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TOPIC: Coaching room logistics question

Coaching room logistics question 2 years 10 months ago #1

GenCon will be my first con where I'll have enough tokens to need a token carrier (a Zuca) in the coaching room. It will have my team-of-three's main and backup builds, plus loaner Rares for each class for whoever in a PUG needs them.

As a result, once everyone has their characters set out I will have a wheeled carrier that does not need to (and which I understand shouldn't) come into the dungeon. I have an Adventurer's Guild membership but have no idea of how close the AG storage area will be to the coaching rooms.

So -- where do I leave my token carrier during the run? And how many minutes before the run do I need to declare my loaning done to get there and back again in time?

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Coaching room logistics question 2 years 10 months ago #2

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From my experience you can verify tokens in coaching and then run them to bag check. Also you only need a subset, be ring your weapons, consumables and treasure enhancers in a small nap sack and precheck the rest. Either one works.

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Coaching room logistics question 2 years 10 months ago #3

Also bring tokens that let you have exceptions to rules in significant ways that are not on the party cars. Usually, the main ones I’ve seen asked for are Etkar’s and the Librham.

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Coaching room logistics question 2 years 10 months ago #4

Not to be That Guy, but technically, you are supposed to bring any token your character is equipping (or that you are loaning to another player) into the dungeon. (See attached screenshot from the Player’s Handbook.) Practically, I’ve never needed anything but my weapons, consumables, and, lately, TEs to show in Epilogue. But in theory the DM could ask you to show your armor or rings or what have you. (As Fred said, it’s a good idea to have tokens with special effects not on the party card available to show, but in my experience this most often applies to Rogues. My husband uses a small coin book to carry his Rogue gear so he can show it on demand.)

You can check anything else at the bag check. It’s usually only a short walk to get back to bag check, but there could be a line as other players check or retrieve bags. Allow 5-10 minutes to get to bag check and back. The good news is that if you have your character set up in the app, the coach will likely just want to see your stats and won’t ask you to lay out all your tokens on the mat. This saves time, and should allow plenty of time to run to bag check to drop off anything you aren’t bringing with you.

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Coaching room logistics question 2 years 10 months ago #5

  • Picc
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Depends on how early you arrive. You can usually hang out in the room for a bout half an hour before anything to do with your run starts in coaching. The issue with lending, packing up, running to bag check is people can drift in until the last second. The coach will be with you for the last 24 minutes before you enter training, so about 2-3 minutes per player. If your going to makes loans, please try to be done before the 12 minute mark, theres a horn of gondor sound queue, if your loanig complete builds please try to bring stat lines.

Worst case before you leave to check your bag find out what training room you're group is going into. You may need to catch up with then there on your return.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”

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Coaching room logistics question 2 years 10 months ago #6

I would highly suggest making prebuilt characters of each type, and then offering them to players as an option.

Building up to nine characters during coaching in just a couple minutes each would be chaotic and difficult on the coach.
I've seen the scrambling of players trying to rebuild their characters in the coaching room, and it's nightmare inducing. :)

This would also allow you to have just a few sheets for each loaner character) of tokens in a notebook that can be easily carried into the dungeon.

Just my opinion...

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Coaching room logistics question 2 years 10 months ago #7

You can also try pre planning your run here I. The forums

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Coaching room logistics question 2 years 10 months ago #8

Andy, as others have stated, this can be a touchy subject. If Zuca's are allowed in the dungeon I think that is your best option. If not, then AG is usually right at the entrance. Sometimes the same people doing AG are also welling tokens and/or watching the treasure pulls, so no guarantee on how quickly you will get back. That said, I have always made it back to coaching in time.

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Coaching room logistics question 2 years 10 months ago #9

to make it faster for the coaches..have you party card preprinted/on the app (all the pre-approved ways) done.
with token list.
then the coaches just need to verify the tokens...it is way easier and quicker for them. then there will be plenty of time

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Coaching room logistics question 2 years 10 months ago #10

Lord of Mistakes wrote: I would highly suggest making prebuilt characters of each type, and then offering them to players as an option.

Building up to nine characters during coaching in just a couple minutes each would be chaotic and difficult on the coach.
I've seen the scrambling of players trying to rebuild their characters in the coaching room, and it's nightmare inducing. :)

This would also allow you to have just a few sheets for each loaner character) of tokens in a notebook that can be easily carried into the dungeon.

Just my opinion...

as for newbies, they want their tokens they get to be useful,
so coaches have a cache of weapons to give out and some other things. this is to help new players plus allow them to use their tokens

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Coaching room logistics question 2 years 10 months ago #11

do not show up with a huge bag of tokens and your character written out on a yellow legal pad. :blush:
Founder of Tokenholics Anonymous.
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Completed 24 runs at GC 2017 and 21 at GC 2022.
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Last edit: by smakdown.

Coaching room logistics question 2 years 10 months ago #12

BeLinda Mathie wrote: Not to be That Guy, but technically, you are supposed to bring any token your character is equipping (or that you are loaning to another player) into the dungeon. (See attached screenshot from the Player’s Handbook.) Practically, I’ve never needed anything but my weapons, consumables, and, lately, TEs to show in Epilogue. But in theory the DM could ask you to show your armor or rings or what have you. (As Fred said, it’s a good idea to have tokens with special effects not on the party card available to show, but in my experience this most often applies to Rogues. My husband uses a small coin book to carry his Rogue gear so he can show it on demand.)

You can check anything else at the bag check. It’s usually only a short walk to get back to bag check, but there could be a line as other players check or retrieve bags. Allow 5-10 minutes to get to bag check and back. The good news is that if you have your character set up in the app, the coach will likely just want to see your stats and won’t ask you to lay out all your tokens on the mat. This saves time, and should allow plenty of time to run to bag check to drop off anything you aren’t bringing with you.

I will be that guy. All tokens you are using are supposed to go with you through the dungeon. Though I haven't seen a reason for this, it is the rules and might be for some sort of reason we haven't a clue. If it shouldn't be a rule then let's lobby for it not to be a rule, not just break it because we don't know why it is a rule.

Rolling bags are not allowed in the dungeon. This is a rule. Again if it it shouldn't be a rule then lobby for it not to be a rule.

Why am I being that guy. Because they are the rules. If we don't like them then lobby for them to be changed. If there is a no we have the rules for a reason then respect TPTB and follow the rules, it isn't that hard most of do it.

Okay done being that guy....for now.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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