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TOPIC: Filled E1 Thurs at 10:24 PM - Difficulty TBD

LFM (5 Slots available ) E1 Thurs at 10:24 PM - Difficulty TBD 4 years 11 months ago #13

Hey Mike, there are two of us nightmare capable (Great Bard & Druid/untested Barbarian build for options) . We would be interested if you have 2 slots we could buy from you. We are doing E3 at 7:50 so can already be in the area .
Bard has every instrument so can slide his Thor hammer to fight. Has Icecrag and Awakened Synergy and other tokens to help boost others

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Last edit: by Daniel Arnett.

LFM (5 Slots available ) E1 Thurs at 10:24 PM - Difficulty TBD 4 years 11 months ago #14

Can you take a Rogue? I'm Hardcore to Nightmare geared and have Charm of Synergy/Charm of Avarice.

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LFM (5 Slots available ) E1 Thurs at 10:24 PM - Difficulty TBD 4 years 11 months ago #15

If there’s an open slot, I’m interested in joining.

I can play anything except rogue or bard.

I have an avarice and should be able to survive any difficulty but epic.


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LFM (5 Slots available ) E1 Thurs at 10:24 PM - Difficulty TBD 4 years 11 months ago #16


We have two spots for you. The cleric is flexible if you prefer that as a class. Druid and Bard sound perfect though

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LFM (5 Slots available ) E1 Thurs at 10:24 PM - Difficulty TBD 4 years 11 months ago #17


A rogue would be perfect. I will put you down.

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LFM (5 Slots available ) E1 Thurs at 10:24 PM - Difficulty TBD 4 years 11 months ago #18


Take a look at classes, and let me know what you want to play, The cleric guy is flexible and so is the Wizard.

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LFM (5 Slots available ) E1 Thurs at 10:24 PM - Difficulty TBD 4 years 11 months ago #19

PM me gencon account names so we can friend and set up ticket transfers.

Thanks guys

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LFM (5 Slots available ) E1 Thurs at 10:24 PM - Difficulty TBD 4 years 11 months ago #20

I will have run the dungeon Thursday morning. I promise not to spoil puzzles. I will, however, give the solution (assuming we figured it out the first time) at the last minute -if the group wants me to- in order to avoid push damage.

Do you guys use Charm of Synergy? If so, I have it on my build, if not, I'll use that charm slot for something else.

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LFM (5 Slots available ) E1 Thurs at 10:24 PM - Difficulty TBD 4 years 11 months ago #21

We have 5 charms of synergy

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LFM (5 Slots available ) E1 Thurs at 10:24 PM - Difficulty TBD 4 years 11 months ago #22

I'll equip mine then, that gets us to 6.

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LFM (5 Slots available ) E1 Thurs at 10:24 PM - Difficulty TBD 4 years 11 months ago #23

We had a conflict so one more spot opened up.

Check your friend requests on gencon.com guys and let me know if you see it.

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LFM (5 Slots available ) E1 Thurs at 10:24 PM - Difficulty TBD 4 years 11 months ago #24

I don't see a friend request.

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