My original build was a max damage build. Would have been totally trounced by the boss in Underdark, and surely would have been offed by the SG spider.
Changed it up to a combo build (pun intended for any of my DMs, NPCs, and bluehands
). I gave up some immunities and damage to put AC at what I felt was enough to be at the "hopefully" safe level.
Re consumables: For the first run, my Drunken Master ate some shrooms including one for one battle (Stoned Master?), and which was much needed after the salamander.
For the second, I found my Dwarven Pilsners and celebrated surviving the room (also being in theme with the Drunken Master, although I didn't have another voucher for the second run).
Used stat enhancing potions as needed.
1 oil used against "Rick", since I was concerned about miss chances on him limiting my chances of defeating him before time was up.
Runestones. First time ever I used my Runestone fitting bases.
Winner of a Ring of Focus (that is now a Relsa's Ring of Focus) at Raven's awesome pickpocketing event at TD Tavern in 2008.