Wade Schwendemann wrote: All,
I realize that helping me with this may actually work against your own interests,
While there's a slim possibility that you want the exact same dungeon that I want, it's also in my interests to see people get slots together with their friends, so they have a good time and TD continues to grow.
So I'll provide what assistance I can ; )
I would appreciate some advice on how best to prepare for the instant that we can hit submit on our wishlists, which I assume needs to be done as close to noon eastern as possible, correct?
Yes. Where "as close as possible" means "you hit that submit button the very *second* it hits noon."
If you can, anticipate when it's about to hit noon and start your finger on its downward motion to click the button a micro-second before that! Because 10,000 people are all gonna be hitting that button at noon, and if the system locks up under the pressure (which it does. It always does) then you might end up with the page going non-responsive, or a "bad socket / no socket available" error, or it might just crash you page.
It's gotten better in recent years - the system used to get locked up for *hours* and you had no idea if your request was even submitted. Now, once you've managed to get into the queue, it gives you a queue number, and you can watch it slowly count down, rather than spending your time button mashing and hoping one of your requests gets through.
Note: If you an have all your friends online at noon, and all submit at the same time, it increases the odds that *someone* will get a half-decent queue number.
And for reference, a number in the low 4 digits is actually a pretty good queue number.
Would it be best to put the same runs into all of our carts and hope that one of us gets them, or would it be better to put different runs at different times in, to give us a (at least theoretically) better chance of getting something?
As answered above: Duplication is better.
Put as many runs in as you can (within your 50-event limit). Overlap lots of things, since you don't have to worry about getting the 7:24 run if you successfully got the 7:12 run into your cart.
Get your friends to load all the same events, and if one of them gets the 7:12 event in their cart, and you get the 7:24 event in your cart, you can talk to each other about who should drop their run, so you don't buy duplicates.
Is it better to buy tickets all for yourself, or to use your friend's accounts as well? I suspect you want it all for you, particularly if a friend is also trying to get tickets, but just wanted to be sure.
Yep! Wishlist one ticket for "Myself" and then "one more for myself" 9 times, and click the "only get tickets if ALL are available" button. Otherwise your friend successfully getting a random event could block you out of an entire run.
I really appreciate any help the community can provide.
I hope the advice so far has been helpful.
Other quick hints & tips:
* If you need to do a reboot, or install updates, do it the night before. I've heard of people's computers choosing to randomly start downloading updates in the middle of registration, and it screws up all your plans.
* Close unnecessary programs and browser windows before noon.
* Make sure you know exactly when "noon Eastern" is for you. I realize most people are probably looking at the countdown timer and know it down to the second... but every year you still get a few people who show up an hour late to registration, and curse their clocks.
* Discuss with your friends before hand how you will coordinate once you've got your runs into your cart.
* Make sure you have your Credit Card handy to pay.
* Make sure you have the phone number for your credit card company handy, too. Sometimes you go to pay for things and the entire purchase is declined because Mastercard goes, "Woah! What are you spending $1200 on on a Sunday morning, from a company that isn't even in your state!?" and flags it as potential fraud. You may have to phone in to get the purchase cleared.
*If you don't get the runs you want, DON'T PANIC. Just re-submit your wishlist.
Often people (who are coordinating with their friends, just like you are) will throw whole runs back into the system, and 10 tickets will magically appear, where they were not available 15 minutes ago. This will go on for hours.
*Sometimes people will post on the forums that they have a full slot in their cart that they are about to toss back into the system, and you can coordinate with them to pick it up right as they drop it... especially if you both wait a couple hours, so the initial mad rush has died down.
Good luck!