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TOPIC: Other Gencon 2011 Events

Other Gencon 2011 Events 13 years 10 months ago #1

I'm curious; what are some other events you are planning on attending at Gencon this year? Any games you want to play or seminars you'd like to check out?

Me; I'm definitely going to sign up for a few of Twilight Creations games, like Zombies!!!, Battle for Slaughter Gulch, and a couple others. I'm also interested in learning to play Monsterpocalypse (I've always had a soft sopt for giant monsters).
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Re: Other Gencon 2011 Events 13 years 10 months ago #2

I don't understand the question. There is only True Dungeon....

But seriously, other than roaming the dealer's room, TD is pretty much all I have done at Gen Con for several the last few years.
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Re: Other Gencon 2011 Events 13 years 10 months ago #3

Druegar wrote: I don't understand the question. There is only True Dungeon....

LOL! I totally understand, Druegar, what with the cost of registration plus the TD tickets, it can get pretty pricey real quick. Then again, this is my first time going, so I'm going to pack in everything I can... afford, that is.

I am looking forward to the dealers room, though. Where else can you go to learn about tons of new games and blow a weeks pay all at once? Nowhere, that's where!
Boredom Kills!
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Re: Other Gencon 2011 Events 13 years 10 months ago #4

Kirk, if this is your first time going understand this.
GenCon is HUGE and spread out over not only the convention center but hotels several blocks away.
With that said, give yourself time - time to eat, sleep, bathe, and relax.
My first year at GC I did stuff back to back to back and nearly burned out, and got serious leg cramps running from Hotel A to Hotel B 4 blocks away.

The exhibitor hall is huge, and its bigger this year than years past due to the new location and its sold out again. So if you want to see all the hall has, give yourself plenty of time.

Personally I pace myself by doing 2-3 events/day leaving the rest of the time open for enjoying downtown Indy, getting rest, and doing shopping.

Asside from that, GC is truly a unique experience and totally the nerdvana for gamers.
Victory Loves Preparation

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Re: Other Gencon 2011 Events 13 years 10 months ago #5

Thanks for the tips, greyseer!

This may be my first time at Gencon, but I've been going to big conventions for years now, so I'm pretty confident that I can avoid skipping over nerdvana and landing in Tartarus! I've planned on a LEAST one hour between all of the events I'm interested in. Not counting TD (I'm trying to get into both adventures), I've only got two, maybe three events per day. All in al, my schedule is pretty lax.

And I do plan on bathing regularly. I will NEVER be "that guy!":laugh:

Still, it is tough to avoid signing up for everything that sounds fun! I've run myself ragged at other cons in the past; so NOT worth it. Also, the costs to help curb that urge just a bit.

So what are YOU going to be doing, greyseer? Hmmm?
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Re: Other Gencon 2011 Events 13 years 10 months ago #6

Since becoming a TD volunteer, I haven't been able to do anything at GC other than the dealer room and a couple special events (like the movie Gamers: Dorkness Rising and Wil Wheaton's talk last year).
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Re: Other Gencon 2011 Events 13 years 10 months ago #7

I'm planning on doing the Orc Stomp 5K, the +5cha meetup, the Hogwarts charity LARP (my husband and I met at the original Hogwarts LARP, so we thought it was fitting), and the superhero boot camp LARP. Possibly also going to the dance on Saturday night.

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Re: Other Gencon 2011 Events 13 years 10 months ago #8

Kirk Bideau wrote: Thanks for the tips, greyseer!
So what are YOU going to be doing, greyseer? Hmmm?

All depends on Karma and the registration system.
As I run a team of now 10 players through TD my goal is to get 2 full slots over the span of the 3 days, one for each dungeon. I plan to never do anything that conflicts with Token Turn In and I never try to do anything on Opening morning as the dealers room opening is chaotic fun.

Aside from that I always try to get in a Call of Cthulhu game with the MU Skulls, those guys rock. Hard to get tickets though. I also try to get a game in on some mechanic I have been curious about - so this year gonna try to get into the one game of Mouseguard, but not holding my breath.
Victory Loves Preparation

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Re: Other Gencon 2011 Events 13 years 10 months ago #9

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Killer Breakfast is a must. As is Who's Line is it Anyway.

I'm hoping to get in a one or two Dresden Files Games.

And maybe one of the 3-Dragon Ante tournaments.
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Re: Other Gencon 2011 Events 13 years 10 months ago #10

Kalen wrote: I'm planning on doing the Orc Stomp 5K, the +5cha meetup, the Hogwarts charity LARP (my husband and I met at the original Hogwarts LARP, so we thought it was fitting), and the superhero boot camp LARP. Possibly also going to the dance on Saturday night.

I remember Cody from the Hogwarts LARP. He played quite the Ravenclaw.
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Re: Other Gencon 2011 Events 13 years 10 months ago #11

As a vendor and a TD fanatic you can imagine I have very limited time. Its hard enough for me to get a TD event let alone something else but as already mentioned, Killer Breakfast is awesome and Who's line is it is great fun. I will say however the normal version is much more fun than the naughty version. The naughty version just devolves too quickly to be funy, maybe its just me, but profanity for profanity's sake does not always a funny make.

When I first went to gencon, I litterally spent every hour on the floor, demo-ing games and trying to win free swag. Sadly the free swag has gone drastically down. Even the swag bags people dont bother with mcuh any more. Did you know it actually costs vendors money to give away stuff in those bags? Yep, they pay money to give you stuff. Ugh.

Checking out the costumes is my fav thing to do. As a costume wearer and being a part of a booth that sells costumes I find it a lot of fun.

The Dance is good for a laugh but henti dubbing is usually set at a conflicting time and also very funny.
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Re: Other Gencon 2011 Events 13 years 10 months ago #12

It's true - as a full time volunteer, sometimes it's exhausting just doing TD, much less anything else. Give yourself some down time, or you'll be dead on your feet. And no one would know, because...you know...they'd think you were just in a really authentic costume :)

This year, I hope to play Red Dragon Inn with one of the game's creators, I want to do some 4ed (I need more practice) D&D too. I'm enjoying the new wish list system so far. I feel like I'm getting a better grasp on what there is to do, so I can plan accordingly. I'm also looking forward to doing the Cheese Weasel games.

Also I'm thinking about doing a TerrorWerks run to see how the TD "competition" holds up.

What is Killer Breakfast? And I don't recall seeing a Three Dragon Ante tournament this year :(
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