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TOPIC: Howdy howdy, hope everyone had a great TD

Howdy howdy, hope everyone had a great TD 9 years 4 months ago #1


I am a third year coach and I want to apologize to everyone for any and all mistakes that I had made this year. I was informed that I missed recording a person playing as a fighter on one group... heh. Oops. I was also informed that potions that had no set duration is defaulted to 'lasts until end of room'. Whoops. Even though I do my best to read up and study all of the rules and tokens, I am not perfect. I really did enjoy doing my best this year, although the back-to-back shifts really did kick my tail. I do want to note that I would love to spend more time discussing TD and introducing TD to new folks, but I have to hurry with the party cards with the short amount of time that we have and a lot of times, I end up with no time to spend with the party before allowing the training coach to move them along.
I have to thank my Coach Coordinators (Druegar* and Will) and the Coach Assists, them and the radios were a great boon in requesting help when i couldn't finish the party cards in time. I enjoyed the conversation with Don (awesome training coach) and meeting with Raven and many others that I have not gotten their names.
I look forward for next year, but I worry that I may not be able to get the time off due to (hopefully) acquiring a new job. I encourage everyone to toss their suggestions and comments so we can attempt to improve on the entire process of TD.
Volunteer Player Coach for a bunch of years... missed two years of Gencon, but back for more this year! And as a Puzzle DM too. o.O

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Last edit: by dbradical. Reason: *Edited by moderator at reqest
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