In honor of this mischievous holiday I'd like to start the next phase of this ACS benefit auction off with a little fun...
Between now and 9:00AM Mountain time tomorrow, I will auction off your choice of a "Trick Bag" or a "Treat Bag". All of the funds raised for these bags will go 100% to the American Cancer Society.
How it works:
There are two token bags going into the auction. You can bid on one or the other. The contents are a mystery. (But they will have items worth your bid) And this is for charity so it's about GIVING right? :wink:
At 9:00 AM MDT tomorrow (Tuesday) morning whoever bids the most will get to choose if they want to open the Trick bag or the Treat bag and will win its contents. Ties will be determined by who ever placed the earliest bid of the two "winners."
It's a little bit scary and...yes, tense not knowing what you are bidding on. Could it be a trick? Or...could it be a treat? Who knows! BUT, one thing we do know, is that it's for charity and you still walk away with a few goodies.
Same rules as the auction above so give it a fun shot and let's see how much money we can raise!
Now, this will begin phase 2 of this auction were, periodically we will have fun little side auctions in which 100% of the proceeds go to the ACS. It is a season of TD-giving Afterall. I am seeking fine folk who are willing to donate tokens to this effort. And, if you have a creative way to auction them off (such as what we are doing today) then please PM me. Thank you for all you can do and for joining together into giving to a great cause!
Use the ACS TD Gives auction here to see the auction guidelines:
Trick Bag - $155
Treat Bag - $180
On the bags. I know it's a bit confusing but it's if you have the highest bid between the two bags you win the auction and you get to choose which bag you want to open. (not both). You can bid on one bag or both but you can only win 1 bag.