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TOPIC: LF1M TDA19159084 E1 - Abyssal Swamp Friday 8:24 AM

LF1M TDA19159084 E1 - Abyssal Swamp Friday 8:24 AM 5 years 9 months ago #1

  1. Arcanist Kolixela 4 - ???- paid

PARTY: tdcharactercreator.com/#/party/edit/8eba41b6-3be2-4059-8ab2-149e8cf2c1fb
BardArcanist Kolixelayesyes
DruidRyanyestransferred - NM capable <build link>
Dwarf FighterDootstransferred
Elf WizardDaveyesyestransferred - BiS
MonkErrantVolleyyesyestransferred - NM capable <build link>
PaladinArcanist Kolixela 3yesno
RangerJetsamyesNotransferred - Nightmare capable
RogueArcanist Kolixela 5yesno
WizardAdeyayesyesEpic geared

Preference would be to run up the difficulty but will be flexible based on who can join. I am a near BiS Monk with CoA, however, Doots is completely new. FWIW can probably loan him enough to get him L5 on w/e is left.

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Last edit: by Naveed Ihsanullah.

LFM TDA19159084 E1 - Abyssal Swamp Friday 8:24 AM 5 years 9 months ago #2

Adeya and myself are looking for a run, also a third potential player

Adeya'd be Wizard, Ken would be Rogue I'd play whatever is needed.

My build and the Rogue are BIS rares so good for hardcore, might be overwhelmed in Nightmare without a solid group.

LMK if you want us :)

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LFM TDA19159084 E1 - Abyssal Swamp Friday 8:24 AM 5 years 9 months ago #3

Would be interested if you're also looking for an Elf Wizard. Build has been through Epic runs, so I'm good for any difficulty. Can help others a little bit as needed.

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LFM TDA19159084 E1 - Abyssal Swamp Friday 8:24 AM 5 years 9 months ago #4

Actually have 5 people that would love to join this run. 1 Wizard, 1 Rogue

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LFM TDA19159084 E1 - Abyssal Swamp Friday 8:24 AM 5 years 9 months ago #5

@Dave I have run with you a few times before. Happy to have you along.

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LFM TDA19159084 E1 - Abyssal Swamp Friday 8:24 AM 5 years 9 months ago #6

@Arcanist - I have tentatively penciled you and your four friends in. Let me know if you have more info about roles gear level from them.

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LFM TDA19159084 E1 - Abyssal Swamp Friday 8:24 AM 5 years 9 months ago #7

Wizard Adeya is fully epic geared or only missing a piece or two.

All other players on my team will be using a Best in Slot Rare Token build with a few 4star transmute items.

Adeya has a CoA and I have 2 CoA, the rest of my crew does not have them.

Player 3 will run Paladin.

Player 4 is not yet set.

I will play whatever class we need for the run, likely Druid or Bard given the current group

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LFM TDA19159084 E1 - Abyssal Swamp Friday 8:24 AM 5 years 9 months ago #8

Naveed Ihsanullah wrote: @Dave I have run with you a few times before. Happy to have you along.

Awesome. Happy to join. I'm assuming everyone so far will have 5th level characters, but have 2 extra RoH and 2 extra CoH if anyone needs to borrow. Also have 4 extra CoAS. Lastly, if someone wants to boost their AC, I have legendary plate, helm and shield they can use in their build. I do have a CoA for myself, but none extra.

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LFM TDA19159084 E1 - Abyssal Swamp Friday 8:24 AM 5 years 9 months ago #9

Did I properly represent the details of your friends in the party list?

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LFM TDA19159084 E1 - Abyssal Swamp Friday 8:24 AM 5 years 9 months ago #10

Naveed Ihsanullah wrote: Did I properly represent the details of your friends in the party list?

Yep, it looks correct for me. Let me know when you want me to send funds for the run

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LFM TDA19159084 E1 - Abyssal Swamp Friday 8:24 AM 5 years 9 months ago #11

I would be interested in running druid with you guys if you still have room. If my build isn't quite ready for nightmare, it's right on the border of it.

I am running a CoA.

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Last edit: by Ryan Schmid.

LFM TDA19159084 E1 - Abyssal Swamp Friday 8:24 AM 5 years 9 months ago #12

If the last slot is still open, I would like to join. I have 2 COA. The fighters are open. I could make that work.

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Last edit: by Bill.
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