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HOTEL 9 years 1 month ago #1

Through a turn of poor luck, I had my leave request denied because of the horrible timing of Gen Con and my work. A friend and I are going but now I've left him alone for the first two days of the con. Would anyone have any room in their hotel for 1 guest for all 4 days and a second for Friday and Saturday. I know this is late and a shot in the dark but here is hoping.
Proud member Dungeon Delver's Anonymous.

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Re: HOTEL 9 years 1 month ago #2

  • Picc
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We could accommodate, we have a B&B totally booked but have an extra room due to a last minute cancellation, its about 30 minutes away by foot, 7$ & 5 minutes by cab, comes with a parking space and breakfast included. We normally split the cab in for 9am, pm me if your interested.

Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

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