I sorely, sorely regret not frequenting the design discussion on this. The changes are not conducive to the way the class is generally intended to be played. It can be adjusted for via tokens, but it feels
First the Positives. I like the Song of Support special power. That gives a little versatility to the idea of Bardsong. I can either help with the attack, or help with the defense. As a bard is a jack-of-all-trades support class, this works really well mechanically and thematically. I also REALLY like the Enhance Bardsong spell. That is a fantastic change for the treasure finding spell. Big thumbs up there.
Considering everything else is pretty much the same, that is unfortunately the end of the positives.
My biggest complaint is the removal of Soothe Wounds and Soundburst, while keeping Inspire and adding a new spell, Taunt, that is completely against the best interests of the concept of the bard as a whole.
Inspire, while a fine spell considering it affects the entire party, is not as useful in the dungeon as having Soundburst or Soothe Wounds. While the removal of status affects is certainly a plus, in this instance Inspire should have been dropped for the Enhance Bardsong spell. The spell is far too specific, as to feel like a common token. Maybe this would come in handy for True Grind, but for general purpose it is practically useless considering the scarcity with which Charm, Fear, and Hold effects occur.
Taunt is garbage for a bard. Maybe it fits thematically, but from the bigger bard picture this is the worst thing for the party as a whole. The bard is providing an incredible bonus to the ENTIRE party for hit and damage. Why would the bard EVER want to take one for the team and risk those bonuses for the rest of the combat? The bard is not the tank for the group, nor should they ever take on that position for even one round. The bard should be avoiding getting hit, and when they are not able to wear the best AC items, have pretty soft HP totals, can really only mitigate this by wearing a Cloak of Shadowskin, not to mention that the Dwarf Fighter can already Taunt on command, the sum of the parts to make Taunt work for a bard makes Taunt a garbage spell, far less useful to the party than Soothe Wounds and infinitely less useful to the bard as Soundburst.
As it stands, the only 2nd level spell I would ever cast as a Troubadour is Enhance Bardsong, just like in the previous Troubadour when the only 2nd level spell I would ever cast is the treasure finding spell. There is no hard choice here. If the other two spells were Soothe Wounds and Soundburst, however, then I have a hard choice to make as I play through the dungeon. Do I hit all the monsters for 8 points of damage? Do I give everyone 3 HP of healing? Do I bump my Bardsong? All three of those are tough choices, because all three do something for the ENTIRE party, and with two spell slots at least one of those choices will not be used. So really the balance in the design is in making that "at least one" unused choice a difficult one to give up by making all the options compete with each other. Inspire just isn't as strong a competitor compared to Soothe Wounds, Soundburst, and Enhance Bardsong, and Taunt isn't even in the same league given its anti-help-the-party strategy of risking the Bardsong bonus.
My minor grief is over the Song of Support being heavy-handed with it NEVER EVER EVER being altered or augmented by a Bardsong instrument, and that it can NEVER EVER EVER be performed with Bardsong in the same round. Struck me as a bit too future-proofed, because what if there were a future legendary token that did allow for one or both situations to occur? Since I went through the process of getting the RoSP, I'd likely be interested in going through the process of obtaining a token that helps the Song of Support power, but I also know that since the class isn't available to the general public that such a token wouldn't appear in the usual annual collection. Meaning there is opportunity here for future options of token pursuit, yet the card seems to shut that opportunity down completely.
Last bit is a typo on the back of the card, which I believe I brought up elsewhere. Shout is described on the back, yet no Shout is found on the front.
I have no idea how this could be helpful, considering the cards are printed and done, but I felt I needed to give my feedback after playing the class this year. Maybe it helps, maybe not. Thanks!
Avatar Image by Graven, 2015. Thanks, Graven!