Since the forum for Gencon 2019 hasn't been put up yet, I'm submitting this suggestion here.
As of right now, at level 4, the only thing that human fighters have going for them is slightly higher strength than dwarf fighters....dwarves have more HP, as well as the caster-saving taunt ability. Human fighters tend to be picked only after the dwarf fighter has been taken, as a result. At 5th level they get a little better with the re-slide ability, but dwarves at that point also get the enhanced crit in addition to their taunt.
Suggestion for a new fighter ability to make them a more interesting choice, comparable to the dwarf, as well as address another post on this forum.
Inspiring warrior/Inspiring Veteran: (4th/5th). Once per game, When one or more party members fail a reflex, will, or fortitude save, the fighter may force a re-roll, taking the better of the two rolls. At 5th level, this changes to once per room instead of once per game.
One thing I've been reading on the forums is how disappointed groups are when "just one roll" completely wrecks the party, or takes out the only person in the room with healing spells. Rolling a 1 and having the entire party fall asleep just isn't fun, to cite an example I know happened at gencon. To me, this makes slightly more sense than having multiple rolls for individual party members (10 d20s would be crazy), and gives parties a chance to wiggle out of a potentially TPK solution. It's quick (Fighter just yells out to re-roll and it's done in about 5 seconds), and would be easy enough to work into existing mechanics.
It would also give the fighter a unique role in the party, as to my knowledge, re-rolling failed saves has only been the purview of UR figurines in the past. So while the dwarven fighter is the meat shield that protects against attacks, the human fighter would be the commander that leads attacks and protects against save-or-ouch effects.
Something interesting just happened.