Just a shout out to John (Grunnel), Jeff, Lori, Druegar, ,Troy, the NPC's, Innkeepers, Coaches, DM's, Golems, and anyone I may have forgotten--Thank you for such a fun adventure in Grunnel's Holiday Special. It was festive and fun with a lot of chuckles throughout. Monsters being fought were quite interesting and puzzles were challenging but solvable. The NPC's knocked it out of the park.
There were highlights throughout the adventure. I really enjoyed perusing Grunnel's Photo Album between the rooms. It was great to see photos of the following:
Grunnel's Goblin Grandfather riding in a sleigh--named Grampel.
Grunnel's Goblin Uncle--Grewnel who like to decorate trees.
Grunnel's Goblin Cousin--Gronnel who was obsessed with shiny objects like ornaments.
Grunnel's Goblin Grandmother--Grammel with Grunnel as a baby Goblin.
Grunnel's Cousin (the Black Sheep of the clan)--Lennurg (Grunnel spelled backwards).
The viewing of the photo album made the time between rooms seem to move faster and we tried to pick up nuggets such as a floating ornament or a ring, a third ear, etc. This was a fun activity.
Another highlight was the Victory song if you were successful in the Room 7 puzzle. We all sang along. Luckily out DM played the failure song for us too so we got to hear it too. It was hilarious and I hope that it is posted on the forums. I would like a copy of each.
Once again thank you for bringing the Gifting adventure and allowing us to open the passes so the children of Shyport could get gifts. The Wicked Witch was elated when she received the Fruitcake Grunnel made.
Again a big thank you to everyone involved for bringing the 2023 season to an exciting end.