Re: Bogling charm, we can wear free movement gear to counteract potential bog/swamp hindrance, i.e. defender set bonus, boots of free action, amulet of the wind, if you have stronger charm options.
Looked at the barb/wizard/rogue builds a bit more:
that shield can't be equipped with either the melee or sling weapon (both are 2h), probably need to drop shield
can use a more melee-focused goggles, range can stay secondary. i.e. lenses of heimdall sight
potentially can use just a shirt of vitality instead of linked shirt, depends on wizard gear and how much cleric will be able to use it (i'm wearing shirt of focus, won't have a linked shirt on)
can have a slightly better armor if desired, i.e. +5 ac reinforced leather armor
ring of truth can be ring of iron will for some free extra will
can fit 2 more ioun stones. i have a couple extra IS beryl prism, could also fill with IS norse opal for 1 hp heh
can only use 1 bead, didn't see anything that lets us wear 3
Throwing weapons are one use per combat, didn't see anything that returns the knife to you. Probably should focus melee. Throwing also uses dex to hit, may want to look at pants.
Could use shruiken instead of the short bow as an option, to get strength bonus on damage
Goggles could be switched for a melee focus (only have 1 extra lenses of heimdall sight)
Could use a damage bracer, i.e. bracers of frost
Could use a stronger glove, i.e. gauntlets of ogre power, gauntlets of the midgard serpent (with poison resist)
Is the pants strength bonus worth the -2 dex?
Room for a 2nd earcuff
If melee focused, probably don't need charm of the wind, but not bad to have if nothing else fills the slot
Only one bead
Kendal looks to have a lot of wizard gear, looks like fun stuff there
In particular Cook's Hat, would give wizard 5th level spells, and make up for the healing lost if using Shirt of Focus (edit: i might have misread, and there isn't a shirt of focus)
If you have other ring options, rogue could use ring of the drake with shruikens for range, for returning shruiken
Only one bead
I see a nice polymorph ring (ring of the siren), but I can't polymorph without potions with my current build. Thinking that would be really neat though, I know my polymorph damage is pretty good too.