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TOPIC: Meet at the Inn

Re: Meet at the Inn 11 years 4 months ago #361

"Enough idle philosophical chatter. Why don't you stop wasting our time and tell us why we are here--or give us the girl and let us be on our way."
Team Synergy, 2012-Present
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Re: Meet at the Inn 11 years 4 months ago #362

"I do not understand the ways of arcane magic. But I wonder if the answers we get from this phantasm are those which would be spoken by the real Strahd, or only a shadow of what we think he would say. If the latter I see no reason to spend another moment chatting with our own thoughts."

"Ceci n'est pas une pipe" - Magritte

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Re: Meet at the Inn 11 years 4 months ago #363

"My sword for Ireena? Interesting proposition indeed. Are your words any more than the illusion you are? I might be convinced. Your master has grasped it once. You know its power--yet life is more precious to me than a sword of base elements blessed with a few arcane spells. I might be open to a trade with conditions, but you must lead us to the girl first without treachery. We'll discuss conditions after we see Ireena is in good health and without harm."
Author of The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Talon of Light
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--The Caduceus
and The Brazen Serpent Cronicles--Dragon Kiln
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Cenote Gate (in process)


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Last edit: by Widseth.

Re: Meet at the Inn 11 years 4 months ago #364

  • Adeya
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Picc wrote: "Brother. I have not fallen, far from it in fact." the image of the vampire says looking quite sincere, "merely awoken to the truth of lies our so called 'gods' preach in the desperate struggle to keep us subservient. The truth is they need us, need our prayers a great deal more then we need them to rule us. Tell me if they are truly the limitless powers for good they claim how is it that any of us rebel? The only way it makes sense is if that against which we rebel is the true afront to the natural order. Call it evil if you wish, I will call it freedom and truth."

"'Freedom and truth' indeed," I scoff. "One needs only to look at this land and harm done to its people to see that your works are evil."

I cast out with my arcane senses while I speak, seeing if I can learn any more details about this illusion of Strahd. Specifically, I'm trying to discern whether the real Strahd is speaking through it and if I can pinpoint a location of the real Strahd.
I make chainmail! Check out www.ArcadianChain.com for chainmail jewelry and accessories, including token holders, dice bags, and d20 keychains.

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Re: Meet at the Inn 11 years 4 months ago #365

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Brad Mortensen wrote: "I do not understand the ways of arcane magic. But I wonder if the answers we get from this phantasm are those which would be spoken by the real Strahd, or only a shadow of what we think he would say. If the latter I see no reason to spend another moment chatting with our own thoughts."

"I assure you I would speak the same if I were before you in the flesh. You however might not be so willing to converse." the vampire smiles.

SageSTL wrote: "Enough idle philosophical chatter. Why don't you stop wasting our time and tell us why we are here--or give us the girl and let us be on our way."

"As to why you are here that is the game isnt it but for now let us just say it is because you have accepted my invitation paladin and the girl is free to go with you if she wishes, why not go down to the crypts and ask her yourself."

Adeya wrote:
I cast out with my arcane senses while I speak, seeing if I can learn any more details about this illusion of Strahd. Specifically, I'm trying to discern whether the real Strahd is speaking through it and if I can pinpoint a location of the real Strahd.

So thurley does the vampires power permeate this place it is hard to be sure but it seems as if the shadows behind the organ are a little deeper then they should be, almost as if they were being drawn there to conceal something.

Widseth wrote: "My sword for Ireena? Interesting proposition indeed. Are your words any more than the illusion you are? I might be convinced. Your master has grasped it once. You know its power--yet life is more precious to me than a sword of base elements blessed with a few arcane spells. I might be open to a trade with conditions, but you must lead us to the girl first without treachery. We'll discuss conditions after we see Ireena is in good health and without harm."

"You are in interesting man ministerial so we shall see how this plays out, go to the girl and if you accept my offer leave the blade in her place and depart. In the interim though I regret I must leave you to the hospitality of my house, there is so much to do yet before tonight."

With that the image of the vampire disappears amid a crashing of wind taking with it the feast that was laid out on the table leaving behind only rot. In the distance you can hear the screech of ancient hinges and the solid thud of many heavy doors slamming shut, one after another. The cacoffiny finally ends with the distinctive clang of the portcullis sealing shut. Once the malestorm has subsided you are left alone in silent darkness save for the light of a wizards staff and a slight breeze that rustles the delicate confines of the great crystal chandeliers above.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”

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Last edit: by Picc.

Re: Meet at the Inn 11 years 4 months ago #366

Delmar walks by the corrupted feast, "The illusion of goodness that is evil. All that is wholesome and nourishing turns to foulness and rot. A person who has turned to evil only sees the sumptuous feast."

I pick up a cup and pour the putrid contents onto the table. "What tastes like fine wine is nothing more than this. Remember that my friends if you ever have thought of becoming like our host. Some part of you would always know you drank corrupted swill and that the wine was just illusion."

"Widseth, my friend your offer of your sword for the girl is beyond measure. Let us hope your blade may be used to end this corruption once and for all yet not leave your side. I say we find the lady and speak with her. No doubt she has had compulsions laid upon her but we shall do our best."
You can't fix stupid but you can TPK it.

"Mamma always said that True Dungeon is like a box of Drow Poisons. Ya never know how you're gonna die."

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Re: Meet at the Inn 11 years 4 months ago #367

I see Adeya's focus on the shadows behind the organ. I motion to her to come with me and (if she is willing) inspect the shadows behind the instrument. Checking the area with the lenses.

"One Madame Eva's cards mentioned embracing history, as a key for us. As I remember that would be in a dizzying place where he chooses not to go. I guess that would mean going up into the towers. Ireena and Strahd are probably below--down those stairs."

I point to the stairs spiraling down.

"Either way I think we will meet the 'hospitality of his house.' I don't think he will allow us access to Ireena until he has fully prepared for us. I may need to leave my sword with him before he releases her, but I will need it until then."

"I think we should make haste and go up. I have a feeling he might not expect that. I defer to your thoughts."
Author of The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Talon of Light
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--The Caduceus
and The Brazen Serpent Cronicles--Dragon Kiln
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Cenote Gate (in process)


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Re: Meet at the Inn 11 years 4 months ago #368

  • Picc
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Widseth wrote: I see Adeya's focus on the shadows behind the organ. I motion to her to come with me and (if she is willing) inspect the shadows behind the instrument. Checking the area with the lenses.

Walking around behind the back of the pipe organ you manage to spot the faintest outline of a door on the wall where the shadows are at their deepest. Even looking directly at it as you are without the aid of magical sight the passage would have remained hidden from your.

Bards and rogues may attempt to open the passage from this side (DC 12 for Rogues, DC 15 for Bards in both cases you may add your dex adjustment. Master thieves tools to retry a failed pick, Ektdar’s Tinkering tool will grant a +5 on the roll )
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”

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Re: Meet at the Inn 11 years 4 months ago #369

  • Xavon
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[Roll 5, +6 Dex, +5 Tool = 16]

"This should just take a second," I note casually. A small case appears in my hands, and I take out a number of small, wire-like instruments. After a few moments of manipulating the lock, it opens with a faint 'pop'.

I step back, sketching a slight bow, while also making it obvious I do not intend to go first. My case disappears again, and my returning dagger takes its place in my palm.
Applications programming is a race between software engineers, who strive to produce idiot-proof programs, and the Universe, which strives to produce bigger idiots.  <br /><br />So far, the Universe is winning.

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Re: Meet at the Inn 11 years 4 months ago #370

"Well done Lexan. Are we prepared?"

I scan the party.

"I think we need to investigate this path. What do you think?"
Author of The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Talon of Light
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--The Caduceus
and The Brazen Serpent Cronicles--Dragon Kiln
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Cenote Gate (in process)


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Re: Meet at the Inn 11 years 4 months ago #371

"A door, eh? Well, fortune favors the bold.... Or, curiosity killed the cat. I always forget."

After taking a quick drink from his hip flask, Kryndal takes a torch from his pack, and lights it with flint and steel from a small pouch on his belt. With the torch in one hand and mithril sword in the other, he nudges the door fully open with his foot and looks inside.
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Last edit: by SageSTL.

Re: Meet at the Inn 11 years 4 months ago #372

  • bpsymington
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Breon stands behind Kryndal, adding the light from his staff to Kryndal's torch.
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