So I am going to throw out some scenarios here because I am not entirely sure as a DM how some of this should work. Lets say two party members are equipped with a Questor’s Charm of Luck, one of them is a paladin and he also has the Legendary Holy Avenger the other is a bard also equipping the Figurine of Power: Cat and Widseth’s Legendary Lute.
Lets just look at each token and see how they affect saves.
Widseth’s Legendary Lute: Once per game, if a party saving throw is rolled and a “1, 2, or 3” is the result, the bard may call for a re-roll.
Figurine of Power: Cat: Once per game, the owner of this item may re-roll any failed saving throw, but must take the result of the second roll.
Questor’s Charm of Luck: Adds +1 to all saving throws and the player is allowed to re-roll any saving throw result of 1–even if consecutive 1s are rolled.
Ava's +5 Holy Avenger: Either once (relic) or twice (legendary) per game, a paladin may instantly activated her "Grace" power to allow the roll of TWO d20 dice for any saving throw and take the higher result. Whether Grace is used to affect a multi-person saving throw roll or an individual's saving throw is up to the paladin. The use of Grace must be declared before the die is rolled.
So rules questions and scenarios in order below.
1. Group vs Individual Save, is this still a thing? I thought when the DM at this point asks for a save one roll applys to whoever had to make it. Does Questor’s Charm of Luck affect the entire party save or just that individual who had it?
2. When two specific rules are in use, the bard fails a reflex and rolled a 4 initially, using the Figurine of the Cat allowing another save to be rolled, lets just say that save was a 1, does Questor’s Charm of Luck immeditally take affect or are you now forced to take the 1?
3. If the grace affect is used to get 2d20 and one of them is a 1 can Questor’s Charm of Luck apply to that roll and allow you to reroll it to see which 20 you take. Could Widseth’s Legendary Lute be used on a 1,2,3 of that roll to allow a reroll of that save if both rolls failed to save?
4. Lets say a specific player has been poisoned, they fail their first roll on a 4, they then use Anti-Toxin to get another roll and that roll is a 1, that person had Questor’s Charm of Luck and then declarers he is going to reroll. The paladin then says he is going to use his grace ability to allow the person to roll 2d20 is this allowed? The initial save has failed but he is declaring it before the roll?