This may sound like a strange request but I am looking for a very clear picture of the 50Gp Butterfly for this year's Legendary thing. The reason I ask, it's long story but here's the short version, is I am working on the Butterfly Project. I fold origami butterflies and take them to various places... hospitals, my mom's chemo center, Scout functions, local Extra Life events...etc. I am in the process of working with my tattoo artist to design a quarter sleeve of butterflies on my shoulder and down my bicep. The tattoo will consist of a couple of real world butterflies (monarch, swallow tail..), stain glass, one made of paint splatter, goth, tribal, Celtic, and steampunk. This token art is exactly what in looking for for the steampunk butterfly. If someone could help me that would be great, if not I'll find something else eventually. I really like that it is TD and it'll be fun for just a few people to know what that means. If it's a copyright issue then I'll chalk it up to a nice idea and look for something else. I tend to babble so I appreciate anyone who reads this. Thank you!