Hi, I ran TD for the first time with a friend, and we had some thoughts and feedback that I'd like to pass along.
First, it was great! We had a really cool time, and were super impressed by the detail of the rooms, the designwork, the costumes, the actors, the DMs, and the puzzles and effects. Also, we were trying to meet someone before the game and were looking confused, and 3 different times TD volunteers came up to us on their own without us soliciting them directly to ask if we needed help or could do anything. It was super welcome!
We took the 101 class and our run was combat focused.
We were very nervous about playing, and the 101 class and coach and other players helped a lot, but not enough (partly because we only could get into a combat game and didn't know how "hard" it would be compared to the puzzle version).
I think the memorization/spellcraft should have examples somewhere. We were asked by the other players if we wanted to play a spellcaster, "you just have to memorize things." We both said no because we didn't know how HARD the memorization would be, and didn't have an example to judge for ourselves how comfortable we would be trying it, and certainly didn't want to be ineffective, letting down the rest of the party, or just not having fun because we weren't doing spells right.
The 101 class was great in explaining the combat system at least (they even used a slider board for an example), but if we hadn't taken the class, it wasn't really mentioned at all in the coaching session.
It is best to assume that no one has read any of the rules or taken the 101 class or been on this website, and TD is listed as no experience required on the Gencon site.
Our main "complaint" would be the system of allowing more experienced Players to pick their characters first. Has there been any thought towards another system of reward for experienced Players? We went and bought $30 of extra tokens before the run to be able to equip 1 or 2 characters of our preference. The 101 class told everyone to consider what class you would enjoy playing, but then we entered the coaching area with 8 other players who were more experienced. We knew, thanks to 101, that we would get to pick last. The other players did ask what we wanted to play, but when we answered with our preferences, we were told "Oh, 2 of us already picked those classes."
For trying to welcome new players into a game, this seems to be the opposite of what TD should be angling for. Instead of offering the entire range with explanations like, "Hello new players, what type of character would you like to play? Barbarians are straightforward, while wizards are challenging but I can quickly explain how they are fun to play, etc." It seems to me that more experienced players will both be able to spec out their characters with better gear for MULTIPLE classes, not necessarily their first pick, and should be trying to make new players as comfortable and excited as possible.
The other players did have gear to help us spec out our characters, but we had bought a few extra tokens beforehand with the hope of playing 1 class, with 1 backup class if we didn't get the first choice. We got neither of our choices.
I think that the 101 AND website should emphasize that it is unlikely you will get your first choice of class in a mixed experience group, and spend more time on explaining on how to play all different characters (especially in the 101 class), as otherwise it negates new players from making any decisions about your class, your role in the party, finding proper tokens, or the like. The only nod towards beginning players is that we could veto difficulty.
Another thing was the gear allocation. I know things are somewhat balanced since most players are running 4th level characters, but I was looking forward to the teamwork of "everyone get 10 random tokens, work together to try to best equip your party." Instead we personally drew some tokens that were applicable, our prebought class-specific tokens that weren't usable due to not getting our class choice, and a group of experienced players whose characters were equipped in nearly every slot. Then they immediately went about equipping their characters while the 2 of us were sitting there not even sure what items we should be using, or were allowed to use.
I have been thinking of some way to control this, I saw mention on the boards of limited token use by choice by some players, that was something I thought of myself, like maybe a limit on the number of tokens you could place on a token mat if you were running a TD on Normal, or a limit on the rarity of tokens if you were running Normal.
I know that some of our experiences were very subjective and arbitrary, and a few of our other players were very helpful and welcoming with good tips, suggestions, and equipment loans. But if those helpful players had not been in our group, I don't know if we would have wanted to come back to play again. The run itself was very fun and exciting and properly stressful, and was over too quick!
We look forward to playing again next year, and hope to hear some ideas about our feedback.