the way (Completion, Ultra Rare+, etc.)
- My Trading Post with my current needs/wants!
- My Auction House hosting 8K Auctions, charity auctions, and more!

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Last edit: by Utaku Soto.

Fantasy Football 2021 3 years 9 months ago #9


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Fantasy Football 2021 3 years 9 months ago #10

I am in obviously, but I wanted to post so this shows on my topics as well. Officially going to yahoo correct?

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Fantasy Football 2021 3 years 9 months ago #11

Yahoo is the plan unless someone starts screaming bloody murder.

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Fantasy Football 2021 3 years 9 months ago #12

When do we need to pay for our teams?
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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