There we were, setting out once again to make our way through Odin's realm. But this time, we dedicated ourselves to breaking this endless cycle of pain we were witness to.
We were greeted once more by our friend Flaxon. As always, he seemed unaware of the fate that had befallen him so many times. He led us once more into the hall of smiths, where we quickly solved the puzzle we had been faced with countless times before. Once done, we quickly apprised him of our plan and equipped him with a +2 War Shillelagh.
We proceeded on through the shimmering green curtain to face the corrupted priest once again. Unlike previous attempts, we held nothing back, unleashing our full power against the priest. Flaxon himself landed a mighty blow, but our attempt may have been in vain if not for our monk landing a dazing blow against the priest. While the priest was still recovering, we struck again, driving him to the ground. At this point, we knew that we had finally altered fate... but could it last? Or would a future event snap it back?
We pressed onwards, facing once again the puzzle of seven. This time, with Flaxon still alive. It was at this point, that we found that Flaxon was not just a smith, but a master maker of locks. While the rest of the party was solving the puzzle before the echoing voice of the room went silent, our friend made quick work of a small chest. It held not only an unneeded clue, but also some armor that he hastily donned. To best prepare for the hazards we knew lay ahead, a party member offered additional protection, giving Flaxon his greaves and an ioun stone to protect against the powers of darkness.
We passed through another shimmering curtain, to find ourselves once again in the drinking hall. Again, Flaxon made quick work of the chest, then sat with us to drink and sing. Such a strange experience after seeing him so often trapped within the mirror.
Onwards again, where we faced the puzzle of the swords. We'd never had his help with this puzzle before, but now with him it moved quickly. All swords were placed, and the proper one was found. Flaxon held it high, and the doorway opened to us.
We faced the dreaded hellkyries, which surely would have finished our little friend if not for the earlier planning of the group. These dread beasts fell one after the other, and we readied ourselves to face the final challenge. The secret doorway opened and we passed on. But wait! I lingered near the back of the party and as the secret door closed behind us, a different Flaxon appeared from nowhere! He whispered to me that he needed to speak to our Flaxon. Such strange times. We let the Flaxons speak a moment as we moved to face the final guardian...
The beast went through its usual monologue, and we prepared ourselves. Flaxon grabbed a hammer he found lying around, yelled a word of power, and we found him holding the mighty hammer of Thor himself. This was no simple smith! Fighting alongside such a mighty warrior, we quickly ended the foul beast. The tesseract glowed once more to send us on our way, and we bade Flaxon to join us. But an ominous voice paused our friend, saying "he is now where he belongs". We passed on to our rewards, but without our friend...
How do I know this is the story of the one true Flaxon, my friends? Simple. When I awoke the next day, I went in search of the hall of smiths one last time, only to discover it was gone! The curse had been broken!