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TOPIC: True Grind Prep Material??

True Grind Prep Material?? 8 years 6 months ago #1

I have never attempted a Grind before, but have wanted to for the last few years. I was able to snag a ticket during event registration. I was sent a pregenerated email ...

Please write [Name of GM] at [GM's email address] to receive prep material needed to be ready to play. Preparation for this event is essential.

So I sent an email back in May, but I haven't received an email back. Am I being impatient, or should I start worrying (ok, I actually started worrying over a month ago!)?

I mean, "Preparation for this event is essential!!" I want to be fully prepped! I want to have a successful run!!

I know there are differences between a Grind and the dungeon crawls, and I've learned what a few of those are (no skill tests in TG) just by following conversations here on the forums. I just don't want to make any big mistakes due to misconceptions or lack of ... well, preparation.

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Last edit: by Angela Small.

True Grind Prep Material?? 8 years 6 months ago #2


Don't panic unless you have forgotten your towel!

Grind is just non-stop combat. Once encounter leads to the next and your goal is to survive.

The most important prep is within the group (if you can find out the other 9 ticket holders). You should search for your ticket event ID here to see if there is already a thread started for your event.

Class coordination is the first prep exercise.

If you can't locate the other ticket holders then I would suggest having your build (preferably all classes you can play) printed out when you arrive at the event.

Within each class know your class and have any consumables you plan on using readily available (healing, damage, buffing scrolls/potions).

But most importantly have fun!

Useful Links:
TD Character Creator
Amorgen's Excel Char Gen Tool
Token DataBase
Talking TD Podcast

TD Accomplishments:
Member of the first team to survive Epic True Grind
1st Solo NM as Poly Druid
Proud member of Gas Station Sushi
Don't Nerf Our Tokens!

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Last edit: by MasterED.

True Grind Prep Material?? 8 years 6 months ago #3

Incognito has been more absent from the forums lately it seems, so I imagine life is happening.

Ed is right, finding your group (if possible) is the first thing I always attempt to do for grinds. Figuring out what classes everyone wants to play and what tokens we might be able to help each other out with.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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True Grind Prep Material?? 8 years 6 months ago #4

Half the grind group has been found .. we're the ones were 4/5 of us want to play the same class :blink: and it seems the other half hasn't found their way to the forums.

What I know about TG

It's 1.5 hours long

It's combat after combat after combat after... (I'm not really sure how many monsters/combats there are)

Incognito (I think) mentioned there are no skill tests

Raven mentioned in a post there may be RP ways to get around combat (throwing turkey legs to a hungry monster)

Kirk, in his newbie TD thread, suggested bringing 10-20 consumables

There may be environmental or status effects that otherwise may not be seen in either of the same year's dungeon crawls

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True Grind Prep Material?? 8 years 6 months ago #5

  • Raven
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Angela Small wrote: So I sent an email back in May, but I haven't received an email back. Am I being impatient, or should I start worrying (ok, I actually started worrying over a month ago!)?

Hi Angela - I also sent Incognito an email back in May, and I haven't yet heard back from him... and I'm one of his DMs! This is not uncommon. He has a real life, and it keeps him busy. Soon now, he'll reappear and launch into a flurry of emails and coordination.

Soon. Anytime. Yep. (checks watch)

What other have said is pretty accurate. The instructions for Grind usually involves preparation like:

* Go to the forums. Find the rest of your team if you can.
* Figure out your classes & stats. It'll save time in Coaching.
* Please come early to Coaching (30 min early if possible)
* Be aware that Grind gives +1HP if you come with pre-made stats, and another +1HP if you bring a list of all your equipment which we can keep (ie, bring a print-out. Showing us the equipment on your phone doesn't count, unless we get to keep your phone.)
* Re-read the 'Environmental Rules' from previous years. Grind often uses conditions (and tokens!) from previous events (We've had underwater combat, sandstorms, cold-weather rules, etc) - I think Eric had a file summarizing most of those rules, which he used to hand out... but most of the info is also in the Underwater Rules and DM guide under the Resources tab, above.

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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True Grind Prep Material?? 8 years 6 months ago #6

All true statements but many you can't prepare for just react to.

Useful Links:
TD Character Creator
Amorgen's Excel Char Gen Tool
Token DataBase
Talking TD Podcast

TD Accomplishments:
Member of the first team to survive Epic True Grind
1st Solo NM as Poly Druid
Proud member of Gas Station Sushi
Don't Nerf Our Tokens!

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True Grind Prep Material?? 8 years 6 months ago #7

Raven wrote: ...most of the info is also in the Underwater Rules and DM guide under the Resources tab, above.

Thanks Raven! B)

*darts off to read stuff...*

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True Grind Prep Material?? 8 years 6 months ago #8

Raven wrote: Grind gives +1HP if you come with pre-made stats, and another +1HP if you bring a list of all your equipment which we can keep (ie, bring a print-out. Showing us the equipment on your phone doesn't count, unless we get to keep your phone.)

If you let me keep your phone, I will give you 50 extra HP!
I'm a CC, I can totally do that.
There's nothing inappropriate about it.
At all.

Raven wrote: Re-read the 'Environmental Rules' from previous years.

Incognito wrote: The 2015 Grind Environmental Rules Compilation can be found here:

Live long and prosper

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True Grind Prep Material?? 8 years 6 months ago #9

Can I trade in this phone, Druegar??

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Last edit: by binia.

True Grind Prep Material?? 8 years 6 months ago #10


But you're not getting 50 HP for it... :evil:
Live long and prosper

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True Grind Prep Material?? 8 years 6 months ago #11

Raven wrote: * Be aware that Grind gives +1HP if you come with pre-made stats, and another +1HP if you bring a list of all your equipment which we can keep (ie, bring a print-out. Showing us the equipment on your phone doesn't count, unless we get to keep your phone.)

What constitutes a list of all equipment? Would it be like the character sheet print out from Amorgen's spreadsheet?

Or would it also need to include slotless/consumables that wouldn't normally go on a character sheet (e.g. Censer of Sacrifice, 10x Scroll Cure Moderate Wounds, Scepter of the Dead, etc.)

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True Grind Prep Material?? 8 years 6 months ago #12

Are the equipment rules for Grind the same as TD?

For example do you need to equip Goggles of Seeing or Ring of the Deep for the entire adventure?

Or can you substitute in such tokens as conditions require?

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