Auction rules:
In order for the auction to be successful, the grand total of all bids above the minimums must meet or exceed $8,000. If the auction fails to meet the minimum by the deadline, I may choose to go extend bidding (possibly with augmentation), fund at the lower amount or end the auction.
- Bids are sent to me via PM (Forum PM, no Discord messages please)
- Bid increment on items less than $100: $1.00
- Bid increment on items greater than or equal to $100: $5.00
- You can "Buy It Out!" by simply requesting it; funds are collected when the auction is full and complete, not before. Using "Buy it Out!" removes that item from any additional bidding eligibility, and overrides any current winning bids.
- In the event that multiple bidders all bid the same highest amount, the earliest bid will win it.
- if your final total when the auction funds is over $1,000, I'll buy you a dozen cookies from Burke's Bakery (
This auction style rewards early bidding, as you win ties and people must raise the bid by at least the bid increment to take it from you. Since the price is set by the 2nd highest bidder, you may enter your top bid initially and never overpay.
If funding is achieved before the deadline, the auction will end when the sum total of bids and "Buy It Out!" actions meet or exceed the funding threshold. For example, if the auction is at $7,998 of the targeted $8,000 and you raise the bids on two items by $5 each, only the first item's bid will be counted as this meets or exceeds the auction target. So! Put your most desired items at the top of your list!
Any last-minute changes in high bidders will not extend the auction.
- please use PayPal friends and family or Zelle
- if you must use PayPal goods & services, you are required to cover any fees
- shipping is via USPS.
-- 0-100 tokens is $10
-- 100+ tokens is $20
-- insurance, while optional, is strongly suggested and will adjust the price of shipping if the value is over $100
-- OPTIONAL: I can hold your tokens and bring them to Origins, Gen Con, or Gamehole Con
-- EXTRA: if you want/need to pay with another form (ex: Cash, money order, etc) please discuss with me first
- Once invoiced via forum PM, you have 48 hours to pay for your items
- if you don't, can't, or won't pay for an item it will go to the next-highest bidder
- if this results in the auction dipping below funding levels, I reserve the right to re-open that item for bidding or to cancel the auction entirely if necessary, delivering refunds as soon as functionally possible
This auction will run through midnight EST (9pm PST) on Sunday, March 30th. If we fund sooner than that, the auction will close immediately and invoicing will commence!
What am I keeping? Nothing, really, if possible - I've put initial bids on a few items but will not be bidding after this opens to the public. When the auction funds, if an item has no bids at all despite the auction funding, I will keep that item. However, see the TWEAKS below as I will be using the "Buy It Out!" once every 48 hours to help move things along.
Just like last time, I have some initial bids on a handful of items. I'm using the name
Magneto this time around, and I will not be re-bidding on ANYTHING after I post the auction for public bidding.
... BUT!
Every 48 hours, I'm going to "Buy It Out!" on a random item. This item will not be from the "big" items found in "SPECIAL STUFF" or "MARKS AND RINGS", and I will be asking for a volunteer in Discord to screen share with me and roll some digital dice via Google (or some other digital die roller that we agree upon) so ensure that this is an unbiased action.
If there's something you want, I encourage you to buy early and help fund this community effort!
And - if all of Magneto's (my) bids are defeated WITHOUT me doing the above 48-hour random buyout on any of those items, I'll add some things from my personal trove of gaming stuffs.