Boardgaming night at the Hampton Suites
Time: Thursday Evening, April 20th
I'm interested in organizing a night of boardgaming and general open gaming at the Hampton the Thursday before Celebration begins. Since the hotel serves a buffet breakfast in the mornings, they must have a dining area that we can use and I figured this would give people who arrive early something interesting to do that evening. If anyone is interested, this could also include some sort of group dinner beforehand at some local restaurant after which we return to the hotel for gaming. You would be welcome to participate in both, one or the other, or neither as befits your preference.
What I'm hoping to do with this post is get a tally of people who might be interested and start hashing out some of the logistics. We can list the various board and card games we have and see what interest there is so we know what to bring. Also, does anyone have suggestion for a good dinner spot in the area?
Update: 3/30/17
Okay, so it's T minus 3 weeks and I'm back to kickstart this sucker. I figure by now, people have finalized their travel plans or at least know whether they're attending for sure. I figure at this point we can put up a signup list for those who want to participate and not have it all just be mass wild guessing.
At the moment, it looks like the restaurant of choice for dinner will probably be Fat Bottom Bettys (
) which is located near both of the convention hotels. I figure the start time will be around 4:45pm for dinner which seems a little early but it'll give people 15 minutes of happy hour to booze up if they want.
There also is a Golden Corral in the area which is probably cheaper and perhaps easier for those of you won't don't care what you shovel into your maw. Normally, this would define me to a T, but Richard and Melissa flat out refuse to even venture inside a Golden Corral for fear it might contaminate them. If some of you would like to do that for dinner instead, go for it. Either restaurant looks like it's within walking distance of the two hotels.
The gaming will take place at the lounge/breakfast area of the Hampton Inn and Suites (
) They seem to have a very nice space there we can use for gaming and I'm sure quite a few people are staying there anyway. Gaming will run from whenever dinner ends, I assume 6:00 or so, and go until whenever people have had enough. I'm going to call the restaurant tomorrow and see if they take reservations so if you're interested in joining us, please comment you want in. Just to get an idea of the numbers involved, please also comment if you just want to join for the board/card gaming afterward.
As for what board/card games people are thinking of bringing or would like to play, please check the boardgame thread. We'll post up in there and get an idea of what we'll have on hand. If you have requests, pop them in there and maybe someone will have a copy of what you want to play.
So it looks like the schedule of events has changed slightly. There will now be opening ceremonies on Thursday evening at 8pm, so we're going to push back the gaming. I assume most people will want to be at TC for that and afterward we'll come back to the Hampton to game. So as it stands, dinner will still be pretty early. We can spend some time gaming afterward and then all head off to TC at around 7-7:30.
Fat Bottom Betty's
1. Henry
2. Richard
3. Melissa
4. Rob F
5. Mongo
6. Fiddy
7. Bpsy
8. Smack
Gaming at the Hampton
1. Henry
2. Richard
3. Melissa
4. Rob F
5. Mongo
6. Matt +2
9. Bpsy
10. Fiddy
11. Smack