Unless we get a Legendary Turkey leg with throwing and returning (please no), I think +2 with returning is fine for relic. Specially if it's intent is to be used for Turkey Leg Runs, I want the convenience and budget consideration to not have to change weapons, or stats to use the Relic and/or UR and/or Rare for Ranged Combat... not needing to carry a bunch of one-use thrown weapons would be nice ideally.. UR and Relic were Perfect together (for Melee Dual Wielding and still allowing Ranged Combat when needed) to make them accessible and desirable when they were both at +2.
It's not better than Thor's Legend or Relic for Damage So that Legend will still be useful. And Relics won't get Reprints right? So make em fast! If the complaint is that the +3 Hammer is under powered, then give it Returning too because it is. I always thought it should have returning in the first place anyway, I know I would use the 2 copies I have been holding for Thor's transmute if it had returning too.
Most people who do Turkey Leg Runs Don't Care about the damage as much as the usefulness of the new token(s) considering they've all been +0 legs until now with no throwing or returning... not having it on the strongest token is disappointing
Either way, New Players do get a bonus cool thing too out of this... but the current setup is much less desirable than before.
Damage number progression across Legs now seems fine for the current values. Losing 1 hit on the dial seems perfect. Does the new Damage Wheel mean that Common Turkey Legs can get a special exchange or reprint to 1d4 damage? Or can they be used as Transmute ingredients?
If they remain at 0, then Rare could be 1d4 damage, and UR and Relic still could be +2 without making them OP with Throwing/Returning at Relic.
+1 for a modern UR weapon seems wrong considering all our more recent Keen and Smiting URs have been +2... I can't eat it, can't throw it or the relic now... UR Hammer is +2 with a dex requirement... I would be fine with Relic Legs only being +2 and having a Dex Requirement too to get Throwing and Returning back on the Relic and UR to +2 again It was such an elegant design, really... it just needed less damage output.
At the very least add Throwing back to the relic. if not returning. Make them all throwing, then the relic getting returning is just part of the progression?
My hope before was to get 2 Relics and 2 UR to cover my 2 Main builds If my old group of friends ever got to do a Turkey Leg Run together. and I needed two dual wielders, now I'll likely only want 2 Relics for myself and hope that someone else can provide my friend something better than rares.