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TOPIC: Cost?

Cost? 5 years 4 months ago #37

I don't know if it's been decided for Gen con 2019, but the sealed dungeon last year was cheaper I think and pretty much great for first time players and people that decide they don't want to jump in on token purchases.

That said, I think most people would hope for a minimal incremental increase after last year's jump.

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Cost? 5 years 4 months ago #38

Aegoce wrote: I don't know if it's been decided for Gen con 2019, but the sealed dungeon last year was cheaper I think and pretty much great for first time players and people that decide they don't want to jump in on token purchases.

That said, I think most people would hope for a minimal incremental increase after last year's jump.

I honestly was not a huge fan of Into the Viper's Pit because of the difficulty with the sealed aspect (i.e. I couldn't carry the noobs with my geared Cleric while they enjoyed the new dungeon). I mean, as a 2-3 year veteran I thought it was fun and challenging but the newbies I was with that got stoned to Medusa and died to the final boss duo had a visibly upset time. Of course there were only three of us veterans and we handed out the cards to the 7 noobs and they left all 5 memorization classes for us three. That definitely says something. Plus one puzzle was broken so they had to abandon it and another had the Kinect not working (the sand/blood puzzle) so the DM just kind of gave us the win. Push damage in the first room, so brutal I loved that lol.

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Last edit: by Flik.

Cost? 5 years 4 months ago #39

Aegoce wrote: I don't know if it's been decided for Gen con 2019, but the sealed dungeon last year was cheaper I think and pretty much great for first time players and people that decide they don't want to jump in on token purchases.

That said, I think most people would hope for a minimal incremental increase after last year's jump.

The considerably lower price tag of sealed was the primary reason my group ended up doing TD. If it hadn't been there I dunno if we would have justified jumping into an unknown game at that cost. Now a good chunk of us are good and thoroughly hooked, have already spent an unreasonable sum on tokens, volunteered for multiple cons and plan to do several runs at a couple different cons. Lower priced sealed dungeons are great for drawing in new people. XD
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Cost? 5 years 4 months ago #40

Flik wrote:

Aegoce wrote: I don't know if it's been decided for Gen con 2019, but the sealed dungeon last year was cheaper I think and pretty much great for first time players and people that decide they don't want to jump in on token purchases.

That said, I think most people would hope for a minimal incremental increase after last year's jump.

I honestly was not a huge fan of Into the Viper's Pit because of the difficulty with the sealed aspect (i.e. I couldn't carry the noobs with my geared Cleric while they enjoyed the new dungeon). I mean, as a 2-3 year veteran I thought it was fun and challenging but the newbies I was with that got stoned to Medusa and died to the final boss duo had a visibly upset time. Of course there were only three of us veterans and we handed out the cards to the 7 noobs and they left all 5 memorization classes for us three. That definitely says something. Plus one puzzle was broken so they had to abandon it and another had the Kinect not working (the sand/blood puzzle) so the DM just kind of gave us the win. Push damage in the first room, so brutal I loved that lol.

Sounds like a memorable run,
I'm torn myself about the sealed dungeon, i like the concept and cheaper price is excellent but not being able to carry even some of my gear is one reason i stayed away (maybe a rares and lower or only current year tokens? be an option?
I'm with others who started when tickets were half of what they're currently at price wise. I'm too invested to move away but i'm contemplating skipping Gen Con runs entirely at this point and just play at GHC. I've effectively lost my group due to price increase and trying to pull it off with a volunteer schedule is hurdle not easily faced at this point.
We're all the kind of people who enjoy the game on a "meta" level. We like talking about the game year-round. We buy tokens. We enjoy crafting. We get together during the off-season if we can. We are a very skewed demographic that way. -Raven

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Cost? 5 years 4 months ago #41

Picc wrote: I dont know, it's easier to boil a frog slowly..

Well there's a phrase I've never heard before....:huh:

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Cost? 5 years 4 months ago #42

Harlax wrote:

Picc wrote:

Harlax wrote:

isauteikisa wrote: After a $16 jump last year, I'd be pissed at another increase this year. Especially since GenCon appears to be financing ops at all other conventions.

I don’t know that you can conclude that. Without knowing cost of space rental, it’s all guesswork.


I think he means operations. Several people have suggested in other threads or on Facebook that Gen Con tickets are high in order to cover all the development costs of new sets and props for the year.

I've heard that as well, that Jeff's take at the cons go for props, transportation, paying staff and ect. That Jeff really only makes bank from the token and memorabilia sales. I've also have heard that Gencons take is massive and if Jeff charges the same per con for expenses and the difference is the Cons take, well $58 for Pax, $78 for GC, says a lot.

But this is all guessing so unless Jeff says otherwise, only he would know for sure.

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Cost? 5 years 4 months ago #43

The problem with the sealed runs was the tpk ratio. It's not a good time if you die.

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Cost? 5 years 4 months ago #44

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It was also the first year for sealed, I'm sure if it happens again the stats will he dialled in a bit more.

We also need to take into consideration that it takes a little while to figure out the flow of Jeff's puzzles. Even unequipped someone who knows how Jeff thinks will have an advantage over the mostly 100% fresh parties that were going through sealed this year.

I think sealed is very much worth while, we just need to work out the kinks with the difficulty. It might be as simple as making the default difficulty non leathal, or picking a dungeon where the majority of the damage lines up better with the common in print damage reduction tokens.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”

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Cost? 5 years 4 months ago #45

Nick Spry wrote: The problem with the sealed runs was the tpk ratio. It's not a good time if you die.

Tpk in the final room is almost an expectation. To succeed in the final room of a sealed run, you best have gotten lucky token draws or been on your puzzling toes the whole game. You’re also talking about Viper Pit, I recall that dungeon being rough in its original form.

Honestly I can’t think of an easy room seven other than the cosmos tree and even that one I think our particular group was just in tune with solving somehow.
Monk of the Painda Order
Bard of the College of Sick Beats

Trade thread truedungeon.com/forum?view=topic&catid=61&id=253064#406060

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Cost? 5 years 4 months ago #46

isauteikisa wrote: Especially since GenCon appears to be financing ops at all other conventions.

Do you have any facts to back up that claim?

Hint: "I remember reading it somewhere" isn't a fact, it's hearsay.
Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
Please post TDb corrections in this thread .
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Cost? 5 years 4 months ago #47

Picc wrote: It was also the first year for sealed, I'm sure if it happens again the stats will he dialled in a bit more.

We also need to take into consideration that it takes a little while to figure out the flow of Jeff's puzzles. Even unequipped someone who knows how Jeff thinks will have an advantage over the mostly 100% fresh parties that were going through sealed this year.

I think sealed is very much worth while, we just need to work out the kinks with the difficulty. It might be as simple as making the default difficulty non leathal, or picking a dungeon where the majority of the damage lines up better with the common in print damage reduction tokens.

My sealed group cleared Vipers Pit on Friday at Gen Con without losing a person (2 vets who had never done vipers pit and 8 newbs), so it was possible. What we (the other vet and I) would have absolutely loved would have been the ability to buy additional packs for the run. I totally would have picked up a set of 10 extra packs to share with everyone - it gives me a great excuse to buy and use boosters I wouldn't normally get any use out of.

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Cost? 5 years 4 months ago #48

What if I said I talked with the Kalesea and she said it was known?
Monk of the Painda Order
Bard of the College of Sick Beats

Trade thread truedungeon.com/forum?view=topic&catid=61&id=253064#406060

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