Auction Rules
In order for the auction to be successful, the grand total of all bids must meet or exceed $7500. If the auction fails to meet the minimum, I may choose to go forward or call the whole thing off.
How bidding works:
◦ Bids should be sent to me via PM
◦ The winning bid is the lesser of the 2nd highest bid + the bid increment and the highest bid.
◦ You must bid at least the current bid + the bid increment.
◦ Bid increment on items less than $10: $0.25
◦ Bid increment on items greater than or equal to $10 and less than $50: $1
◦ Bid increment on items greater than or equal to $50: $5
Once your bid is received I will send you a PM confirming it and your pseudonym. I will regularly update the auction with currently winning bids.
This auction rewards early bidding. If multiple bidders bid the same amount, the earliest bids win. Because the winning bid is set by the second-highest bidder, you can enter your top bid initially and never overpay.
Bidding ends on Sunday, April 25th at 9PM EST / 6PM PST, or immediately as soon as we reach the necessary threshold, however:
◦ If there are technical difficulties with TD forums within 1 hour of the end auction time all open items will be extended 24 hours, open to all bidders.
◦ If a new highest bid is placed on an item within 1 hour of the end auction time the bidding on those item(s) will be extended 24 hours, open to all bidders.
Payment is required through PayPal via friends and family. All winning bids will have 48 hours after close of auction to provide payment. Any unpaid item(s) after allowed time will defer their winning bid and the next highest bidder will be offered the item at their maximum bid price of the item(s).
Shipping (domestic):
◦ $5 for 10 or fewer tokens
◦ $8 for 11 to 150 tokens
◦ $16 for over 150 tokens
International shipping will be actual cost.
All items will ship within 2 weeks of receiving the tokens from True Dungeon.
Please reach out to me via PM with any questions or concerns.
I’ve added a platinum at the end to augment for the lack of early 8k purchases, some more may be added if we get close and I want to push things over the edge.
Feel free to bid on any number of items for which there are multiples available, your bid will always apply to the cheapest items.
Current Total: $7,510.25 of $7,500.00 (100.14%)
Ending on Sunday, April 25 at 9PM EST / 6PM PST
last updated on Sunday, Apr 11 at 5:25 PM EST / 2:25 PM PST
7th Tooth of Cavadar (4) - $10.00 Foxtrot
7th Tooth of Cavadar (3) - $11.00 Sierra
7th Tooth of Cavadar (1) - $11.00 Bravo
Tankard of Celebration (7) - $3.25 November
Tankard of Celebration (1) - $3.25 Quebec
Orb of Dragonkind (Ancient) (1) - $255.00 India
Wish Ring (1) - $195.00 Lima
Patron Pin (1) - $132.00 Papa
AG Button (3) - $1.00 November
AG Button (1) - $1.25 Amsterdam
Goggles of Ethereal Vision (4) - $0.50 Kilo
PYP 1 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 2 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 3 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 4 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 5 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 6 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 7 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 8 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 9 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 10 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 11 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 12 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 13 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 14 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 15 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 16 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 17 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 18 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 19 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 20 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 21 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 22 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 23 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 24 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 25 - $122.00 Foxtrot
PYP 26 - $122.00 Lima
PYP 27 - $122.00 Baltimore
PYP 28 - $122.00 Baltimore
PYP 29 - $122.00 Baltimore
PYP 30 - $122.00 Baltimore
PYP 31 - $122.00 Baltimore
PYP 32 - $122.00 Baltimore
PYP 33 - $122.00 Baltimore
PYP 34 - $127.00 Charlie
Alchemist's Ink (6) - $5.50 Mike
Alchemist's Ink (10) - $5.50 Romeo
Alchemist's Ink (21) - $5.50 Baltimore
Alchemist's Parchment (5) - $3.00 Bravo
Alchemist's Parchment (10) - $3.00 Lima
Alchemist's Parchment (20) - $3.00 Mike
Alchemist's Parchment (14) - $3.00 Alpha
Alchemist's Parchment (4) - $3.25 Echo
Aragonite (2) - $22.00 Kilo
Aragonite (5) - $23.00 Lima
Aragonite (2) - $23.00 Mike
Aragonite (1) - $23.00 Whiskey
Darkwood Plank (10) - $0.75 Bravo
Darkwood Plank (52) - $0.75 X-Ray
Darkwood Plank (5) - $1.00 Bravo
Darkwood Plank (50) - $1.00 Edison
Dwarven Steel (20) - $3.75 Lima
Dwarven Steel (10) - $3.75 Mike
Dwarven Steel (8) - $3.75 Victor
Dwarven Steel (10) - $3.75 Zulu
Dwarven Steel (16) - $3.75 Sierra
Elven Bismuth (4) - $11.00 Kilo
Elven Bismuth (4) - $11.00 Lima
Elven Bismuth (4) - $11.00 Edison
Enchanter's Munition (20) - $1.25 Alpha
Minotaur Hide (15) - $1.75 Quebec
Minotaur Hide (10) - $1.75 Zulu
Minotaur Hide (5) - $1.75 Baltimore
Minotaur Hide (5) - $2.00 Echo
Minotaur Hide (5) - $2.00 Sierra
Mystic Silk (20) - $1.25 Lima
Mystic Silk (10) - $1.25 Quebec
Mystic Silk (4) - $1.25 Echo
Mystic Silk (68) - $1.25 Baltimore
Mystic Silk (10) - $1.50 Sierra
Oil of Enchantment (2) - $10.00 Bravo
Oil of Enchantment (3) - $10.00 Oscar
Oil of Enchantment (6) - $11.00 Edison
Oil of Enchantment (1) - $11.00 Sierra
Philosopher's Stone (70) - $3.75 X-Ray
Philosopher's Stone (10) - $4.00 Casablanca
Philosopher's Stone (4) - $4.00 Echo
Philosopher's Stone (50) - $4.00 Baltimore
1k GP (10) - $13.00 Delta
1k GP (5) - $13.00 Quebec
1k GP (4) - $13.00 Uniform
1k GP (4) - $13.00 Whiskey
1k GP (4) - $13.00 Amsterdam
1k GP (10) - $13.00 Lima
1k GP (7) - $13.00 Romeo
Potion of Condensed Healing (7) - $1.00 November
Potion of Condensed Healing (10) - $1.25 Echo
Ioun Stone Platinum Nugget (1) - $117.00 Edison