Raven wrote: [quote="valetutto" post=233639stranger: "but she left her tokens..."
ME: "yeah she does that. They are yours if you want them."
stranger: "Really?"
ME: "for real, she's nice like that."
another stranger: "she doesn't need them?"
ME: "not really she's got one of everything"
another stranger: *gasp*
ME : *Chuckle*
I'm glad that the tokens made someone else happy!
Seriously tho, I don't actually have one of everything. I'm a player, not a collector, so I just have 1 of everything
that I use in my builds. No Wizard tokens, no Druid stuff, Minimal Fighter gear (tho I help my friend Fox collect tokens for his Fighter build.)
Been trying to collect for Pali recently, though, since it looks like I'll be in charge of Guarding the Wizard again on one of my 5-man runs next year.
Hrrrm. Maybe I should try playing Plinko again, to get some useable Pali gear
Yeah I know but it added to the mystery and intrigue.
You should hear the stories I tell about other folks...
See that guy over there(pointing to Lazlo), he rents an 18wheeler just to bring his tokens to gencon every year and that guy over there(points to smak) I hear he rents an apartment just for his token.
Sweet a combat room, we won't take damage!